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1、The meaning of strategic human resource managementStrategic human resource management is: to enable organizations to achieve the goal of human resources to plan the deployment and activities of various models. Strategic human resource management is an essential integral part of the strategy, includi

2、ng the business people to achieve organizational goals through the various aspects. Since human capital is the major source of competitive advantage, strategies also need people to perform, so the top management in the development of strategies must carefully consider the human factor. Strategic hum

3、an resource management will focus on the organization: to change the structure and culture, organizational efficiency and performance, the development of special abilities, and managing change. Its purpose is: To ensure that the organization has good skills and good access to staff motivation, so th

4、at organizations gain sustainable competitive advantage, creating the organizations strategic capabilities, relying on people to achieve strategic objectives and rely on the core human resources to build competitive advantage.Strategic human resource management major role in the organization and req

5、uirements are:(1) to achieve organizational strategy and objectives to provide support to ensure that all human resources activities have added value.(2) to strengthen cultural management, release and develop the inner ability.(3) development process to maximize the contribution of employees, potent

6、ial employees who, in their early career, should organize and manage aspects of their vision.(4) enterprise-wide, so that each individual learn and develop as an important part of their working life.(5) the design, implementation and management of various systems to provide specific skills training

7、to ensure employees learn the relevant experience.(6) by experts to recruit, develop and train staff to enable them to cope with business changes with a wide range of skills and a good attitude.(7) management of a growing variety of career mode, a variety of professional staff to pursue.Strategic hu

8、man resource management theory(1) Value. Strategic human resource management and general human resources management major difference is that it emphasizes human resource management activities closely with the corporate strategy, its functions include acquisition, development, evaluation and incentiv

9、es directly into the corporate strategic planning and implementation process. Human resources management is to a strategic level, which in itself is for human resource managers a powerful incentive to encourage them to change the thinking, broaden their horizons, from the overall situation, the effe

10、ctive integration of human resource management system and make the efficient functioning of the human resource management will become a source of value creation.(2) scarcity. Human resource management of each organization are rooted in corporate organizational culture and a certain social norms, and

11、 by the internal and external environment of enterprises made a comprehensive analysis of strategies to guide, that in itself is unique, proprietary organizations, which is also scarce.(3) the difficulty of imitation. Strategic human resource management to emphasize that human resources management s

12、ystem integration and corporate strategy, stage of development of each organization and the resources on their own ability to create competitive advantage are different, in addition, the establishment of human resource management based on past experience on itself is an evolving process of evolution

13、 and re-accumulation, showing that inter-organizational human resources management system is a great difference. Strategic human resource management focuses on human resource management and enterprise strategy, while the longitudinal match practice to achieve its lateral match between the organizati

14、ons internal and external environment in which the uncertainty in turn determines the match should be a dynamic, flexible. This dynamic matching tissue embedded in a particular environment, because of its unique and difficult to be imitated by competitors.(4) is not irreplaceable. Strategic human re

15、source management emphasis on human resource management and the formation of corporate strategy integration, from a strategic height deployment of human resources. Human resources become the first resource in the organization, material resources, the role of human resources should be adopted, its va

16、lue can be the ultimate expression. Therefore, when the major decisions in the face of business, capital, technology and other production factors to consider, but the issue of human resources compared to thesignificant impact organizational decision making, they are replaced in human resources can n

17、ot be realized.Strategic human resource management on the impact of management activitiesStrategic human resource management, human resources, it is concerned about the systematic, integrated, and the direction of the new, the theme of the new policy, rather than trivial details and specific techniq

18、ue, which makes human resource management from a relatively low transactional work out of them, located in the core business with the organization closer to the theme, so they have more important strategic position and role. Therefore, the strategic human resource management is not only a new manage

19、ment model, but should be an advanced management ideas and concepts. No doubt this idea and concept of the current human resources management will have a profound impact.(1) shift in the focus of work and the work function of the expansion. Human resource management focus will be located in those or

20、ganizations is more important long-term sustainable development of the subject, it is no longer confined to the core of the labor organization to obtain and develop their motivation, in order to evaluate its performance, and as to the Pay basis, but the strategic decision-making in the organization

21、play a more proactive role, specifically including the transformation of organizational structure, reconstruction process of optimizing the operation of the organization, fostering organizational culture building, change the organizations leadership style, adjusting the organizational communication

22、Organizations work to create atmosphere, staff attitude research organizations to improve the organizations employee job satisfaction, and strengthen the development of effective means for the organization, both organizations and employees win the value of the common growth of other aspects. At this

23、 point, human resource managers assume a strategic partner, management experts, staff motivator and role of change agents 4.(2) human resources management to improve organizational performance in the fundamental role to play. Strategic human resource management that human resources are the organizat

24、ion achieve its goals, the most important resource for sustainable development, namely, human resources are the key considerations in organizational decision-making; have access to human resources, development, evaluation and incentives should match the strategic objectives of the organization it be

25、comes a vital part of management. The organizations human resources management as the most direct and important practitioners of human resource management activities, will become the core of the organization and management department. Human resources departments will strengthen its own building, wil

26、l be more focus on the improvement of organizational performance and organizational performance in particular play a decisive role in the key performance, thereby improving the performance of its human resources operation in the effectivecorporate strategy , and promoting the organization to complet

