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1、飘中斯嘉丽女性意识的觉醒 飘中斯嘉丽女性意识的觉醒摘要:玛格丽特米切尔,美国作家,1937凭借飘获得普利策奖。这既是她一生中唯一也是最著名的作品。玛格丽特米切尔出生于亚特兰大,在这儿她听说了许多有关美国南北方故事。当她因伤在家时,她决定写一部有关这场战争的作品。这是第一部以女性的角度描述有关美国内战的作品。玛格丽特将视角放在了因遭受战乱而困于家中的女性。纵观许多关于内战的作品,将重心放在了战争上。而不是关于战争的主角人,而作为人类组成重要的一部分,女性也罕为许多作品所重视。而这部作品,以女性的角度来观察内战。许多批评家认为这是仅仅只是一部爱情故事。然而,如果你带着对玛格丽特,对斯嘉丽,以及我们

2、自己的一份思考,你会了解其背后的内涵。本文将会从女性主义的角度分析这部作品。第一部分是对作品的一个简单介绍,第二部分是对于女性主义的介绍,最后是关于作品中女性主义的具体分析。关键词:内战;女性角度;女性主义The awakening of female consciousness of Scarletts character inGone with the WindAbstractAs the first novel which describe American Civil War from womens perspective, Margaret focuses on the suffer

3、ing from the war of those women who stay at home and their difficult journey of reconstruction. Literary critics, on the basis of their respective knowledge and understanding have given different evaluation about this novel. Most of their researcher concentrates on the historical background of Ameri

4、can Civil War, the abolitionist though, Scarletts particular character and the cultural discrepancy between the North and the South. Many critics question the literary value and outdated racial issue of Gone with the Wind. Some consider the novel superficial while treated it only a simple love story

5、. However, the author thinks that the novel is most valuable if read with an understanding of three historical backgrounds, our own, Mitchells, and Scarletts. On the base of perspective of feministic, this paper wound analyzes the awakening of female self-consciousness reflected in this novel and it

6、s positive effect on the cause of women liberation. The first part of this paper is a general introduction to the work. Then the following chapter is introduction of the female consciousness, Chapter three is feminist analysis of Gone with the Wind and of Scarlets characteristic.Key words:Margaret;

7、Scarlett; Civil War.AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I want to express my great gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Ge Youjin, both for her valuable advice and critical comments during the process of writing this essay. With patience and courage , he guided me this essay and discovered defects in my theori

8、zing. Thought I know that the thesis might still contain some errors, for which I bear the whole responsibility.My thanks also go to all the teachers in the Department of English, whose scholarship has impressed me during my college years.I am also very grateful to my friends, who have given me usef

9、ul help and courage when I am writing this essay.Finally, I greatly appreciate my parentss support and endless love. My heart swells with gratitude to all the people who helped me.Contents中文摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)1. Gone with the wind1.1 The introduction of the author (3)1.2 The brief introduction of th

10、e story (5)2.The Female Consciousness 2.1 The definition of the Female consciousness (5)2.2 The background of the Female consciousness (7)2.3 The development and influence of the Female consciousness (8)3.Specific analysis (8)3.1 The analysis of the characters in the novel character (8)3.2 The speci

11、fic examples and analysis of the awakening of the consciousnes of the novel (9)3.3 The great significance of the female consciousness of Gone withthe Wind (9)4.Analyzing the novels theme and its significance and enlightenment for the modern society (14)5.Conclusion (17)6.Notes Bibliography (14)intro

12、duction1.1 The introduction of the authorMargaret Mannerly Mitchell, an American author, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the Wind. It was the only and best book she wrote in her all life, Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta, where she can hear many stories about the war betw

13、een the northern and southern states in American, and when she was wounded in home, she decided to write a book about the war .This work is one of the most popular books of all time.1.2 The brief Introduction of the storyThe novel Gone with the Wind was set the times of the Civil War in Atlantic. At

14、 that time, the South is a new reclaimed land where the industrial civilization has not yet penetrated it. Soon or later, the American Civil War broke out. Ashley and Charles joined the war. Unfortunately, Charles died in the war. Scarlett became a widow, but she has been in love with Ashley.2.The f

