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1、(精品)小升初英语单项选择题100题精选(含答案和详细讲解)!小升初联考英语精品单项选择题100题( )1.Its cold today. You must _the coat.A. take offB. put onC. take downD. put in( )2.I have two pencils. One is green, and _is red.A. oneB. otherC. the otherD. others( )3.How many eggs _in the bag?A. hasB. haveC. is thereD. are there( )4._me, please.

2、A. ListenB. sayC. Listen toD. talk( )5.-_day is tomorrow? -Its Tuesday.A. WhoseB. WhatC. WhichD. When( )6.Would you like _tea?A. someB. aC. anyD. many( )7._morning she gets up at six.A. Every dayB. On everyC. In everyD. Every( )8.Dont _late next time!A. isB. areC. beD./( )9.Oh, its _. How are you?A.

3、 youB. yourC. yoursD. he( )10.Mary doesnt _her homework after lunch.A. doesB./C. doD. doing( )11.-How do you _Tuesday? -Er, T-U-E-S-D-A-Y.A. sayB. speakC. talkD. spell( )12.Write _ your exercise-books.A. down it inB. it down inC. down it onD. it down on( )13.The shop_ Closed.A. writesB. talksC. says

4、D. speaks( )14.My favourite school days _Friday and Saturday.A. isB. amC. areD. be( )15.Do you have any coloure pens?Sorry, I dont have_. I think he has_.A. any, anyB. some, someC. some, anyD. any, some( )16.Where is London? Its in_.A. AmericaB. JapanC. EnglishD. England( )17.Are they from _?A. Aust

5、ralianB. EnglishC. AmericanD. Canada( )18.One of my _from Hangzhou.A. friends areB. friend isC. friends isD. friend are ( )19.You can _she likes bananas a lot.A. lookB. watchC. seeD. to see( )20.You are a teacher. What about _?A. sheB. Li Pin brotherC. herD. your( )21.There_much_ on the table.A. is,

6、 breadB. is, breadsC. are, breadD. are, breads ( )22.What _his friends _doing?A. do, likesB. does, likeC. do, likeD. does, likes ( )23.His son goes to a different school_.A. to hisB. from himC. from heD. from his( )24.One of the boys is English. All _are Chinese.A. the others boyB. the other boyC. t

7、he other boysD. other boys( )25.I cant _ the words(单词).They are too small.A. lookB. seeC. watchD. say( )26._Alices brother.A. HisB. HesC. HerD. Shes( )27.The map _China is _the wall.A. on.ofB. of.onC. of.inD. of.at( )28.Some postcards _in the box.A. isB. areC. there isD. there are( )29.Mr John is wo

8、rking _Jack.A. withB. toC. atD. and( )30.Our teacher often talks _ us _ English.A. to.onB. with.onC. with.inD. to.at( )31.Who_hard in your class?A. worksB. studysC. workingD. studying( )32.Its very nice _meet you.A. toB. forC. ofD./( )33.Is the blue cup yours _ mine?A. andB. butC. forD. or( )34._are

9、 good friends.A. Mike and I BI and Mike C. Mike and me D. Me and Mike ( )35.Its _bus.A. redsB. greenC. a blueD. yellow a( )36.Are _here today?A. all weB. all of weC. we allD. all of boys( )37.Could I have_?A. full oneB. a full onesC. full one bottleD. a full one( )38.Please give _ a bottle of_.A. me

10、.orangesB. she.orangeC. him.orangeD. her.oranges( )39.I want to put _in the basket.A. this thingsB. these thingsC. that thingsD. those thing( )40.The car is _full _ move.A. too.tooB. to.tooC. too.toD. to.to( )41.Jim, please come_.A. thereB. to hereC. to homeD. here( )42.Its time to _games. We all li

11、ke _ games.A. playing.playingB. play.playC. playing.playD. play.playing( )43.Let_. He must go to school.A. he goB. him goC. he to goD. him to go ( )44.Id like _ a cup of tea.A. to eatB. to drinkC. eatD. drink( )45.-Thanks very much.-_.A. No thanksB. All rightC. Youre welcomeD. you, too ( )46.Linlin,

12、 whats that _ English?A. inB. atC. forD. with( )47.Can he _a bike?A. to rideB. ridesC. ridingD. ride( )48._are they? They are at home.A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. Where( )49.She often gets _ late.A. to homeB. homeC. to hereD. to there( )50.I go to school _bike every day.A. in theB. on myC. by theD. by my(

13、)51.School_over at four in the afternoon.A. areB. beC. isD./( )52.On_way to school she often helps the old man.A. hisB. sheC. myD. her ( )53.Dont_late for class.A. to beB./C. cantD. be( )54.What time _you and Jim _up?A. does.getB. do.getsC. does.getsD. do.get ( )55.He is _ us. We all like him.A. fri

14、endB. friendlyC. friend toD. friendly to( )56.There_only bread and rice. We must go to buy some meat.A. areB. isC. beD. have( )57.Linlin, get the _basket!A. shopB. shopingC. shoppingD. big shoping( )58._is this pen?A. How muchB. How manyC. WhatD. Whos( )59.He doesnt want to _late for school.A. isB.

