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1、三年级英语下册Unit6OutdoorFun教案1广东版开心(最新版)Unit 6 Outdoor funPeriod 1一、教学目标:1、知识与技能(1)认读新词组和新句型,培养学生正确模仿语音语调的能力;(2)通过创设情景和大量练习,让学生能够综合运用语言的能力。2、过程与方法(1)通过对话、小组讨论、交流、游戏,培养学生在活动中互相合作、体验合作、发展合作、乐于探究、勇于创新的精神;(2)能够通过两两说和综合说体验协作学习的过程和方法;3、策略目标通过课前预习、课上互动、课下交流反思,老师和学生互敬互学,师生关系十分融洽。二、教学重点:熟练掌握本单元的重点词组forks, spoons,

2、 knives, chopsticks, cups, glasses, plates, bowls三、教学难点:1.能够在现实生活中灵活运用句I/ You/ We/ They have .He/ She /It has.力求做到语音准确,语调自然。2.chopsticks, knives的准确读音。四、教学步骤Step1:Warm up1.Greetings(师生问候)T:Hello, how are you?S:Im fine. Thanks.T:Do you like soccer/basketball?S:Yes,I do.2.The whole class sing a song :D

3、o you like baseball?3.说出下列单词的复数形式apple_ fish_ peach_ strawberry_pear_ pillow_ grape_ watch_ box_4.小结名词的单数与复数的形式变化规则。(1)一般情况, 加-s. eg. bananas, pears, watermelons.(2)以 s, x, sh, ch 等结尾的词, 加-es. eg. peaches, watches.(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i再加-es.eg: cherry- cherries, strawberry- strawberries.Step2:Presenta

4、tion1.教师用多媒体播放图片,复习水果单词的复数形式。T:Whats this ?S:Its a pear .T: What are these?S: They are pears.2. 引出动漫人物魔术师去朋友家做客,可是到朋友家后发现桌子上只有食物而没有餐具,就去寻找餐具。魔术师喜欢的是西式饮食。朋友喜欢的是中式饮食。所以朋友家没只有中餐的餐具。(一半的单词由朋友找出来,一半单词由魔术师变出来),从而先由魔术师变出knife和forkT:Whats this ?(1个叉子)Its a fork.T:W hatre these?(2个叉子)Theyre forks.H: I have f

5、orks . 教学生读单词:a fork, forksT: Forks.(出示单词卡片)(学生通过one by one或 two by two, group by group等形式学习新单词)3. T:Show me your forks. 学生举起自己的forks. 然后教师指着学生说:You haveforks. He has forks. She has forks.4. 教师用同样的方法教knife,同时引出knives.同时引导学生掌握knife变为复数是“knives”。5. 小结出以f 或fe结尾的词,则把f或 fe 改为v,再加es .6. 其他单词由朋友找出来而引出。T:Wh

6、eres my bowls? Oh, theyre here. Look. I have bowls. bowls, bowls.S: Bowls, bowls.T: Show me you bowls. 然后教师指不同的人物引出不同人称的句子。再由教师指不同的人物,学生讲句子。4.教师用以上方法呈现新单词 spoons, chopsticks, cups, glasses, plates, (教师边教边板书单词) 句子。5. 多种途径、多种形式朗读单词,注意纠正学生的发音,特别是 chopsticks, knives 的发音。6. 适当的替换数词,人称,边读边表演7. 让学生小结什么时候用“

7、has”, “ have”。8. T: Listen to the tape, and repeat.9. Play the tape one time and have Ss repeat after the tape.10 Point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the word.Step3: Consolidation1.巩固新单词play a game: finding word.让一学生上台背对同学,教师把其中一张图画卡片藏在一学生中,全班学生大小声念单词,提示台上的学生找单词。2. Game:Touch and Guess.1)

8、Some individual S come to the front of the classroom, close the eyes, toucha thing and guess what it is. If hes / shes right, others say:Cool! etc.2) Ss show their things. Practice the sentence:Look, I have a .3.请学生拿准备好的物品练说have,has句型:I have You haveWe have They haveHe has She has4.比较have , has 用法。5

9、. Divide Ss into groups of four. Each group will have two teams of two Ss each. Use one group to demonstrate the game. The group uses paper cards to make three flash cards with pictures of one, two and three knives. One student from Team 1 pulls out a card and another points to him/her and asks a qu

10、estion such as Does he/she havethree knives? Team 2 answers Yes, he/she has three knives. Or No, he/she doesnt. Team 1 reveals the card. If Team 2 guessed correctly, it gets a point. Team 2 then takes a turn.3. 中外文化知识传授:外国人吃正餐一般用forks and knives,中国人吃正餐一般用:bowls and chopsticks.Step 4 Sum up and Homew