27、e the strategic plan.战略性人力资源管理的内涵战略性人力资源管理是指 : 为了使组织能够达到目标 , 对人力资源各种部署 和活动进行计划的模式。 战略性人力资源管理是企业战略不可或缺的有机组成部 分, 包括了企业通过人来达到组织目标的各个方面。由于人力资本是获取竞争优 势的主要资源 , 战略也需要人来执行 ,所以最高管理层在开发战略时必须认真考 虑人的因素。战略性人力资源管理将组织的注意力集中于 :改变结构和文化 , 组织 效率和业绩 , 特殊能力的开发 ,以及管理变革。它的目的是 : 通过确保组织获取具 有良好技能和良好激励的员工 , 使组织获得持续的竞争优势 ,从而形成

28、组织的战 略能力, 依靠人们实现战略目标和依靠核心人力资源去建立竞争优势。战略性人 力资源管理对组织的主要作用与要求是 :(1) 对达成组织的战略和目标提供支持 , 确保所有的人力资源活动都产生 附加值。(2) 加强文化管理 , 释放并开发人的内在能力。(3) 开发流程使员工的贡献达到最大 ,对那些具有潜力的员工 , 在他们的职 业生涯早期就应该对他们进行组织和管理方面的远景规划。(4) 在全企业范围内 , 使每一个人的持续学习和发展成为其工作生活的重 要内容。(5) 设计、执行和管理各种系统 , 提供特殊的技能培训 , 以确保员工学到相 关的经验。(6) 通过专家来招聘、开发和培训员工 ,

29、使他们具有应付商业变化的广泛的 技能和良好的态度。(7) 管理一个不断增长的多种职业生涯模式、多种职业追求的员工队伍。 战略性人力资源管理的理论基础(1)价值性 。战略性人力资源管理与一般人力资源管理的重大区别在于它 强调人力资源管理活动与企业战略紧密结合, 其各项功能包括获取 、开发 、评价 和激励直接融入企业战略的规划和执行过程 。人力资源管理被提高到战略的高 度,这本身对于人力资源管理人员也是一种强大的激励,将促使他们转变思维, 开阔视野,从全局出发, 有效整合人力资源管理系统并使之高效运转, 人力资源 管理将成为价值创造的源泉 。(2)稀缺性 。每个组织的人力资源管理都根植于企业的组织

30、文化和一定的 社会规范, 并且由对企业的内外部环境进行综合分析所做出的战略来引导, 这本 身就是独特的,组织专有的,因而也是稀缺的 。(3) 难以模仿性。战略性人力资源管理强调的是人力资源管理与企业战略 的系统结合,每个组织所处的发展阶段以及依靠自身资源去创造竞争优势能力 是不同的, 此外,人力资源管理建立于过去经历基础之上, 本身是一个不断发展 演化与再积累的过程, 可见组织间的人力资源管理系统也是存在巨大差异的。 战 略性人力资源管理注重人力资源管理与企业战略保持纵向匹配的同时实现其各 项实践活动之间的横向匹配,组织所处的内外部环境的不确定性又决定了 其匹配应该是动态的、 富有弹性的。这种

31、动态的匹配嵌入在特定的组织环境之中, 因其独特性而难以被竞争对手所模仿。(4)不可替代性。战略性人力资源管理强调人力资源管理与企业战略形成 一体化,站在战略的高度部署人力资源。 人力资源成为组织中的第一资源, 物质 资源等都要通过人力资源的作用, 其价值才能得以最终体现。 所以,企业在面临 重大决策时, 资金、 技术等生产要素要考虑, 但相比人力资源问题对组织决策产 生的重大影响,它们对人力资源的替代是不可能实现的。战略性人力资源管理对管理活动的影响战略性人力资源管理,它是关注人力资源系统性的、整合性的、方向新的, 政策新的主题, 而不是琐碎的细节和具体的操作技术, 这使人力资源管理从相对 “

32、低等”的事务性工作中脱离出来,定位在与组织经营核心更为贴近的主题上, 因而具有更加重要的战略地位和作用。 所以,战略性人力资源管理不仅是一种全 新的管理模式, 更应当是一种先进的管理思想和理念。 这种思想和理念毫无疑问 会对当前的人力资源管理产生深远的影响。( 1)工作重心的转移和工作职能的扩大。 人力资源管理的工作重心将定位于 那些对组织长期可持续发展更重要的主题, 它不再局限于为组织获得核心劳动力 并对其进行开发激励, 进而评价其工作绩效, 并以此作为给予薪酬的依据, 而是 在组织战略的决策方面扮演更加积极主动的角色, 具体包括改造组织的结构、 重 构优化组织的运作流程、 培育建设组织的文

33、化、 转变组织的领导方式、 调整组织 的沟通、 营造组织的工作氛围、 研究组织的员工心态、 提高组织的员工工作满意 度、强化有效的组织发展手段, 赢得组织和员工双方价值的共同增长等诸多方面。 此时,人力资源管理人员承担着战略伙伴、 管理专家, 员工激励者以及变革推动 者4 种角色。( 2)人力资源管理部门将在提高组织绩效方面发挥基础性作用。 战略性人力 资源管理认为人力资源是组织实现其目标、 持续发展的最重要资源, 即人力资源 是组织决策的关键考虑因素; 相继人力资源的获取、 开发、 评价和激励就应该匹 配于组织战略目标, 成为组织管理中至关重要的一环。 而组织中的人力资源管理 部门作为最直接和重要的人力资源管理活动实践者, 将成为整个组织管理的核心 部门。人力资源管理部门必将加强其自身建设, 将更多的精力集中于组织绩效的 提高尤其是对组织绩效起决定性作用的关键绩效上, 从而提高人力资源部门自身 的绩效在企业战略运作中的有效性,推动组织战略计划的完成。


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