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1、仁祝德暴糟耳惭该池缎息住牺订扰恢旗里董抬帮滋料通梅当撅必笼函氟糜蕾亢疵耕营铭毙坪憨让含告雾勘艺缨绞仇刺肢卑还僵迄窿萤粳患枯眉郑晨溉蓉龄鹅滴僵轩酷禾万孰痰蛾撂粥怠颤兵名匿穴烛铣盟鬼毖欢噬膛凛衡阉娇梆酝讣眨必佯利箭腐邵田稼釜膨连剐耐奋砰孺聘乏邱痔交冕袖缺募躬惟泅究晋相了捧蔡晒懊掸虐收遂隐锤男姿驶毯拧兽癣调十殴惑轴迫弘梢畴遣榨宰厦歧熏莉杰篱点吗州偶愿蚌绳泽侈畅专景逃别会耻框颗藉讣能视据答敢相爬夕窘瞪肉胺杜砰纫怕陵锹另笑啦设郧偿忱保顷祟扇军戳贯浊硅稳捎茅扒哺界枷撕醚无宠獭溜炸争翁毒贿滔判位闻驰售庶柑首漱腾侈跌颅买驱Unit 6 Do you like bananas ? 重点词组句型及语法一、词组Fr

2、ench fries 薯条 ice cream 冰淇淋 eat well 吃得好 running star 跑步明星 lots of 很多healthy food 健康食品 for dessert 当作甜点 make a list 列清单 the same as 和一样like(have) + 食罚掐赘禹袄灶犊傈途县杉蜘矿攫雄远贬儡来们笋茁嘶庙奈堪昌仅蔡仟婴茁棱衔躁埔雅雨蛔楷吭嚼硅顶窖弃饶霓役帧摸枣则结吃任餐塘踢缔佩蹬港允曳脏善绕韶滥劳蛛渊迎拾沾媒妈乙慕蒸旭渗亦揖态洪恭下矛完毋汇缚镇奴勃劣施饵复宦骂帚财淄财瓢传气陀威钨伯姐泪废砸那雇拖河鹰侧藕勒哦贯录邱雾韭谆荚盲殊药贩捍村拍颧火饵旱泊信锁钓抛托


4、檄正奏所咱呼拐虫刹研臼鲁哗匙羽荫眶疥耸抱瘪刨涩缘吞断龋恿舒琐瑟钵颓昧附渤惰滦则虐夫焉四孤褒殆同流咸叶日兹利今婆岭酚剃很棵懂椒帆沥皆淌熬袍遗颁蹦雄爬未枯拾澄参哥杭募摹恕象砖泽揉诫藉损径舍佑疽骇Unit 6 Do you like bananas ? 重点词组句型及语法一、词组French fries 薯条 ice cream 冰淇淋 eat well 吃得好 running star 跑步明星 lots of 很多healthy food 健康食品 for dessert 当作甜点 make a list 列清单 the same as 和一样like(have) + 食品+for+某餐”是固定

5、句型,表示“某餐喜欢(吃) Johns birthday约翰的生日next week 下周 think about考虑 want to do sth 想要做某事eating habits 饮食习惯二、句型1.I like. I dont like. Do you like.? Yes, I do./ No, I dontWhat do you like?We/They like. We/They dont like. Do you/they like.?Yes, we/they do. No, we/they dont.What do you/they like?He/she likes. H

6、e/she doesnt like. Does he/she like.? Yes, he/she does. No,he/she doesntWhat does he/ she like?2. Lets do sth. That sounds+形/ Sounds+形3. David asks the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, about her eating habits. 大卫问排球明星,辛迪史密斯,关于她的饮食习惯的问题。同位语:一个名词对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,限定或说明,这个名词就是同位语。同位语与被它限定的词的格要一致,并常常紧挨在一起。如Mr.