11、orkWriting on the board:Unit 6 Do you have plates?I/ You/ We/ They have forks ( spoons, knives, chopsticks.He/ She /It has cups, glasses, plates, bowls.)四、课堂作业一、根据图画写出单词。二、用have, has 填空1.I spoons.2. She a pencils.3. You chopsticks.4. They books.5. He a fork.6. Jenny a red skirt.7. We a big room.Peri

12、od 2一、教学目标:1、知识与技能(1)认读新词组和新句型,培养学生正确模仿语音语调的能力;(2)通过创设情景和大量练习,让学生能够综合运用语言的能力。2、过程与方法(1)通过对话、小组讨论、交流、游戏,培养学生在活动中互相合作、体验合作、发展合作、乐于探究、勇于创新的精神;(2)能够通过两两说和综合说体验协作学习的过程和方法;3、策略目标通过课前预习、课上互动、课下交流反思,老师和学生互敬互学,师生关系十分融洽。二、教学重点:熟练运用本单元的重点词forks, spoons, knives, chopsticks, cups, glasses, plates, bowls三、教学难点:能够

13、在现实生活中灵活运用句Do you have ? Yes, we do ./No, we dont. Does she have ? Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt.,力求做到语音准确,语调自然。四、教学步骤Step1 Warming up1 Greetings.师生自由对话。如Hello! Hi! What your name? How old are you? Nice to meet you! What this? 等日常用语。2Sing a song: What are these?.3.复习单词fork-forks, spoon-spoons, knif

14、e-knives, chopstick-chopsticks, cup-cups, glass-glasses, plate-plates, bowl- bowls4.请学生拿准备好的物品练说have,has句型:I have You haveWe have They haveHe has She hasStep 2 Presentation1. T:Boys and girls, Look, I have forks Do you have forks.?(引导学生回答)Yes, I have forks.2.T: Do you have any forks?S1: Yes, I do.3.

15、 (教师指着第一个学生问第二个学生) Does he/she have any fork?引导第二个学生回答: Yes, he does.4. 用同样的方法引出句子:Does he/ she have any ? No, he/she doesnt.通过多次提问后板书句子:Do you have _forks_?Yes , we do.No, we dont.Does he/she have any forks ?Yes, he does.No, he/she doesnt.5. T: Does she have forks? Yes, she does. (用节奏等的形式学习操练does的句

16、型)6.利用电脑,学生带着疑问观看图像回答“Does she/he have?”句型:Does she/he have?She/He has通过个别提问、pair work、替换卡片等比赛形式巩固句型。7. Learn Target1)Point to the first picture and model the dialog.2)Point to the second picture and model the dialog.3)T: Listen and repeat.4)Play the tape and pause after each sentence.5)Role play.6)

17、Act out the Target.8.Learn Practice21)Distribute Picture Cards or realia to Ss.2)Walk around the room posing questions to Ss,3)T: (Point to Picture Cards or realia.) Do you have napkins? How about him?Does he have chopsticks?4)Model responses if necessary.5)T: Now, listen and answer the questions.6)

18、Play the tape and have Ss answer questions.7)Put Ss in pairs to ask and answer these questions.Step3: Consolidation1.Divide Ss into groups of four. Each group will have two teams of two Ss each. Use one group to demonstrate the game. The group uses paper cards to make three flash cards with pictures

19、 of one, two and three plates. One student from Team 1 pulls out a card and another points to him/her and asks a question such as Does he/she have three plates? Team 2 answers Yes, he/she has three plates. Or No, he/she doesnt. Team 1 reveals the card. If Team 2 guessed correctly, it gets a point. T

20、eam 2 then takes a turn.2.Sing a song: Do you have forks?(用Do you like baseball?的曲子让学生替换歌词)Do you have foks? Yes, we do.Do you have foks? No, we dont.Oh,no !I have forks.I have forks.And I have spoons.Doo doo doo!Spoons,spoons.Step 4: Summary: SummarySteps5: HomeworkWriting on the board:Unit 6 Do yo

21、u have plates?Do you have _?Yes , we do.No, we dont.Do they have _?Yes, they do.No, they dont. Does she have _?Yes, she does.No, she doesnt.Does he have _?Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.课堂作业:仿照下面的例句对单词造句。Model: (forks, knives)Does she have forks?No, she doesnt. She has knives.1.(she/ cups , glasses)2.(h

22、e/chopsticks, bowls)3.(you/plates, knives)4.(they / forks, spoons)Period 3一、教学目标:1、知识与技能(1)认读新词组和新句型,培养学生正确模仿语音语调的能力;(2)通过创设情景和大量练习,让学生能够综合运用语言的能力。2、过程与方法(1)通过对话、小组讨论、交流、游戏,培养学生在活动中互相合作、体验合作、发展合作、乐于探究、勇于创新的精神;(2)能够通过两两说和综合说体验协作学习的过程和方法;3、策略目标通过课前预习、课上互动、课下交流反思,老师和学生互敬互学,师生关系十分融洽。二、教学重点:1熟练运用本单元的重点词组