15、emale consciousness2.1 The definition of the female consciousnessFeminism is the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities int ended to achieve this state. Hundred years ago, womens social statue was q

16、uite low, women was treated as appendage to men, they only had rights of living, their manner, speaking and behavior were regulated by a series of serious rules and discipline. With the education spreading among women and the awakening of female self-consciousness, they came to realize that they sho

17、uld defend their economic, political and other rights and pursue equal treatment like men. Then there appear feminism. Feminism is a series of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. Feminism is mainly f

18、ocused on womens issues.2.2 The background of the female consciousnessHundred years ago, womens social statue was quite low, women was treated as appendage to men, they only had rights of living, their manner, speaking and behavior were regulated by a series of serious rules and discipline. With the

19、 education spreading among women and the awakening of female self-consciousness, they came to realize that they should defend their economic, political and other rights and pursue equal treatment like men.2.3 The development and influence of the Female consciousnessFirst-wave feminism was a series o

20、f activities during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In the U.K. and U.S., it focused on promoting equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism focused mainly on gaining political power, particularly th

21、e right of womens voting, though some feminists were active in campaigning for womens sexual and economic rights at this time.Second-wave feminism is a feminist movement beginning in the early 1960s and continuing to the 20th and it coexists with third-wave feminism. Second wave feminism is largely

22、concerned with issues of equality not only suffrage, but things like ending discrimination. Second-wave feminists treat womens cultural and political inequalities as its main purposes that to be deal with. During this period, feminist encourage women to understand aspects of their personal lives dee

23、ply by means of public promoting. The feminist activist and author Carol Hamish came up with the slogan for the first time The Personal is Political, which became synonymous with the second wave.Third-wave feminism is start from 1900 to the present. It arose as a response toward failures of the seco

24、nd wave and also as a response to the movements created by the second wave. Third- wave feminism often correct the second waves ideas and movements that are not good for females. It accommodates contradictions; conflict and changes. The third wave has its origins in the mid-1980.3.Specific analysis3

25、.1 The analysis of the characters in the novel character3.2 The specific examples and analysis of the awakening of the consciousnes of the novelScarletts mother Ellen, a typical noble and elegant female character, is a faultless woman with selfless love. Although she abides by the traditional conven

26、tions, she is also a girl with flesh and blood, thought and love. When her love is against ethical codes, she also flares resistant sparks, showing her self-consciousness. At the age of fifteen, Ellen irrevocably falls in love with her cousin Philip, a playboy. Her father firmly objects to it and ma

27、nage to extrude Philip. Later Philip dies of a bar rioting. His death takes away all of Ellens hope. She adopts the only way a gir l can take to fight against her fathers autocracyforcing her father to agree with her own choice of marriage with the threat of being a nun. She buries her desperation d

28、own in her heart and exhausts her life in selfless dedication to her family. However on her deathbed, what she calls out are not the names of her daughters or her husband, but her beloved Philip. Although her fight dose not make her live with her lover, it reflects womens longing and pursuit for fre

29、e love and self-directed marriage. This obviously oversteps the meaning of love and marriage themselves and extends to the pursuance of human rights and womens independence.Scarlett OHara, the heroine, is an artistic character that has strong, clear-cut, and rebellious individuality. As t he apple o

30、f her parents eyes, she comes on the stage from the age of 16 to 28, during which she has married three husbands, been a widow twice, given birth to three babies and also has spared no efforts to revive the family business. When creating this female image, the author places her under the wild social

31、 background of American Civil War and the background of the reconstruction after the war, demonstrates her disposition and manners in multi-aspects of her life in love, war and family with a full reflection of her winding and changing psychological journey; thus brings about for the readers a female

32、 who is brave enough to face life, unwilling to be indifferent, and persistent in the pursuit of self-value.In the patriarchal society, Scarlett opposes to the gender discrimination from the bottom of her heart; she is neither reconciled to the passive position nor to the failure; besides, she keeps