15、doesC. beD. goes( )60.The first class _at eight oclock.A. beginB. is beginningC. beginningD. begins( )61.Miss Gao _lunch at school.A. has, notB. doesnt, hasC. dont, hasD. doesnt, have ( )62.She can _ a little Japanese.A. speakB. sayC. speaksD. says( )63._bread would you like?A. ManyB. MuchC. How man

16、yD. How much ( )64.There are _old men over there.A. anB. muchC. a lotD. a lot of( )65.I often buy something to eat on my way_.A. schoolB. to schoolC. to homeD. to shop( )66.Is this _ watch? Yes, its_.A. your, mineB. yours, mineC. yours, myD. your, my( )67.Let him _the kite.A. to flyB. flyingC. flies

17、D. fly( )68.I have _to do.A. many, workB. much, worksC. much, workD. many, works ( )69.She is _English girl.A. aB. anC. theD./( )70.How old _you? I _ten.A. are.isB. is.amC. are.amD. am.are( )71.Whats that?_.A. It is deskB. It is a deskC. This is deskD. That is a desk( )72.-What does your father do?-

18、_.A. workB. docterC. He is workingD. Hes a worker( )73._. Are you Miss Sue? _,Im mot.A. Sorry, Excuse meB. Excuse me, SorryC. Sorry, SorryD. Excuse me.Excuse me ( )74._? Im in Class Three.A. Are you in Class ThreeB. What class you are in?C. What class are you inD. in what class( )75.These are_.A. an

19、 eggB. a eggC. their eggD. eggs( )76.Im in_.A. Class Three, Grade TwoB. Grade Two, Class ThreeC. class three, grade twoD. grade two, class three( )77.Is this _ ruler?A. heB. hisC. youD./( )78.Sorry, I _ know.A. am notB. amC. doD. do not( )79.Is this a car? No, _.A. it isntB. it isC. itsD. this is no

20、t( )80._old_she?A. What.isB. What.areC. How.isD. How.are( )81.This is a bird. _ name is Polly.A. ItsB. ItsC. itsD. It( )82._this?This is Wang Lin.A. Who isB. Who areC. What isD. What are( )83.Is this a _pencil-box?A. sheB. herC. yourD./( )84.They are_.A.banana treeB.banana treesC.bananas treeD.banan

21、as trees( )85.-Is the ship _ now?-No, its_.A. open, closeB. open, closedC. opened, closedD. opened, close( )86.Is this _ruler or _ eraser?A. an.aB. a.anC. a.aD. an.an( )87.Are these _ boxes?A. youB.IC. meD. your ( )88._everyone here?A. IsB. AreC. AmD./( )89.There arent many people in the shop _Monda

22、ys.A. inB. onC. atD. by( )90._she have breakfast at school?A. DoB. HasC. DoesD. Is( )91.Look, the boy _ near the house.A. is sitingB. sitC. sitsD. is sitting ( )92.Where_your father_?A. does, fromB. come, fromC. are, fromD. is, from ( )93.Would you give _ to me, please?A. themB. theyC. theirD. theyr

23、e( )94.Do you like _ basketball?A. playB. playingC. playsD. is playing ( )95.Her sister _ Japanese at school.A. studyB. studyingC. studiesD. is study( )96.Does Wang Kai go to bed _ten in the evening?A. atB. inC. forD. on( )97.T om_every morning.A. cleans his bikeB. cleans bikeC. clean a bikeD. clean

24、 bike( )98.Its time _ morning exercises.A. doB. doesC. to doD. doing( )99.Do you want to _ English with me?A. askB. speakC. talkD. say( )100.Who_your good friend?A. amB. areC. isD. doesKeys and explanations:1.B 天气冷,应该穿上衣服。Put on “穿上”。2.C onethe other “一个。另一个。”其总数只有两个。3.D eggs是复数,此处用there be句型“are th

25、ere”。4.C Listen to 听。;Look at 看。5.B 星期几用What day?来提问。6. A 以情态动词Would开头的问句,some不变。7.D Every morning前不用加介词。8.C “Dont +动词原形”构成祈使句的否定形式。9.A you宾格“你”。10.C doesnt + 动词原形。11.D spell“拼写”。12.D write down动副词组,代词放在中间;写在本子上用介词on.13.C 商店有个公示牌上的告示内容,用say.14.C days是复数,用be动词are.15.D some用在肯定句;any用在否定句和一般疑问句。16.D Lo