23、forks, spoons, knives, chopsticks, cups, glasses, plates, bowls2灵活运用Do you have ? Yes, we do .Does she have ? No, she doesnt. I/ You/ We/ They dont have .He/ She /It doesnt have.三、教学难点:能够在现实生活中灵活运用句Do you have ? Yes, we do .Does she have ? No, she doesnt.I/ You/ We/ They dont have . He/ She /It does

24、nt have.力求做到语音准确,语调自然。四、教学步骤Step 1: Warming up1.GreetingT: Good morning ,Boys and girls!Ss: Good morning,Miss Yang!T: How are you today?S1: Im fine.S2: Im ,too.2. Sing songs:T: Boys and girls ,Do you like song?Ss: Yes.T: OK, lets sing. Now, please look at the screen and sing What are these?3. 教师运用CA

25、I快速闪动Vocabulary的图片,让学生猜。4.复习单词引出句子:Do you have ?Yes, I do.No, I dont.Does he/ she have ?Yes, he does.No, he/she doesnt.(板书)Step 2 Presentation1.Learn the story1) 教师讲故事今天要去野餐,但要带什么去?那么又怎样询问同伴有没有带齐工具去呢?从而引入story.2)T: Lets listen together.3)Play the CAI one time and have Ss repeat after it.4) 操练句子We do

26、nt have plates. 替换不同的人称进行操练。5)T: Get into four groups. One plays Gogo and one plays Tony, one play Mrs. Greenand the other plays Mr. Green. Are you ready?6)Model the role playing once with a volunteer.7)Play the tape, pausing after each line so Ss can repeat.2. Learn Practice 11)Point to Picture A.2

27、)T: What do they have? Are they napkins? What color are they?3)Generate responses and do the same for the other three pictures.4) T: Now, listen to the tape.5)Play the tape for number 1 and then pause.6)T: Which picture is it? Is it B? Is it A?7)While Ss are responding, gradually move your hand to P

28、icture A.8)T: A is number 1. Write the number 1 in the box.9)Continue with the other three, pausing after each one.Step3: Consolidation1. T: Boys and girls, Do you like songs? Ss: Lets learn a new song.1) Look at the pictures and answer Do you have ?2) Show the song by CAI.3) Sing together.T: Boys a

29、nd girls look at the screen and listen carefully.(把歌播放边) This time ,lets sing the song after the computer.然后教学生唱两遍4) Divide Ss into groups and sing.2. Make a rhythm by clapping hands. While the class is keeping the rhythm, hand out Picture Cards to some Ss. Point to S1 and ask a question, e.g. does

30、(she) have (napkins)? Ss answer Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt. Continue w ith different students.Steps4: SummarySteps5: Homework1. Read and copy the new words four times.2. Read the story to your parents.Writing on the board:Unit 6 Outdoor funDo you have ? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Does he/ she have ?

31、 Yes, he does. No, he/she doesnt.I/ You/ We/ They dont have .He/ She /It doesnt have.课堂作业:仿照例子写句子Model 1 : I have spoons.1. your sister/ glass2. Tony / three plates3. Jenny and Tony/ cupModel 2 : I dont have a fork1. my mother/ knives2. they, / chopsticks3. she/ knifePeriod 4一、教学目标:1、知识与技能(1)运用新词组和新

32、句型,培养学生正确模仿语音语调的能力;(2)通过创设情景和大量练习,让学生能够综合运用语言的能力。2、过程与方法(1)通过对话、小组讨论、交流、游戏,培养学生在活动中互相合作、体验合作、发展合作、乐于探究、勇于创新的精神;(2)能够通过两两说和综合说体验协作学习的过程和方法;3、策略目标通过课前预习、课上互动、课下交流反思,老师和学生互敬互学,师生关系十分融洽。二、教学重点:1熟练运用本单元的重点词forks, spoons, knives, chopsticks, cups, glasses, plates, bowls2综合运用Do you have ? Yes, we do .Does

33、she/he have ? No, she/he doesnt. I/ You/ We/ They dont have .He/ She /It doesnt have.及I/ You/ We/ They have . He/ She /It has.三、教学难点:能够在现实生活中灵活运用句Do you have ? Yes, we do .Does she have ? No, she doesnt.I/ You/ We/ They dont have .He/ She /It doesnt have.I/ You/ We/ They have . He/ She /It has. 力求做到