33、 being herself, and always directly expresses and immediately takes action for what she wants. All of these are the epitomes of her strong sense of feminism. It can be said that she, form beginning to end, is against sexism and the fetters imposed on her by the gender attribution, and does her utmos

34、t to look for womens rights which are equal to or even more than those of mens with her own practices. She is the perfect embodiment of Virginia Woolfs “androgyny” thought governed by two kinds of power at the same time: the feminine power, soft on theoutside while staunch on the inside; and the mas

35、culine power, tender inside despite a hard shell. She overthrows the images of “angels” or “lamias” in the patriarchal literature, and becomes a masculine womana woman with mens wisdom, indomitable will and wild ambitions. As an image with the ideal personality of “androgyny” which is the deconstruc

36、tion of gender binary opposition, Scarlett announces Margarets strong protest against male-centered values.French famous sociologist Julia Kristeva once said that “God” in patriarchal religion creates the world: he separates light from darkness, land from ocean, and a variety of animals and human be

37、ings from himself, putting over the original chaotic connection. Through similar separation, humans are divided into two categories: men and women. Women are departed from men, turning into wives, daughters, mothers, or being the three at the same time with the function of multiplication (Julia Kris

38、teva, 1974). God seldom talks to women and most of religions in western cultures oppress womens consciousness. In patriarchal society, Go d stands up for men, the evidences of which can be traced in the Holy Bible “But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the

39、 head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ” (Bible, 2021). Therefore womens rebellion against “God” who defends male rights is an exhibition of their self-consciousness. Scarlett, the heroine, is such a woman who is afraid of neither “God” nor men.For Scarlett, religion is just a thing on the l

40、ips. When the whole family is praying, her disappointment and sadness have indeed gone with the wind, and she gains a sense of hope; however such comfort is not from God but from her mothers peaceful face as she is praying. In Scarletts eyes, her mother Ellen rather than God is her real spiritual ba

41、ckbone and source of wisdom. Therefore when Scarlett leaves her mother, her religious convention becomes quite weak. “Scarletts conscience smote her at this last, for it had been months since she had been to church.”(Margaret Mitchell, 2021). In addition, the misery later brought by the war further

42、stops Scarlett from going to the church, praying or communicating with God, for she feels that asking for Gods blessing dose little good to relieve her sufferings. She even questions Gods power and justice in her heart “For some time she had felt that God was not watching out for her, the Confederat

43、es or the South, in spite of the millions of prayers ascending to Him daily” (Margaret Mitchell, 2021). After pushing through the flames of the war and going through thick and thin, Scarlett return home Tara only to find her mothers death and the devastated house with nobody and nothing to rely on.

44、The death of her mother completely cuts off the contact between God and her, and becomes the symbol of her non-believing. The so-called “Omniscient and omnipotent” God cannot give her strength, nor can he be the one that can be counted on. Hence, she dose what she wants to do, says what she wants to

45、 say, and creates her own life with her own hands, regardless of the Gods wil l.From the very beginning she denies accepting the marriage proposed by her father. At the barbeque in the Twelve Oaks, she casts off ladys style, takes the initiative to reveal her true love to Ashely and even proposes th

46、e idea of elopement. She throws off family bondage, steps out of the cave of “home” into society and no longer blindly sacrifices herself to fulfill others. Instead she courageously quests fortrue self and her value. Through her numerous anti-conventional behaviors, Scarlett demonstrates her outstan

47、ding judgments and courage. Her behavior outdoes what the patriarchal society has set for women, expressing womens desire for self-consciousness and independent rights.3.3 The great significance of the female consciousness of Gone with the WindAs for the marriage in the traditional patriarchal socie

48、ty, men occupy the positive role while women are passive. However, Scarlett actively keeps searching for her own marriage and true happiness. She chooses to express her deep love to Ashely instead of accepting the marriage selected by her father. Although her later marriages are resulted from life f

49、orces, they are her own decisions. She is the rare master of her love and marriage in that era.For many years, there is only one man in her heartAshely. In order to win his love, she simpers, pretends to be innocent and shows her off with every means which she despises so much. For this blind love, she would rather to raise Ashelys whole fami


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