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1、牛津英语二年级B第4单元Things I like doing第一课时课型:新授课 时间:40分钟教学内容: Lets learn and lets enjoy教学目标:一、语言知识目标1、巩固与本课时相关的单词和句子,如sing, dance, read, skip, ride a bicycle, run. 2、能听懂、会说新单词hop, skate 3、能使用核心句型I like (doing) 来表达自己的喜欢做的运动。二、语言技能目标 1、能熟练使用I like (doing) 来表达自己的喜欢做的运动。2、能演(唱)与课文内容相关的歌曲或歌谣。三、学习策略目标 乐于参与,主动合作,

2、善于交流四、情感态度目标1、通过歌曲、童谣、游戏等活动激发学生学习的热情与兴趣。 2、培养学生团结协作的精神和合作交流的水平。教学重点:a、能听懂、会说新单词 hop, skate。 b、能使用核心句型 I like (doing) 来表达自己的喜欢做的运动。教学难点:a、 I like (doing) 来表达自己的喜欢做的运动。b、培养和提升学生的合作精神和交际水平。教学过程:步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段一、热身与复习1.师生问候通过师生之间亲切的问候与互动,拉近师生距离。T: Hello, boys and girls.Good morning.Im Mr. Dong.W

3、hats your name?Ss: Hello, Mr. Dong.Good morning.Im互动交流2.歌曲:Do you like it?欢快的歌曲,复习巩固Do you like ? Yes, I do. /No. I dont,既为新课学习做充分铺垫,又营造轻松、活跃的课堂氛围,调动了孩子们的学习热情。伴随着旋律,教师和学生齐唱。 学生合着节奏一边拍手一边欢唱。歌曲铺垫二、表现新知1、介绍故事主角并表现主题介绍故事主角:3只小兔子在森林里,并依次做自我介绍情景,自然引入课题。T: Boys and girls, Long ago, there were three rabbits

4、 in the forest.Who is she? How old is she? What can she do?Listen!S: She is Lala. She is six. She can sing.PPT展示:Hello! Im Lala. Im six. Im tall. I can sing. I like singing.T: Lala likes singing. What about you?S: I like singingThe same way to introduce Kaka and Bobo.学生通过3只兔子的自我介绍自然进入新句型I like doing

5、学习状态。 情景教学2.表现Lets enjoy视频唱中学,学中唱,充分使用书本资源,让课堂不那么枯燥T:Sing ,sing Sing with me I like singing. Do-re-me Dance, dance Dance with meI like dancing 1-2-3Write, writeWrite with meI like writing. A-B-C学生跟老师唱一遍。然后跟录音唱两遍3.介绍故事Mummy rabbit 回来,告诉兔子们森林运动会要开始了,并要兔子们报名参加运动会。T: Mummy rabbit comes back. The sports

6、day is coming. What do you like doing?看、听故事教学:I like running. I like riding操练:Train gameLala喜欢跑步和骑自行车让每个学生都开口说T:Lala likes running. Run, run, runningI like running.Lala likes riding a bicycle.Ride ,ride, ridingI like riding a bicycle.T:Little train, go! Go! Go!跟着老师一边做动作一边读单词和句子。学生一问一答操练句型教学:I like s

7、kipping. I like skating.操练:Lets chantKaka 喜欢跳绳和滑冰这首chant韵律强,读起来朗朗上口,同学们边做动作边,很好地巩固了单词与句型,并激发和保持着孩子们的学习兴趣。T: Kaka likes skipping.Skip, skip, skippingI like skipping.Kaka likes skating.Skate, skate, skatingI like skating.Doing, doing, doing.What do you like doing?Skipping, skipping,skipping,I like ski

8、pping.Doing, doing,Doing. What do you like doing?Skating, skating, skatingI like skating.跟着老师一边做动作一边读单词和句子。学生跟唱,齐唱,然后再自编Chant教学: I like hopping.Bobo喜欢单脚跳T: Bobo likes hopping.Hop, hop, hopI like hopping.跟着老师一边做动作一边读单词和句子。故事结尾故事的完整性, 为第二课时大灰狼家假扮妈妈埋下伏笔 T:Mummy rabbit is leaving, you should practice mo

