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1、期末测试卷一、根据图片选择正确的单词。( ) 1. A. a coat B. a shirt( ) 2. A. socks B. shoes( ) 3. A. mouth B. arm( ) 4. A. brother B. sister( ) 5.二、英汉互译。1. 11 个苹果:_ 3. go to school:_ 5. 骑自行车:_ 7. go on foot:_A. grapes B. bananas2. 乘飞机:_4. go home:_6. 开车:_8. blue sweater:_三、选择最合适的,将序号写在前面的括号里。( ) 1. Lets_ to school.A. go

2、 B. come C. goes( ) 2. Excuse me, _ you Helen?A. is B. are C. am ( ) 3. May I come _?A. in B. on C. under ( ) 4. Do you come to school _ bike?A. at B. by C. to ( ) 5. Its _ English book.A. a B. an C. /( ) 6. _ is she?A. Whats( ) 7. This is _ boo k.B. How C. WhoA. an B. the C. a四、连词成句。1. The cat fish

3、 likes (.) _2. shoes are black His (.) _3. does your What father like (?) _4. students many How your class in are there (?) _五、读一读,连一连。(1) Who is he?(2) Are these your shoes?(3) Does he have a pen?(4) Thank you.(5) Where is the dog?六、情景选择。( ) 1. 夸赞同学的裙子时,你会说:A. Youre welcome. B. Yes, he does. C. Its

4、 on the floor. D. He is Mr. Zhao. E. Yes, they are.A. How beautiful the shirt is! B. May I have a look?( ) 2. 当你要说你的英语老师有一双大眼睛,你会说:A. My English teacher has two hands.B. My English teacher has two big eyes.( ) 3. 当你要打扰某人时,首先应说:A. Excuse me. B. Thank you.( ) 4. 当你要问这是谁的外套时,你应该说:A. Who is this? B. Who

5、se coat is this?七、选句子,补全对话。A. Where is it?B. Yes, I do.C. What color is it?D. Is that your bike?Kevin: Do you have a bike?Su Nan: (1) I go to school by bike.Kevin: (2)Su Nan: Its green. I like green.Kevin: (3)Su Nan: No, it isnt.Kevin: (4)Su Nan: Its there, under the tree.八、阅读,完成问答。My name is Kitty.

6、 I m nine yea rs old. I m a girl. I m tall. My teacher Miss. Zhao is short. But she is beautiful. Colin is short and Li Shan is tall. We are in Class 2, Grade 3. We are good friend.(1) Who am I?(2) How old am I?(3) Whos my English teacher? (4) Is Miss Zhao tall?(5) Is Colin short?_参考答案一、1-5 AABBA二、1

7、. eleven apples2. by plane3. 去学校4. 回家5. ride a bike6. drive a car7. 步行8. 蓝色的毛衣三、1-7 ABABBCC四、1. The cat likes fish.2. His shoe are black.3. What does your father like?4. How many students are there in your class? 五、(1)-(5) DEBAC六、(1) - (4) ABAB七、(1)-(4) BCDA八、(1) I am Kitty.(2) I am nine years old.(3) Miss Zhang.(4) No, she isnt.(5) Yes, he is.


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