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1、七年级英语上册第二单元备课笔记Unit 2 Is this your pencil?语言要点:1. - Is this your pencil?- Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.2. - Whats this in English?- Its a pen.3. - How do you spell it?- P-E-N.文化背景知识介绍In China, if we find something valuable in the street we usually would give it to the police. In the United States, it a

2、lways depends on where you find it.The general rules is to contact the person in authority at the place you find the item. The person in authority (such as shop clerk) will follow theappropriate lost and found procedures (of the store).In a store: Contact a shop clerk.On the street: Contact the poli

3、ce if the item is valuable.In a restaurant: Contact the waiter.On a bus,: Contact the bus driver.In a classroom: Contact the teacher.In a hotel: Contact the hotel clerk.Some places, such as railway stations or airports, have a lost and found office where all lost property is kept. If you have lost s

4、omething in the station or airport, you would probably first look in the lost and found office.课外任务请你在班上设立一个失物招领处(Lost & Found),调查一下班里的同学最近丢失或捡到了什么?用表格的方式帮助他们寻找丢失的东西或失主。读写任务1. 任务一:根据Jerry 和Dennis 的对话内容完成下面的失物招领表。Jerry: Good morning! Dennis.Dennis: Good morning! Jerry.Jerry: Whats wrong with you? (你发

5、生了什么事情?)Dennis: I lost my watch and my notebook.Jerry: What color is your watch?Dennis: Its white and my notebook is yellow.Jerry: Whats your telephone number?Dennis: My telephone number is 2345-9683.参考答案同步阅读读对话,选择正确的答案。A: Whats that over there?B: Where?A: Over there, on the floor under the desk.B:

6、Lets go and see. Oh, its a new watch. It looks like yours. A: Is it a black one? My watch is black.B: No, its a white one.A: I know. Its Jims. Jim cant find his watch.B: Lets go and ask him. Hi, Jim. Whats the time?C: Sorry, I cant find my watch.B: Is your watch a white one like this?C: Let me see.

7、Yes, its mine.B: Here you are.C: Thank you very much.B: Thats all right.1. - Whats that on the floor?- .A. A new watchB. A black oneC. A white oneD. A bag2. - Whose watch is it?- .A. mineB. yoursC. JimsD. I dont know3. The new watch is .A. on the floor under the deskB. blackC. mineD. like this4. - Whats the time?-A. Its four oclock.B. Where is the watch?C. I dont know.D. Let me see.参考答案:1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C学习目标安阳补习网申老师原创教课笔记,转载需注明来源于安阳补习网http:/


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