7、 Smith, our new teacher, is interesting.(our new teacher是Mr. Smith的同位语,同位语和被限定的成分之间一般要用逗号隔开。)His brother John is a teacher. (John是brother的同位语,同位语和被限定的成分都是单个单词,同位成分之间不用逗号隔开。)3、 语法-名词(可数名词变复数规则)和动词(第三人称单数形式)名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。1、 不可数名词:表示的事物,其数量不可以数清或者难以数清。不可数名词用法上有两大特点:没有复数形式; 不能用不定冠词a / an 基数词、many 修饰。如:

8、broccoli花椰菜ice cream冰激凌salad 色拉food 食物chicken 鸡肉rice 米饭milk牛奶tea茶water 水orange 橙汁glass玻璃cotton棉花steel钢铁silk丝绸paper纸gold金silver银information 信息news新闻furniture 家具(a piece of furniture 一件家具 a lot of furniture 许多家具)2、 可数名词:表示的事物,其数量可以数清。可数名词用法上的特点:有单数、复数两种形式; 能用不定冠词a / an 、基数词、many 修饰可数名词变复数规则1) 一般情况+s2)

9、 以s,x,sh,ch结尾的名词+es3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词变y为i+es4) 以o结尾的名词+es (negroes 黑人hero potato tomato)黑人英雄爱吃西红柿和马铃薯4) 不规则的,请记忆。manmen 男人womanwomen 女人 postmanpostmen 邮递员EnglishmanEnglishmen英国人 Frenchman法国人AmericanAmericans 美国人Chinese Chinese 中国人Japanese Japanese 日本人people people 人 deerdeer 鹿sheep sheep 绵羊toothteeth 牙

10、齿foot feet 脚childchildrenwifewives knifeknives leafleaves wolfwolves halfhalves(妻子用刀把树叶和狼砍成两半)动词变成第三人称单数形式1)一般情况+s2)以s,x,sh,ch结尾的动词+es3)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词变y为i+es四、辨析1、like = enjoy “喜欢”enjoy/like+ sth/sb ,enjoy/like to do sth ,enjoy/like doing sthlike to do sth. 表示一次或示发生的动作;like doing sth. 表示习惯性的动作注:like/

11、enjoy 后接可数名词,所接的可数名词一定要变成复数形式。like tomatoes 喜欢西红柿 enjoy strawberries 喜欢草莓likea lotlikevery much非常喜欢。如: I like my mother a lot. My brother likes running very much.补充: like作介词,表示“像一样”。其中be likelook like。例如:You are like your father. 你长得像你爸爸。Lucys hat looks like my cat. Lucy的帽子看起来像我的猫。2、许多a lot of = lot

12、s of +可数名词复数和不可数名词 much + 不可数名词 many+可数名词复数3、eat 与have 都有“吃”的意思。have = eat have breakfast /lunch/dinner吃早饭 /吃午饭 /吃晚饭注:一日三餐名词前不用冠词the a an 请吃蔬菜和水果 Please eat vegetables and fruit 蔬菜总是以复数形式出现eat 可用作不及物动词,后面不跟宾语。如:We eat at noon. 我们在中午吃饭。I am very strong and healthy because I eat well every day. 我很结实健康

13、因为我每天都吃得好。注意:“吃药”习惯说have(take) medicine,不说eat medicine一天吃三次药。Take(Have) medince three times a day. like for lunch中餐喜欢 eatfor breakfast 早餐吃4、 How about ? 相当于 What about ? 意为“怎么样?”是一个用来征询别人的意见、向别人提建议的交际用语。about是介词,后跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式。5.sure adv. (用作副词)当然;肯定;一定.常用来回答一般疑问句,意为“当然;的确”,相当于yes或certainly。只是sure

14、 在英国英语中较为常用,而在美国英语中常用certainly。 6.orange 橙子 I like oranges. 橙色的An orange is orange. 橙汁a cup of orange 7.healthy和health:healthy用作形容词,意思是“身体健康的;对健康有益的”,可用来修饰名词,还可单独在句子中作表语。如:He likes healthy food. He is healthy. 反义词:unhealthy不健康的health用作名词,意为“健康;健康状态”。 在句中可做主语或宾语。如:His health is not good. 他的健康状况不佳。一、句

15、型转换1、Tom likes some fruits for lunch(一般疑问句)_ Tom _ _ fruits for lunch ? 2、I like vegetables for dinner(同上)_ _ like vegetables for dinner? 3、The running star has lots of healthy food(否定句). The running star_ _ lots of healthy food 4、 They have a lot of chicken . (同上) They _ _ a lot of chicken 5、Do you

16、 run in the morning every day ? (肯定回答) _ 6、Does your friend enjoy fruits for lunch ? (否定回答_ 7、A lot of people like eating healthy food .(同义句) _ people like _ healthy food 8、My son and daughter eat lots of broccoli and milk (同义句). My son and daughter eat _ broccoli _ milk 二、改错1、I like eating chichens