9、re.4.巩固:Pair workT: Hi, Im Tom / Eddie.Im 8, 9, 10 . I can run / skate / ride a bicycle / fly a kite. I like running / skating.I am tall / short / fat / thin.通过与同学交流,把自己的情况结合本节课所学的句型表达出来。交际法任务型教学法四、作业布置通过让孩子们交流,达到课后延伸、巩固、运用的作用。T:For todays homework:1. Listen and read on Page16.2. Practice What do yo

10、u like doing? I like. with your friends.板书设计:Unit 4 Things I like doing.I like singing. sing-singingI like dancing. dance-dancingI like writing. writewritingI like running. run-runningI like riding a bicycle. ride-ridingI like skipping. skip-skippingI like skating. skate-skatingI like hopping. hop-h

11、opping 教学后记:本节课是让学生掌握更多的能力方面的动作和活动。根据二年级学生特点,我觉得本节课有下几方面做的不错:1、整节课用三只小兔子要报名参加森林运动会故事主线,将整节课的教学内容生动地溶入故事中,使孩子们知道如何表达自己的喜欢做的运动。2.、充分运用富有一定节奏和韵律的Song和chant,激发学生的兴趣。如:新授内容Lets enjoy.和教授新单词的running, running, I like running. 。3、从三只小兔子报名参加森林运动会,到最后孩子们报名参加运动会,有输入到输出的过程,孩子们把学到的句子在现实生活中运用出来。第二课时一、本节与上节相关性分析第二

12、课时教学是在第一课时教授hop, skate,sing, skip, run等动词的现在分词和句型:I like (doing)的基础上,通过小兔子智问问题,辨别大灰狼的故事学习新的句型,“Do you like (hopping/running/skipping/skating)?”,继续学习动词的现在分词形式。第一课时为第二课时做好了铺垫,第二课时则是对第一课时的延续和深入。教学内容 1. 单词:hop-hopping, run-running, skip-skipping, skate-skating, play-playing,eat-eating. 2. 句型:Do you like

13、 (hopping/running/skipping/skating)? Yes. / No. I like. (playing/ eating) 3. 理解一个英文小故事的大意,能有感情地朗读这个故事,并进行角色扮演。教学目标 1、知识目标 单词:hop-hopping, run-running, skip-skipping, skate-skating, play-playing,eat -eating. 句型:Do you like (hopping/running/skipping/skating)? Yes. / No. I like.(playing/ eating) 2、技能目标

14、 能听会说本课时单词句子;能运用本课时句型Do you like (hopping/running/skipping/skating)? Yes. / No. I like. (playing/ eating)进行会话交际; 能有感情地朗读英文小故事,并进行角色扮演。 3、情感目标 通过歌曲,英文小故事激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生用英语交流的勇气和能力,并教育学生不要随便给陌生人开门。 4、学习策略 本课时综合运用自主学习、教师指导和合作学习等各种策略,充分发挥信息技术在情景创设、资源提供和人机交互的优势,让学生在听故事,读故事,讲故事,演故事的过程中,不知不觉地学会了动词的现在分词形式的用法

15、。而且,在一个完整的故事的情景中,教师不用过多解释新句型的意思,孩子们就能在充足的语境中,自己理解新句型,“Do you like (hopping/running/skipping/skating)? Yes. / No. I like.(playing/ eating)”的意思。孩子们在听故事,读故事,学讲故事的快乐氛围中,学习英语,提高学习效率和学习热情,提高语言综合运用能力。四、教学重难点 1、重点 会说本课时动词的现在分词形式,能听、说、读和简单运用本课时所授句型: Do you like (hopping/running/skipping/skating)? Yes. / No.

