2021年1月 sat语法.docx

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1、2021年1月 sat语法1、After she won a gold medal in figure skating at the 1956 Olympic Games, TenleyAlbright attended medical school and becoming a surgeon.(A) school and becoming(B) school and became(C) school, also became(D) school, she became(E) school, also becoming2、In his Star Wars films, director Ge

2、orge Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker, plusbeing a master of special effects.(A) Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker, plus being(B) Lucas, a contemporary mythmaker, moreover(C) Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker as well as(D) Lucas, who is a contemporary mythmaker and also(E) Lucas is a contemporary m

3、ythmaker, he is also3、Because of geothermal changes beneath Old Faithful, the frequency and duration ofthe geysers eruptions are now more predictable.(A) eruptions are now more predictable(B) eruptions, they are now more predictable(C) eruptions are predicted more easier now(D) eruptions being easie

4、r to predict than before(E) eruptions, they can now be predicted more easily4、Founded in 1919, the aim of the Bauhaus School was to create a revolutionarymodern style that would unite art and mass production.(A) aim of the Bauhaus School was(B) aim of the Bauhaus School having been(C) Bauhaus School

5、, whose aim was(D) Bauhaus School aiming(E) Bauhaus School aimed5、Coleman Hawkins is often called the “father of the tenor saxophone” on account ofhe was the first to realize the instruments expressive powers.(A) saxophone” on account of he was(B) saxophone” because he was(C) saxophone” due to him b

6、eing(D) saxophone,” which he was(E) saxophone,” he was6、The ship will not leave port until every one of the crew members have beenexamined by a physician and given a clean bill of health.(A) have been(B) has been(C) had been(D) are(E) were7、It appears that either Jane or Marek will be elected to be

7、presidents of the studentunion.(A) to be presidents(B) as presidents(C) presidents(D) for president(E) president8、Apparently honoring the actors desire for a flattering biography, there is no mentionby the author of any of the scandals in which her subject was involved.(A) there is no mention by the

8、 author of any of the scandals in which heresubject was involved(B) none of the scandals in which her subject was involved is mentioned by theauthor(C) none of the scandals in which her subject was involved are mentioned by theauthor(D) the author does not mention any of the scandals in which her su

9、bject wasinvolved(E) the author mentions none of the scandals in which her subject were involved9、An odd friendship in certain respects, she being an outdoor enthusiast and he adedicated bookworm.(A) An odd friendship(B) As an odd friendship(C) Their friendship being odd(D) Theirs was an odd friends

10、hip(E) Having a friendship that was somewhat odd10、Each of the men who attended the meeting were suspected to be a spy.(A) were suspected to be a spy(B) were suspected to be spies(C) were suspected of being spies(D) was suspected of being spies(E) was suspected of being a spy11、The island of Madagas

11、car, off the coast of Africa, is the habitat of more than200,000 species of plants and animals, many are not found anywhere else on the planet.(A) animals, many are not found anywhere(B) animals; many, not found anywhere(C) animals; of which many are not found anywhere(D) animals, many found nowhere

12、(E) animals, finding many nowhere12、This film has earned more money from ticket sales than have its closest competitorA B C Dfor the Best Documentary Feature Film Award. No errorE13、Dr. Ling strongly encouraged each of us contacting our federal and stateA B Crepresentatives and urge them to increase

13、 funding for elementary school musicDprograms. No errorE14、In the years following the Second World War, as millions of soldiers returned toAcivilian life, the demand for housing will cause a massive expansion of suburb.B C DNo errorE15、Because they build nests on telephone poles as readily as they d

14、o in trees, ospreysA B Cadapting well to various environments. No errorD E16、Whiptails, the more speedier of lizards, are remarkable creatures because inA Bthirteen of the known species the females reproduce without mating with males.C DNo errorE17、Scientists have discovered that walnut trees respon

15、d to environmental stressesAsuch as drought by producing significant amounts of a substance similar toB C Daspirin. No errorE18、For our hike, my two companions and I had chose to walk along the AppalachianA BTrail, one of the oldest and best-loved hiking paths in the United States. No errorC D E19、W

16、hen people see Lake Michigan for the first time, he or she may think that itA B Clooks more like an ocean than a lake. No errorD E20、Teeming with hundreds of species of tropical fish, the clear waters of theA BCaribbean Sea provide a paradise for scuba divers. No errorC D E21、The museums latest exhi