34、语音准确,语调自然。四、教学步骤Step 1: Warming up1 Greetings.师生自由对话。如Good morning! How are you? How old are you? Nice to meet you! 等日常用语。2Sing a song: Do you have a fork?3游戏Magic eyes (火眼金睛)教师将卡片快速闪过,学生说出卡片上的单词,卡片闪过的速度逐渐加快。分组进行比赛。 T: What do you have?S1: I have a fork.T: What do you have?S2: I have chopsticks.在游戏的

35、过程中板书句型,并带读。然后让学得快的同学当“小老师”,展示图片,并用“What do you have?”提问。4.Play a Guessing games.运用句子Do you have ?来猜对方袋子里的东西。Step 2 PresentationLearn Activity 11. Draw a stick figure of a boy and a girl on the board.2. Under the girl stick figure, put three of the Picture Cards. Do the same under the boy stick figu

36、re.3. Ask S1 to make two sentence based on the pictures and what objects the figures have and dont have. Model if necessary.4. S1: He has a spoon. She doesnt have a spoon.5. Let other Ss do the same.6. T: Open your books. Work with a partner. What do Tony and Jenny have? What dont they have?7. Have

37、Ss ask one another questions, e.g. Does she have a fork? Does he haveaspoon?8. Ss draw lines from the words to the character who has those items.Learn Activity 21.Have several Ss come up to the board.2. Give Ss some Pictures Cards of plural items from any previous unit.3. T: (S1s name), do you have

38、(apples)?S1: No, I dont. I have (oranges).4. T: Open your books. Look at the pictures.5. Hold your book up and point to various pictures.6. T: (Point to the windows picture.) What are these? Ss: Theyre windows.Do we have windows? Ss: Yes, we do.7. Ask about other items on this page.8. Have Ss (using

39、 only the pictures on the outside border) draw various pictures in the open squares.9.Tell Ss not to let anyone see where they are putting their particular pictures.Every students board should be different.10. Circulate and check how Ss are doing.11. When Ss are finished, proceed to play Bingo.12. F

40、or a short game, the student who gets four in a row-horzontally, verticallyor diagonally, is the winner.13. If you have more time, play until one student covers up all of his/hersquares.Step3: Consolidation1.Bring in some plastic utensils, a plate, a cup and a bowl. Write out the words on the board.

41、 Turn you back to the class or otherwise make sure ss cannot see what you are doing. Drop two or three items on the floor at the same time. Ss ask questions , such as (Ts name), do you have (a plat)? Have several Ss asks question until the class finds out what the T dropped. Repeat several times, ch

42、anging item each time. Steps4: SummarySteps5: Homework1. Read and copy the new words four times.2. Share what you have.Unit 6 Outdoor funDo you have? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Does he/ she have? Yes, he does. No, he/she doesnt.I/ You/ We/ They have .I/ You/ We/ They dont have .He/ She /It has. He/ She

43、/It doesnt have.课堂作业:一、重新排列下列句子1. Have, you, do, a, tent (?)2. Chopsticks, I, black, have (.)3.watermelons, have, they(.)4.spoon, have, does, a, she (.)二、写出可以替换划线部分的词1. Do you have a fork?A. B. C.2. Tony doesnt have plates.A. B. C.3. Does she have knives?A. B. C.Period 5一、教学目标:1、语言知识目标:1)能识别熟记字母c,k,

44、q的发音及其单词cup, cake, fork, kite, quiet, queen 的发音。2)了解c,k,q字母的发音.从中渗透phonic学习法。3)自然运用phonic认读单词:cup, cake, fork, kite, quiet, queen.2 语言技能目标:能熟练掌握本单元的语音单词,并能掌握其发音规律3、情感目标:通过吟唱歌谣陶冶学生的情操;在游戏和活动中快乐学习,获得成功感。二、教学重点:学生学会c,k,q的发音和新单词三、教学难点:准确地分辨字母“c,k,q”的发音,并熟练地拼读。四、教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1、Sing a song2、Free

45、talkT:Whats your name?How old are you?Youre cool! Etc.3. T: I have a pencil. Do you have a pencil? S: Yes, we do.T: Do you have forks? S: No, we dont.Step2: Presentation and dills.1. Learn the words1)T: Lets practice the sound /k/. Look at my mouth and repeat.2) Show both your lips and aspiration to

46、 produce the sound.3) T: /k/. Ss: /k/.4) If necessary, have Ss touch their throat. Ss wont feel t he vibration ofthe vocal cords.5) Write the word cap on the board.6) T: (Point to the words.) Repeat after me. Cup. Ss: Cup.7) Show that your lips remain closed so the sound /p/ is unreleased.8) Repeat several times.9) Have Ss look at the words on the page.10) T: Lets listen to the tape.11) Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.12) T: Lets listen again


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