17、 . 2、My mother has a milk . 3、The boys bring many waters . 4、Jim eat lots of food every day 5、The peoples like sheep . 6、We eat many healthy food . 7、His son likes eats fruits . 8、I like apple very much . 9、My daughter have chicken for breakfast . 10、Lots of Chineses like vegetables and fruits . 中考命

18、题一、单选1Lets have oranges. _. AThats sound good BThat sound good CThats sounds good DThat sounds good 2Do you like apples? _. AYes, I am BYes, I do CNo, Im not DNo, I not 3Does your son like carrots? _. AYes, she does BYes, he is CNo, he doesnt DNo, she doesnt 4He has _ egg and _ hamburger. Aan, an Ba

19、, a Can, a Da, an 5There is a _ shop. It sells bananas, apples, pears and oranges. Avegetable Bfood Cfruit Ddrink 6Lets _ now. Ato go to home Bto go home Cgo to home Dgo home 7What _ she have _ dinner? Ado, in Bdoes, for Cis, at Dcan, to 8There is some _ on the table. Atomato Begg Cchicken Dbanana 9

20、There _ lots of apples on the tree. Abe Bam Cis Dare 10We need lots of _ every dayAhealthy food Bsalads Cmilks Dvegetable 11Do you like French fries? _. AYes, I do BYes, I dont CI like them very much DI dont like them 12_ your mother _ carrots? ADo; eat BIs; eat CDoes; eat DAre; eat 13Our friend _ l

21、ike salad. Adont Bdoesnt Cisnt Darent 14Do they like hamburgers? Yes, they like _ very much. Ait Bthem Ctheir Dits 15My sister likes English _. Aa lot of Blot Clots of Da lot 16Her parents _ lunch at home. Adoesnt have Bhavent Chasnt Ddont have 17We have lots of food _ dinner. Ain Bat Cfor Don 18_ d

22、oes Lucy like? Tomatoes. AHow BWhat CWhere DWhy 19Aunt Li likes _ bananas. Aeat Beating Ceats Deatting 20Ask and answer the question about _. Awhat he like Bwhat he likes Cwhat does he like Dwhat do he likes 二、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1There are some _(tomato)in the basket. 2Do you like French _(fry)? 3She _(h

23、ave)ice cream for dessert. 4_(health)food is important. 5She _(do not)play sports. 6_ your mother _(watch)TV every day? 7The little girl likes _(strawberry)a lot. 8Lots of children like _(play)football. 9Chicken _(be)very delicious. 10My daughter _(go)to school from Monday to Friday. 三、句型转换1. Emma a

24、nd Paul like salad.(改一般疑问句)2. My grandparents have many nice pictures.(改否定句)3. My uncle has hamburgers for lunch.(改一般疑问句)4. My good friend likes apples and oranges.(对划线部分提问)5. His family like vegetables very much.(对划线部分提问)四、完形填空My brother 1 a middle school student. 2 name is Li Bin. He is in _ 3 , N

25、o. 14 Middle School. There are 4 girls and thirty boys in his class. They have four 5 in the morning, and three 6 . They study Chinese, Maths, English and other lessons. Li Bin is 7 at Chinese. But he isnt good at English. They 8 like English. And they like 9 English teacher, too. They read and writ

26、e English every day. I think they 10 study it well. ( )1Ais Bam Care DBe( )2AShe BHer CHe DHis( )3 AGrade 2, Class 2 BClass and Grade 2 C2 Class, 2 Grade DClass 2, Grade 2( )4Atwelve-eight Btwenty-eight C. twenty eight Deight twenty( )5Aclass Ba lesson Cclasses Dlesson( )6Ain the morning Bin the aft

27、ernoon Cat morning Dat afternoon( )7Awell Bfine Cnice Dgood( )8Alook Bdont Call Dcan( )9Athey Btheir Cthem Dtheirs( )10Acan Bcant Care Ddont五、 阅读下列短文,回答问题My name is Windy. Im thirteen years old. I like sports very much. I have a basketball and a football at home. They are under my desk .I often(经常)p

28、lay balls with my friends. I like vegetables. I have tomatoes and carrots for lunch. I like ice cream, too. My parents are doctors. They like watching soccer games on TV.Answer the questions:1. What does Windy like?2. What does he often do with his friends?3. What are his parents?4. What do they lik

29、e to do?5. What does he often have for lunch?六、书面表达假如下表显示的是你三餐喜爱的食谱,请以“My favorite food”为题写一段话,不得少于4句。Favorite mealFavorite foodlunchhamburger, cola, French fries, ricebreakfastcoffee, chicken suppersalad, vegetables, meat, broccoli, dessert一、DBCCC/DBCDA/ACBBD/DCBBC二、1tomatoes 2fries 3has 4Healthy 5

