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1、中英双语国旗下讲话演讲稿:Responsibility花有果的责任,云有雨的责任,太阳有光明的责任。可什么是责任呢?无论是扮演什么角色,只要做好自己的事。就像希腊神话中说:人的一生都在赶路,肩上担负着家庭,朋友,学习等。不管经历多少艰难,都无法丢弃其中的任何一件事。因为每个人背上写着两个字:责任。Flowers have their responsibility of bearing fruits, just like cloud has that of falling rain, and the sun of casting light. But what is responsibility

2、? No matter what role you play, you only need to complete your own work. As in Greek mythology: people spend their entire life trudging on their way, shouldering the responsibilities from family, friends, and of study. No matter how hard it is, you cannot discard any of them, because everyone bears

3、the word on his back: responsibility.列夫托尔欺泰说:“一个人若是没有热情,他将一事无成。而热情的基础就是责任心。”责任就是牢记使命,勇于担当;就是敬职敬业。担当是中华民族的优良传统。是大禹:三过家门而不入。是诸葛亮:鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。是谭千秋老师在教室坍塌之际,用自己的生命做支撑护住学生。Lev Tolstoy once said: A person without enthusiasm can accomplish nothing. The foundation of enthusiasm is responsibility. Responsibili

4、ty means to keep the mission in mind, dare to shoulder responsibility and be dedicated to ones career. Taking responsibility is the excellent tradition of the Chinese nation. It presents in the story of Yu: he passed his home three times but did not go into. It demonstrates in the story of Zhuge Lia

5、ng: bend ones back to the task until ones dying day. And it shows in the story of a teacher Tan Qianqiu who used his body as support to protect his students when the classroom collapsed.在我们的成长过程之中,曾经得到很多人的关爱,教育,帮助和奖励。因此,我们也应该在不断地付出与回馈。在学校里,我们也要努力的学习,不断的积累和充实自己,这是责任,走出家门,无意中毁坏了公共财务,勇敢地承认过失并积极地补救,这就是责

6、任。将来建设国家,保卫家园,做一个对社会有用的人,更是责任。In the process of our growth, we have been cared, educated, helped and rewarded by many people. Therefore, we should constantly offer or give something back. In school, we shouldstudy hard, gradually fulfill and enrich ourselves, which is our responsibility. Away from h

7、ome, if inadvertently break public facilities, we should bravely admit the error and actively make remedies, which is also the responsibility. It is our responsibility to construct the country, defend our homeland, and become useful members to the society.如果,有人问我们是什么推动着我不停的前进,身为*国际学校的学生,我们会郑重的告诉他们:是

8、责任!担当责任是因为我们心里装着他人,装着老师和朋友,我们相信责任会让生活更加的闪亮,我们会用登山则情满于山,观海则情溢于海的热情,继续我的征途,我们相信责任是一种勇气,更是一种决心。If we are asked what has been driving us to keep moving forward, as a student of Maple Leaf Enlai International School, we will solemnly answer them: it is responsibility! Perhaps everyone is asked this quest

9、ion in his or her life, and we can only answer with our own life. Therefore, we take responsibility because we have other people in our minds, and have the mission given by teachers and friends. We dont believe in the lines on our palms. We only believe that responsibility will make life brighter. We will be responsible for ourselves, harboring ardent enthusiasm to continue my life journey. We believe that responsibility is not only a kind of courage, but also a determination.


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