16、I like.(playing/ eating)2、难点 1、初步了解动词的现在分词形式。2、能有感情地朗读英文小故事,并扮演故事的角色。 教学过程步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段一、复习和热身A. 在唱歌中复习学过的动词的现在分词形式:hop-hopping, swim-swimming, 同时活跃课堂气氛。B.复习单词,激起学生兴趣,让学生快乐进入课堂学习中。A. 边做动作,和学生唱歌曲: Hop and hop, a hopping rabbitB.唱完歌,教师说:“I like singing. What about you?”引导孩子回答自己喜欢的活动。A. 边做动作,

17、和老师唱歌曲: Hop and hop, a hopping rabbitB. 根据PPT的图片提示,谈谈自己喜欢的活动,“I like running/swimming/skipping/skating/多媒体、PPT;交际法,启发式二、新课呈现和巩固、A 复习上节课讲到的兔妈妈,三只小兔子的角色。为下面故事的展开做铺垫。B 导入故事情节,设定故事情景,吸引学生的注意力。C 通过播放故事的录音,让学生初步地,整体性地感知故事。D 让学生带着问题,再观看一次故事,进一步理解故事。E通过提问,考察孩子是否认真听故事,并为下面的教学环节做铺垫。F故事共有六幅图。刚才是整体性的听故事,理解故事大意,

18、现在是分开读,即一幅图,一幅图地读。可进行角色扮演,如老师要做大灰狼,让全班学生做小兔子;老师做大灰狼,请个别同学起来扮演大灰狼;请两组或两个同学角色扮演大灰狼和小兔子。扮演时,要让孩子们做动作,带上头饰,这样会让孩子们进入故事中去,真正成为故事的角色,提高学习热情。在讲每幅图时,还可以跳出故事,问孩子们喜欢做的事情。如老师说:“The mother rabbit likes hopping. Do you like hopping?”,引导学生回答,这样可以发挥学生自己的思维,而不只是模仿故事的情节。在每幅图的故事学习中,每当学到一个动词的现在分词,就在黑板上展示动词原形和动词的现在分词,以

19、加深孩子们对动词原形的区别和理解。A.介绍兔妈妈和三只小兔子。T: Boys and girls, do you remember the little rabbits and the rabbit mother?Let say out their names. This is Rabbit mother. This is Lala. Is he Bobo? No, he is Kaka. This is Bobo.B 播放图片,教师绘声绘色地讲故事:兔妈妈要去外面找吃的,临走时嘱咐小兔子们不能给陌生人开门。这时候一只饥饿的大灰狼来了。T: Look, little rabbits are h

20、ungry. The rabbit mother goes out for some food.Lets say goodbye to the rabbit mother: Goodbye, Mum!(Record): Goodbye, babies. Dont open the door to the stranger.Listen! Who is coming? A wolf is coming! The wolf is very hungry. He wants to catch the rabbits.(Record): Mummy rabbit is leaving. I can e

21、at the little rabbits.C 播放故事的录音。T: Now lets listen to the story to see what happened? (Play the record)D 老师提问孩子在故事里看到了什么角色,再播放一次故事的图片和录音。T: Now boys and girls please enjoy again and think: What do you see in the story? And what happened? (Play the record again)E 提问问题,引导下个教学环节:朗读故事。T: What do you see

22、 in the story? Yes. We can see a wolf and three rabbits.Do the rabbits open the door? No, they dont open the door.What happened to the rabbits? Now lets read together!F 播放故事录音,带上头饰,做上相应的动作(如单脚跳,跑步,跳绳,滑冰,玩耍),带领学生有感情地朗读,扮演故事的角色。1. Picture 1T: Now lets listen carefully and repeat. Follow me: Baby, baby

23、, this is mummy. (注意语调)Mummy? My mummy?Group1&2: you are the wolf.Group3&4: you are the rabbits.Great! Now exchange.2. Picture 2T: Do the rabbits open the door? Lets listen and follow.Follow me: Do you like hopping? Hop, hop, hopping. Do you like hopping?What does the wolf say? Lets listen.Lets read

24、 together. Yes, I like hopping. T: I like hopping. Do you like hopping?S1: Yes, I like hopping.S2: Yes, I like hopping.Ss: Yes, I like hopping.3. Picture 3T: What is going on? Lets go on. Listen and follow.Follow me: Do you like running? Run, run, running. Do you like running?What does the wolf say?