26、ndon“伦敦”在英国“England”。17.D Canada “加拿大”是一个国家。18.C One of my friends“我的朋友们中的一个”,单数用is.19.C see“看见,明白”。20.C What about + 宾格。She的宾格是her.21.A much bread是不可数名词,be动词用is.22.B 借does还原动词like.23.B from “从。”后面接宾格him.24.C All the other boys“所有其他的男生”用复数形式。25.B see“看见”指看的结果。26. B Hes = He is “他是。”因为brother 是男生。27.

27、B The map of China “中国地图”;on the w all “在墙上”。28.B Some post cards是复数,后用are.29.A with“和。一起”,表示一种合作关系。30.C talk with “和。交谈”;in English “用英语”。31.A Who是第三人称单数,works和studies都可以。32.A Nice to meet you!与本题结构相同。33.D 选择疑问句,用or连接两个选择答案。34.A Mike and I 自己放后面以示尊重别人,都用主格。35.C a blue bus“一辆蓝色的公共汽车”。36.D all of boy

28、s或all of us都是正确地答案。37.D one是代词,代表一个单数的东西。38.C give him 动词+宾格;a bottle of orange 一瓶橘子汁39.B these things “这些东西”都是复数形式。40.C tooto 太。而不能。41.D here 是副词,前面不用to.42.D Its time to + 动词原形;like + 动词ing形式。43.B Let him go. “放他走”,him用宾格。44.B Id like to + 动词原形;茶是喝的,用动词drink.45.C Youre welcome 不用谢。46.A in English “

29、用英语”。使用某种语言用“in”。47.D Can是情态动词,后面接动词原形。48.D at home是地点,用Where提问地点。49.B home是副词,前面不用to.50.B on my bike= by bike51.C School is over “放学了”。52.D On her way to “在她去。的路上”,her是物主代词。53.D Dont + 动词原形。祈使句的否定形式。54.D you and Jim是两个人,复数。55.D friendly “友好的”56.B There be句型遵循“靠近原则”,bread是不可数名词,所以用is.57.C the shoppi

30、ng basket “购物篮”,shopping作定语。58.A How much “多少钱”,意思上符合。59.C “want to + 动词原形”意思是“想要。“60.D The first class一般现在时态的第三人称单数,动词用三单形式begins.61.D Miss Gao第三人称单数,借doesnt还原动词have.62.A 说某种语言用动词speak, 情态动词can后面用动词原形。63.D How much + 不可数名词;How many + 可数名词的复数。64.D a lot of = some = many后接复数。65.B on ones way to买东西吃,意

31、思符合的是B。66.A your watch 物主代词+名词。Mine = my watch 名词性物主代词。67.D Let sb. + 动词原形。意思是“让某人做某事“。68.C much work “很多工作” much + 不可数名词。69.B an English girl “一个英国女孩”。70.C you和are连用;I和am配对。71.B 用this或that提问,必须用it来回答。72.D What does your father do?提问你爸爸的职业。73.B 问话之前打扰对方用Excuse me. 表示抱歉用Im sorry.74.C What class are y

32、ou in? 你在哪一个班级?75.D These are eggs.复数匹配。76.A (1)倒着翻译。(2)每个单词开头都大写。专有名词77.B his ruler 物主代词+名词。78.D know是行为动词,借dont构成否定句。79.A 用this或that提问,必须用it来回答。80.C How old is she?文她的年龄。81. B Its 它的,放在开头要大写。82.A Wang Lin是人名,用Who来提问。83.D 括号前有一个a,不需要再加其他的物主代词了。84.B banana trees整体是复数,但是banana是名词作定语用单数。85.B open“开放的”

33、 closed “关闭的”。都是形容词。86.B a ruler ; an eraser辅音开头用a,元音开头用an.87.D your boxes 物主代词+名词。88.A everyone “每一个人”强调个体,是单数,用is.89.B 在星期几之前用介词on.90.C she是第三人称单数,所以借Does还原动词have.91.D Look!表明用现在进行时态,is sitting就对了。Sitting要双写字母t.92.D be from=come from.主语your father是单数,用is from.93.A give是动词,后面接宾格them.94.B like + 动词ing形式。95.C Her sister是第三人称单数,动词study变成三单形式studies.96.A at ten “在十点钟”。97.A Tom是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式cleans his bike.98.C Its time to + 动词原形。Its time for + 名词。99.B speak English “说英语”。说某种语言用动词speak.100.C Who is? 谁是。?


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