2018年新起点一年级英语下册Unit 5 Drink 练习题.docx

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1、Unit 5 DrinkLesson 1一、根据汉语意思选出正确的单词。( )1.果汁 A. juice B. water ( )2.茶 A. juice B. tea( )3.牛奶 A. water B. milk ( )4.水 A. tea B. water ( )5.口渴的 A. hungry B. thirsty二、选出与汉语意思相符的单词。( )1. 果汁 A. tea( )2. 茶 B. milk( )3. 牛奶 C. thirsty( )4. 口渴的 D. water( )5. 水 E. juice三、选出每组中不同类的一项。( )1. A. milk B. rice C. fi

2、sh ( )2. A. ball B. water C. tea ( )3. A. light B. milk C. bed ( )4. A. vegetable B. thirsty C. hungry ( )5. A. chair B. desk C. thanks四、选出正确的翻译。( ) -Can I have juice? -Here you are.A. -我能喝点果汁吗?- 给你。B. -我能喝点水吗?- 给你。Lesson 2一、根据汉语意思选单词,将选项写在括号内。A. juice B. tea C. milk D. water E. thirsty1. 茶( ) 2. 牛奶

3、( ) 3. 果汁( ) 4. 饥饿的( ) 5. 水( )二、根据所给句子选出相应的图片。( )1. Im thirsty. Can I have water?( )2. Im hungry. Can I have chicken?( )3. I want fish.( )4. I want juice.A. B. C.D.三、根据句子选择正确的汉语意思。 ( )1. Do you want milk?A. 你想喝牛奶吗? B. 你想喝水吗?( )2. Im hungry.A. 我饿了。B我渴了。( )3. Do you want tea?A. 你想要点儿果汁吗? B你想要点儿茶水吗?Les

4、son 3一、连线。水 tea茶 juice果汁 milk牛奶 thirsty口渴的 water二、选出下列每组中不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. tea B. hungry C. juice( ) 2. A. milk B. light C. box( ) 3. A. ball B. doll C. chicken ( ) 4. A. under B. on C. blackboard ( ) 5. A. water B. thirsty C. hungry三、判断下列句子与图片是()否()相符。( ) 1. Do you want milk?( )2. Do you want fish?(

5、 )3. Do you want juice?( )4. Can I have a plane?( )5. Can I have tea?Unit 5一、选出相应的英语单词。 ( ) 1. 果汁单元检测A. juice B. water C. milk( ) 2. 牛奶A. ball B. fish C. milk( ) 3. 水A. tea B. rice C. water( ) 4.口渴的A. hungry B. want C. thirsty二、找出下列每组中不同类的词。( ) 1. A. juice B. doll C. ball ( ) 2. A. vegetable B. ligh

6、t C. rice ( ) 3. A. in B. water C. near ( ) 4. A. hungry B. bear C. thirsty ( ) 5. A. tea B. milk C. want三、判断(对的打“”,错的打“”)。( )1. 牛奶 noodles( )2. 茶 water( )3. 水 tea( )4. 果汁 juice四、将下列单词分类。A. water B. train C. tea D. fish E. egg F. plane G. doll H. car I. ball J. juice K. bear L. rice M. vegetable食品玩具

7、饮料五、根据图片圈出正确的单词,补全句子。1. Where is the (box / bed)?2. I have a (plane / train).3. I want (eggs / vegetables).4. Can I have (juice / milk)?5. Do you want (water / tea)?六、为英语句子选择正确的翻译。( )1. No, thanks. I want fish.A.不,谢谢。我要鱼。 B. 不,谢谢。我要鸡肉。 ( )2. Im thirsty.A.我饿了。 B.我渴了。( )3. Do you want tea?A. 你要茶吗? B.你要牛奶吗?( )4. Whats near the blackboard?A. 靠近黑板的是什么? B.黑板后面是什么? ( )5. Where is the bear?A. 熊是什么? B.熊在哪里?( )6. I want tea.A. 我想喝茶。 B.我想喝水。


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