25、 Lets listen.Lets read together. Yes, I like running.T: I like running. Do you like running?S1: Yes, I like running. Do you like running?S2: Yes, I like running. Do you like running?Ss: Yes, I like running.4. Picture 4T: Whats going on? Lets listen. Listen and follow. Follow me: Do you like skipping

26、? Skip, skip, skipping. Do you like skipping?What does the wolf say? Follow me: No, I like playing. Play, play, playing. I like playing. Group1&2: you are the wolf.Group3&4: you are the rabbits. Now, exchange.5. Picture 5T: Whats next? Lets listen.Listen and follow.Follow me: Do you like skating? Sk

27、ate, skate, skating. Do you like skating?Group1,Group2, Group3, Group4. Excellent.What does the wolf say?Follow me: no, I like eating.Boys, you are the wolf.Girls, you are the rabbits. 6. Picture 6 T: The rabbits are very clever. Lets listen.Follow me: No, you are not my mummy. Go away!Who can act l

28、ike the rabbits?T: The wolf can not eat the rabbits. He says: On, no!Who can act like the wolf? 在每幅图的学习中,提问学生自己喜欢的活动。如老师说:“The mother rabbit likes hopping. Do you like hopping?”,引导学生回答 在每幅图的学习中,在黑板上展示动词原形和动词现在分词形式: hop-hopping, run-running, skip-skipping, skate-skating, play-playing,eat-eating. A. 观

29、看PPT并回答老师问题。 This is Lala/Kaka/Bobo.B. 观看PPT,听教师讲故事,了解故事的开头。C听故事的录音,初步感知故事。D. 带着问题,再次观看故事图片,听故事的录音。E 回答教师的问题。S: I can see a wolf and three rabbits. No.F 带上头饰,做上相应的动作(如单脚跳,跑步,跳绳,滑冰,玩耍),跟着老师和录音有感情地朗读,扮演故事的角色。根据自己的喜好,回答老师的问题。如,“Yes. I like hopping ,too. /No. I like swimming.”感知和学习动词原形和动词现在分词形式的不同。多媒体、P

30、PT、教具;情景法、启发式、角色扮演。三、 巩固与活用A. 检测学生对故事的大意是否理解。B. 检测学生对重点句型的理解。C. 四人小组角色扮演故事,在课堂上给学生一些自由的时间,让学生自由地扮演,练习这个故事。为下面的上台展示做准备。D. 让孩子们带上头饰,上台表演故事,符合二年级学生表现力强,喜欢表演的年龄特点。让孩子在演故事时,不知不觉地把语言知识内化为自己的语言。A.让学生给故事的六张图片排顺序。T: Boys and girls. We read the story. Now can you help me to number the story?Which one is numbe

31、r one? And number two?B. 让学生把图片和句子连接。T: now can you tell me what do the rabbits ask?The first one? The second one?C. 让学生四人一组角色扮演这个故事。T: boys and girls, lets act the story together ok?T: Now you of you become a group. Choose the role and act it out!D. 让学生四人一组上台表演故事,让孩子带上头饰,鼓励孩子不要看稿子,加上动作,表演故事。Times u

32、p! Now its show time! Which group?A 给故事的六张图片排顺序。B 将图片和句子连接。S: Do you like running/skipping/ skating/eating?C 四人一组角色扮演故事。D. 学生四人一组,带上头饰,表演故事。三、故事小结使得故事更完整,情景的设立更合理。故事前后,妈妈的叮嘱,“不要给陌生人开门。”成为德育渗透。播放PPT,告诉孩子们大灰狼只好灰溜溜地跑走了,妈妈回来了,小兔子很高兴,妈妈再次叮嘱孩子们:“不能给陌生人开门。”T: The bad wolf has to go! Mummy rabbit is back! T

33、he little rabbits are very happy. Mummy tells the little rabbits: “Dont open the door to the stranger.”学生观看PPT,理解故事的情景。交际法,情景法、启发式四作业第一个作业,让孩子回家复习故事,巩固语言点。第二个作业,让孩子运用学到的语言点,与人交流。布置作业1. Act out the story with your friends. 2. Ask your friends the actions they like, by using “Do you like (skipping/run

34、ning)?”了解作业。交际法板书设计Unit 4 Things I like doingDo you like hopping? Yes. I like hopping. running? Yes. I like running. skipping? No. I like playing. skating? No. I like eating.hop-hopping, run-running, skip-skipping, skate-skating, play-playing,eat-eating. 教学后记 本课时充分根据学生喜欢听故事,喜欢表演的年龄特点,综合采用了情景法、交际法、角色