17、bition, featuring the works of several relatively youngA Bartists, have been praised in reviews by influential art critics. No errorC D E22、The proposed environmental legislation would devote billions of dollars inA Bfederal grants to conservation activities such as acquiring new public lands, Cpres

18、erving coastal habitats, and to establish urban parks. No errorD E23、Though the island was formed by volcanic action long ago, volcanic activityA Bstill threatens its inhabitants occasionally. No errorC D E24、Damselflies closely resemble dragonflies except that when at rest an adultA Bdamselfly hold

19、s its wings parallel to the body, while a dragonfly holds theirsC Dperpendicular to the body. No errorE25、Each girl in my class wanted to have a quinceaneraan elaborate partyA Bwith plenty of food and dancingto celebrate her fifteenth birthday. No errorC D E26、Experts who decipher ancient written la

20、nguages report that the IndusA Bcivilizations script is more difficult to decode than other civilizations. No errorC D E27、Although both birds are known for their distinctive songs, but the rufousA Bsonglark has a sweeter song than has the brown songlark. No errorC D E28、Because sound waves travel f

21、aster in liquids than they do in gases, the speed ofA B Csound in water is greater than that of sound in the air. No errorD E29、Mary Whiton Calkins was an imminent psychologist and philosopher whoseA Bresearch focused on such topics as memory, consciousness, and dreams. No errorC D EQuestions 30-35

22、refer to the following passage.(1)The word “dinosaur”is derived from two Greek words meaning “terrifying lizard”. (2) This fact might therefore lead you to think that todays reptilesincluding lizardsare descended from dinosaurs. (3) Modern reptiles are probably not directly related to the dinosaurs.

23、 (4) Instead, it is birds, not reptiles, that most scientists now think are the dinosaurs true descendants. (5) Some even say that birds are dinosaursdinosaurs as they have evolved over millions of years. (6) That claim may sound incredible. (7) It is based on extensive fossil evidence.(8) A definit

24、e evolutionary connection between birds and dinosaurs was first uncovered in 1861. (9) The fossil was the petrified remains of an animal that in many respects resembled a small, winged dinosaur. (10) There was, similarly, one astonishing difference between this fossil and any dinosaur fossil previou

25、sly found. (11) The newly discovered animals body was covered with fully developed feathers. (12) Scientists gave the creature the name Archaeopteryx, which means “ancient wing” in Greek, and declared it a transitional species between dinosaurs and birds. (13) Ancient Greek is a language that lends

26、itself to forming logical compound words such as these.(14) In the years since that discovery, scientists have unearthed other unique fossils. (15) These fossils show that dinosaurs and birds share many common skeletal features. (16) They reveal that several species of dinosaurs had what look like p

27、rimitive feathers. (17) They indicate that some dinosaurs brooded over their nests, much as chickens do. (18) There is even fossil evidence that a few dinosaurs had four chambered hearts. (19) That means that they may have been warmbloodedjust like birds but unlike modern reptiles, which are all col

28、dblooded.30、In context, which of the following would be best to place at the beginning ofsentence 3 (reproduced below)?Modern reptiles are probably not directly related to the dinosaurs.(A) In any case,(B) It is believed that(C) As it turns out, though,(D) They now say that(E) Moreover, it appears t

29、hat31、In context, which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 6 and 7(reproduced below)?That claim may sound incredible. It is based on extensive fossil evidence.(A) As incredible as that claim may sound, it is based on extensive fossilevidence.(B) That claim may sound incredible, but he b

30、ased it on extensive fossilevidence.(C) The claim is based on extensive fossil evidence, but they sound incredible tous.(D) That claim sounds incredible; it will need to be based on extensive fossilevidence.(E) Based on extensive fossil evidence, that claim may yet have soundedincredible.32、In conte

31、xt, which of the following would be the most effective revision of theunderlined portion of sentence 10 (reproduced below)?There was, similarly, one astonishing difference between this fossil and any dinosaur fossil previously found.(A) obviously(B) however(C) they claimed(D) therefore(E) in retrosp

32、ect33、In context, which is the best way to deal with sentence 13 (reproduced below)?Ancient Greek is a language that lends itself to forming logical compound words such as these.(A)Insert it immediately after sentence 1.(B) Delete it from the passage.(C) Change “is” to “was”.(D) Change “lends” to “l

