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1、六年级下册第四单元Unit 4Mother sDay一 .根据 意思写出英 。1. 吻 _2爱._3惊.讶 _4.种, _5餐 _6餐.馆 _二 .写出下列短 或句子的英 意思。1.Whatsthe date today?_ 2. On MothersDay_3.What will you fo for Mom?_4.give her a big kiss _=givea big kiss to her._5.Letsgive her a surprise_6.What kind of ?_7.make a card for her_8.Here is a card for you_9.Hap

2、py MothersDay_10.do the cleaning_11.What a surprise!_12.get up early_13.do housework_14.What an interesting book!_15.What a nice dog!_16.What a beautiful park!_三、用 感 句“ What a.或 What an.” 填空 。1. _ good father!2. _ interesting monkey!3. _ surprise !4. _famous mountain!5._fat snowman!.6. _ nice garden

3、!.7._heavy box!8._interesting story!四、句子 。根据句意,用不同的句子改写,句意不 。1)give 某人( 格)某物 = give 某物 to 某人( 格 ):给 某人某物1、Illgive him a card.- Illgive_ _ to _.2、Illgive her a big kiss.- Ill_ a big kiss _ her.3、Letsgive a surprise to them- Letsgive _ _ _.4、Give me your book.- Give _ _ to _.2) make 某人( 格)某物 = make某物

4、for 某人( 格 ): 某人做某事1、Hellmake us a card.- Illmake _ _ for _.2、Illmake him some Easter eggs.- Ill_some Easter eggs _.7、Letsmake some flowers for her-Letsmake_ _ _.8、She made us some cakes- She made_ _for_.五选择题()1.- _.-It sFriday.A. What sthe date today?B.What day is today?)2.-_ is today? -It sApril 12

5、th.A. What dateB.What dayC,What color)3.-Shellgive _ a big kiss.A.IB.meC.my)4.Illmake a birthday _ Kate.A.toB.ofC.forC.What sthe time?()5.Tomorrow is MothersDay, Illgive my mother a card and say”A.Happy New YearB.Thank you, MomC.Happy MothersDay.()6.Lets_her a surprise.A.giveB.to giveC.giving()7. Wh

6、at _ interesting book!A.aB.anC.the()8.The second Sunday of May is_.A.Mother sDayB.FathersDayC. Easter Day()9.We got up early and _the cleaning.A.didB.doC. doing()10. _ MothersDay, I make some paper flowers for my mom.A.InB.OnC.At六 .寻找异类:从 A.B.C.D四个选项中,找出一个与其它三个不同的选项。1()A. hospitalB.headacheC. feverD

7、.toothache2()A. Spring Festival B.SundayC.Mother sDayD.Easter Day3()A.flowersB.cardsC.breadD.kisses4()A.mathB. watchC.artD. science七组词成句 。1.make, us,some, he, cards ,for,will_1.Ill, her,a, give,big ,kiss_3. beautiful, park, a, what_!五 .用方框内所给词的正确形式填空,使句子意思完整,注意词的变化。what,a,mother.clean,twokiss1. Happ

8、y _ Day.Wellsay thanks to our mothers.2. What _interesting girl!3. We get up early and do the _ at home every day.4. Itsthe _ Sunday of May, ItsMother sDay.5. There are so many _ in her face. She feels happy.6. _ a busy day!八阅读理解:The second Sunday of May is Mother sDay.On this day children want to t

9、hank their mothers.They usually give flowers,cards or candy to their mothers. Many people do not want their mothe to cook dinner.They have dinner at the restaurant.This is a busy day for restaurants根据短文填空,每空填一词。使句意与短文相符。.1. When is Mother sDay.-Its on the _Sunday of _.2. On this day ,children usually give their mothers _,cards or _.3. Many people have _at restaurant, they do ont want their _ to cook dinner.4. What a _day at the restaurant.!5. On this day ,Children usually say_ to their mothers.


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