35、扮演法等教学方法。本课故事是孩子们熟悉的“小兔子乖乖”故事的改编版,孩子们容易理解。在故事的语境中,孩子们更能准确理解重点句型和动词的现在分词,并在听故事,看故事,读故事,演故事的过程中,不知不觉地学会重点句型和动词的现在分词。并在和同学之间的合作表演中,提高实际运用语言的能力。这节课的设计希望孩子在听故事,看故事,读故事,演故事的过程,快乐地学习英语,提高学习英语的兴趣。第3课时课型:新授课时间:40分钟本节与上节相关性分析:承接第一课时故事主角Mother Rabbit和 Three Little Rabbits 讨论Forest Sports Meeting,第二课时Mother Rab

36、bit外出,Three Little Rabbits在家机智击退大灰狼的故事,在第三课时中,以Mother Rabbit带领Three Little Rabbits去森林参观采访大家是怎样准备Forest Sports Meeting为主题,以survey作为教学主线,以Three Little Rabbits的自我介绍去复习前两课时的内容,以Three Little Rabbits采访Animals结束后的汇报来学习Lets act中的表演,同时拓展what do you do like?的话题,并由What dont you like?升华主题,教育学生Do sports often an

37、d keep healthy. 最终以Mother Rabbit和 Three Little Rabbits结束采访开心回家准备Forest Sports Meeting作为整个故事的结局。教学内容:Do a survey. & Lets act.教学目标: 1、能熟练运用Do you like(doing)去询问所学的活动单词。2、能听说和认读单词skate,hop3、能演(做)与课文内容相关的对话和survey。4、拓展与本课主题相关的话题What dont you like (doing)?。教学重难点: 1.教学重点:Do you like (doing)去询问所学的活动单词以及能做(

38、演)与课文内容相关的survey 和action是本课时的教学重点。 2.教学难点:1、能以Do you like(doing)的话题展开对话进行语用输出。2、动词ing形式的变换。教学过程:步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段 一、组织教学及复习通过轻松的交流互动引出课题,通过节奏欢快的童谣,复习学过的知识,为孩子们创设了一种美妙的英语氛围。1. Greeting.T: Good morning. Nice to see you.T: I like running?Do you like running? T: I like swimming. Do you like swimmi

39、ng?T: I like running and swimming.Things I like doing2. Revision.T: What do you like?S1: I likeChant: Like, like, like, what do you like?1. Greeting.2. Answer teachers questions 3. Say the chants with gestures.互动交流小组对话吟唱童谣二、新知识的呈现与归纳Mother Rabbit带领Three Little Rabbits去森林参观采访大家是怎样准备Forest Sports Meet

40、ing为主题,以survey作为教学主线,以Three Little Rabbits的自我介绍去复习前两课时的内容,以Three Little Rabbits采访Animals结束后的汇报来学习Lets act中的表演1. M: Im Rabbit Mother. Im back. Where are my babies?3RS: Im here.M: Many animals are preparing for the Forest Sports Meeting. Lets go and have a look.3SR: Yes.2. M: Theyre so busy. My babies

41、, come and introduce yourselves to all.3RS: Hello.Ss: Hello.R1: ImI canI like R2: ImI canI like R3ImI canI like3.M:Lets do a survey.What do you like(doing)?What dont you like (doing)? Do you like(doing)?Ss: I like I dont like (doing)? Yes/No. I like4. Do the survey.5.Enjoy a movie” Do you like flyin

42、g”1. Watch Mother Rabbitand Three Little Rabbits action 2. Answer Three Little rabbits questions.3. 3RS do the survey.4. Learn “Do the survey ”5.Watch a movie情境教学PPT运用三、新知识的巩固与活用1、话题再构:让孩子们在合作交流中进行综合的语用输出。 2.师生共chant,一唱一合,唱出欢快的森林生活。1. Teamwork.T: The animals are preparing hardly for the Forest Sports Meeting.Lets have a look.What do you like(doing)?What dont you like (doing)? Do you like(doing)?S1: I like I dont like Yes./No. I like (doing)S2: I like I


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