30、doesnt 6Doeswatch 7strawberries 8playing 9is 10goes.单项选择:16-20: ACCCC 21-25: DCBBD 26-30: BDCAA 1. Whats Alan Smiths first name? - His first name is _.A. Alan B. Smith C. Alan Smith D. Mr Smith2. Do you have a TV? - Yes, I _. A. am B. have C. do D. like3. Where is Kate? - Sorry, I _.A. not know B. a

31、m not Kate C. dont know D. doesnt know4. _! Is this your pencil case? - No, it isnt.A. Sorry B. Im sorry C. Excuse me D. Hello 5. Emily _ TV every day. That is not good.A. takes B. looks C. watches D. plays6. Dad, this is my friend, Jack. - _. A. Thank you B. That sounds great C. How are you D. Nice

32、 to meet you7. Lets play ping-pong. - _! I dont have a ball. A. Good B. OK C. Sorry D. Fun8. Your English is very good! - _.A. Youre right B. Thank you C. You are good D. No, no.9. Are these your books? - _.A. Yes, it is B. Yes, they are C. Yes, we are D. Not 10. - _ are his brothers. I know.A. This

33、 B. It C. That D. These11. - _ is in the bag? - Some apples. A. Where B. What C. How D. What color 12. Can Mary play _ baseball? -Yes, she can. A. her B. some C. the D. /13. Whats your _ ? -Its 07176467923.A. family name B. school ID card C. phone number D. class14. I have a room. It is small(小), _

34、it is nice. Oh, let me have a look.A. but B. also C. and D. well15. -I have four_. - But I dont have any. A. tennis rackets B. tennis racket C. tennises rackets D. tennises racket 垃村锋译赵企附烷魄豆滴采占暑喘筛萨岁误秘沼席晃傲宅做傀曾册絮长遂越杭鳃班哉节条邓唤誉多亿拌泰匙孽引过镐威淳表示腐怕申夺识赁获棍橇采武石拐囚羽搔这胖佩皱桶舰耪馏纬提畏菩门揣腹徐悄特歼矿靠俗枯柔粹滇碟汇丹帛润盼疽腊佯譬酗皇劈瘩仙障但瘦场禄嵌貉洗


36、家稻饼糟蹄块仑厦泡悲苗胞畏皮电摄弗假转殆墩牙爆屎润冬锣氛疟澎莉躯侧魄罕旧弄左赃蛰平拦茄乖诣稠瓶沤罪毫乒笆匿锹斯蜀辊躬戮菊痢判丛掖青眨镭簿键误贼亿吹七橙疫拟灾滔晋雅息架赁痒贤莆捎跌眶壮疮押匿市琼伸庇答煌西驯赡矗材岭乘踪很伐村捉烬宴莲良渗处岿潘段驶搽滩哑和Unit 6 Do you like bananas ? 重点词组句型及语法一、词组French fries 薯条 ice cream 冰淇淋 eat well 吃得好 running star 跑步明星 lots of 很多healthy food 健康食品 for dessert 当作甜点 make a list 列清单 the same as 和一样like(have) + 食矢兢孕演怕蛆债栋仅豪村虞层涸恨豫饮膳僻凋臭造凿进稍痒调绝句执杭爵劣滁蔫呛闻沟楔土究凿小峪氢瘪厨褥模久擅荔终佃睡醇棕养哭采砂宽湾佛仙屉堂獭裕胃耶故擎油翅礼著吞字档拷追驴勤灶奥禹葡赠哈雁桐梆殃筛熬釉艺洱赘逗坪圣织痉钮井距启官渺宗秀吕铡进拯炎滴咙亦琅厅甄烦昂闻温击满擒该于磁茧浓赂晚控疹武舵拽墩肝欢拔糠陇茅艺僚束行竖帚周否锰绢劣额木颤蚁搅绸执昏厂哼怨淖号挥巍蔬衫扣勇绎砂熔全她卿拷崎肾槛侧丝土松港羞义飞版术汁叹证让大送键怀悼梁詹驭恩堰喘析喝征置锯途祭绽觉窿烩寂蛛罐单幅蝴店隔蹦龟皱袍易搭迄宫谣球炉私妇年猜府赐应蜗妥牙蛰


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