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1、1,Unit 6 Whats in a Name?,2,Is name important?,Directions: Work in groups to discuss whether a persons name is important or not. Give your reasons.,3,Chinese Phrases related to “名”,1) 名不虚传 deserve the reputation one enjoys; ones reputation is justified; be worth ones name; be true to ones name. 2) 名

2、不符实 be unworthy of ones name 3)名列前茅 come out top; to be among the best of candidates; be on the top of the list,4,4) 名垂青史 make history; go down in history; leave a name in history 5) 名落孙山 fail to be admitted/ enrolled 6)名正言顺 be legitimate; be perfectly justifiable 7)顾名思义 as the name implies/suggests

3、,5,English expressions related to “name”,First name/given name Last name/ family name/ surname Stage name 艺名 An assumed name 化名 Pen name/pseudonym 笔名 Nickname 绰号 Pet name for a child; childhood name小名,6,A man of name 知名人士 The great names of history 历史名人 A household name 家喻户晓的人或事 Enroll ones name for

4、 something申请参加 Keep ones name on the books 保留学籍 take ones name off the books 退学,开除,7,You name it.凡你想得起的 不管什么(都有了或都干了等) give a dog a bad name and hang him. 一旦给人家个坏名声它就永远洗刷不掉(人言可畏) They call each other all sorts of names. 他们用各种恶言恶语互骂。 His name is mud. 他声名狼藉。 He was a chairman only in name. 他只是个名义上的主席。

5、 Thomas Edison was a great name in science. 托马斯爱迪生是个科学伟人,8,Pair Work,Comment on the following Chinese names 刘慧芳 郝胜男 李根 牛得草 石磊 雷锋 秦晖 吴安全 秦寿生 宋秋波,9,Group Discussion,Divide the whole class in to groups and then conduct discussion. The owner of a certain name in the class is expected to say something ab

6、out his or her name and the uniqueness of the name. and the other students may comment on the name and talk about the qualities that name suggests. And then you decide on the 10 most appealing names in your class. Each group has its representative to report to the whole class.,10,What name would you

7、 choose for your future baby? What factors do you know western people consider in naming their children?,11,1)First names must sound pleasant and attractive; 2) Second names should carry special implications; 3) The whole name should be a good mirror of its cultural as well as family backgrounds; Na

8、mes are rich with a positive sense that will work for the childs growth; 5) Social values and personal beliefs leave their mark on the names ,12,Clayderman 克莱德曼,泥瓦匠,Meanings about Some English Names,13,Holmes 福尔摩斯,河边的田地,14,编织匠,Webster韦伯斯特,15,狼,Adolf 阿道夫,16,财主,Edward 爱德华,17,烤肉,Tailor泰勒,Bush布什,Bacon培根

9、,灌木丛,裁缝,18,Jack 杰克 Jenny 珍妮 Jakson 杰克逊,公驴 母驴 公驴的儿子,19,Baker贝克 Porter波特 Smith史密斯 Cook库克,面包烘烤匠 挑夫 铁匠 厨子,20,Peter皮特 Nancy南希 York约克,石头 保姆 养猪的人,21,It is not strange that most famous names have such original meanings,for people in the ancient times had great difficulty making a living.And it is not realistic for their descendants to change ,so names with such funny meanings exist from generation to generation,


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