33、ent”.(E) Change “these” to “Archaeopteryx”.34、In context, which of the following would be the most effective revision of theunderlined portion of sentence 14 (reproduced below)?In the years since that discovery, scientists have unearthed other unique fossils.(A) many others(B) many interesting fossi

34、ls(C) more of these kinds of fossils(D) other fossils that confirm the link between dinosaurs and birds(E) fossils that provide evidence disproving these early findings35、Where in the passage would the following sentence best be inserted?It was then that a worker in a German limestone quarry acciden

35、tally discovered an unusual fossil.(A) Immediately before sentence 5(B) Immediately before sentence 9(C) Immediately before sentence 11(D) Immediately before sentence 12(E) Immediately before sentence 151、Just after returning home, the discovery was made that the basement had floodedduring our absen

36、ce.(A) Just returning home, the discovery was made(B) Just after returning home, we discovered(C) Having just returned home was when we discovered(D) We returned home, just thereafter we discovered(E) Our discovery, just after we returned home,2、Unlike other members of the bear family, which rely at

37、 least in part on a diet ofinsects, fish, mammals, or other meat, but pandas are primarily vegetarians and eat mainly bamboo.(A) but pandas are(B) but a panda is(C) pandas are(D) pandas, which are(E) that of a panda is3、Maya Lin is best known for designing the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, but her work

38、 also including buildings, furniture, and sculptures in stone, wood, and glass.(A) but her work also including(B) but her work also includes(C) but her work also having included(D) her work also includes(E) then her work also includes4、The Mansion House, once home to a thriving utopian community, re

39、mained closedto the public for over a century and reopening as a museum in 1987.(A) century and reopening(B) century, it reopened(C) century but reopened(D) century, when reopening(E) century, so reopening5、V oicing their concern about heavy traffic near the school, the town councils plan tobuild a

40、bypass was supported by local parents.(A) the town councils plan to build a bypass was supported by local parents(B) local parents supported the town councils plan to build a bypass(C) a plan by the town council to build a bypass was supported by local parents(D) a bypass was planned by the town cou

41、ncil and local parents supportedbuilding it(E) building a bypass was planned by the town council and supported by localparents6、Diamond is harder than any other naturally occurring mineral, and the reason isbecause its carbon atoms are arranged in a strongly bonded crystal structure.(A) mineral, and

42、 the reason is because(B) mineral, the reason for it is that(C) mineral and because(D) mineral because(E) mineral by7、Relatively little is known about the Suminoe oyster, which is new to the ChesapeakeBay, this has resulted in it being difficult for scientists to decide whether it may disturb the ec

43、osystem there.(A) Bay, this has resulted in it being difficult(B) Bay, which have resulted in difficulty(C) Bay, and results in difficulty(D) Bay, they result in difficulty(E) Bay, as a result, it is difficult8、The reason that many films succeed is that it reflects the private yearnings ofaudiences.

44、(A) is that it reflects(B) is that they reflect(C) is because of reflecting(D) are because they reflect(E) are their reflection of9、Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin used x-rays to discover the chemical structures ofpenicillin and vitamin B12, winning a Nobel Prize for her work.(A) winning a Nobel Prize for

45、her work(B) she then won a Nobel Prize for her work(C) this work won her a Nobel Prize(D) she won a Nobel Prize for her work(E) her work having won a Nobel Prize for her10、Although the development of an all-electric airplane is more problematic andcomplex than an all-electric car, several aeronautic

46、al companies are working to design and build all-electric airplanes.(A) an all-electric car(B) all-electric cars(C) those of an all-electric car(D) an all-electric car being developed(E) the development of an all-electric car11、In appearance much like the traditional yellow-fleshes Peruvian potato,

47、Canadianresearchers developed the hybrid Yukon Gold potato about 30 years ago.(A) Canadian researchers developed the hybrid Yukon Gold potato(B) Canadian researchers have developed the hybrid Yukon Gold potato(C) the hybrid Yukon Gold potato was developed by Canadian researchers(D) however, the hybrid Yukon Gold potato was developed by Canadianresearchers(E) but the hybrid Yukon Gold potato was developed by Canadian researchers12、One of the few marine mammals that makes use of tools are the Indian Oceanbottlenose dolphin, which uses sea sponges to stir sand on the ocean floor


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