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1、第一套1. Hi, Tom! How are you getting on?(问候)Pretty good! Everything is going well. / Im fine. Thank you!2. Come here. Let me introduce my friend to you, this is Jerry.(介绍)Nice to meet you, Jerry. / Glad to see you. / Pleased to meet you. 3. I had a good time at the party, but Im afraid I have to go no

2、w.(告别)See you. Ill miss you! / Hope to see you again.4. Hello, May I speak to Mike?(打电话)Hold the line, please. / Sorry. He isnt here right now.5. I appreciate your help very much. Its so kind of you!(感谢和应答)Youre welcome. / Its my pleasure. / Dont mention it.第二套1. Congratulations on your success!(祝愿、

3、祝贺和应答)Thank you. / Its very kind of you to say so.2. Dont make any noise in the movie theatre.(意愿)Sorry, I wont. / OK, I wont.3. Im sorry for losing your bag.(道歉和应答)It doesnt matter. / Forget it. / Thats all right.4. My sister has lost the chance to work in Guangzhou.(遗憾和应答)What a pity! / Im sorry t

4、o hear that! 5. Are you free this weekend? What about having a swim?(邀请和应答)Good idea. Id like to. / Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time.第三套1. Can I help you? Do you want me to clean the room?(提供帮助和应答)Yes, please. / Thank you. That would be nice.2. Excuse me. Is it all right if I sit here?(请求允许和

5、应答)Sure, please. / Of course, you can. / Sorry. Its not allowed to sit here.3. The English-Chinese dictionary looks like a brick. Do you think so?(表示同意和不同意)No, I dont think so. / Yes, I think so.4. There is no doubt that he is an honest boy.(表示肯定和不肯定)Im sure of that. / Maybe youre right. / Its hard

6、to say.5. This movie is very interesting. What do you think of it?(喜好和厌恶)I love it very much. / I dont like it at all.第四套1. Its getting hot in Beijing. How is the weather in Guangzhou today?(谈论天气)Its a beautiful day today. / Its sunny.2. Im going to visit Hong Kong next month. What gift do you want

7、when I come back?(购物)A robot, please. Thank you very much.3. Excuse me. Im new here. Which is the way to the World Park?(问路和应答)Its over there. / Sorry, I dont know. You can ask the policeman over there.4. Excuse me. Can you give me the time?(问时间或日期和应答)Yes. Its 6:00. 5. Would you mind taking care of

8、my pet dog when I am out?(请求)Certainly, go ahead. / Sorry, I cant. I have no time to do that.第五套1. Its raining hard! Lets stand in that tree.(劝告和建议)Youd better not. Its very dangerous.2. Sorry sir. No smoking here!(禁止)Sorry, I wont do it again.3. I have good news to tell you! Shenzhou VI was sent up

9、 into space successfully.(表示感情)Wonderful! / Im pleased to know that.4. Help yourself to some cake, Marry.(就餐)Its very delicious. Thank you. / No, thank you. Im full.5. I am going to visit the museum tomorrow. Would you like to go with us?(约会)Yes, Ill be free then. / Sorry, Im afraid I have no time t

10、hen.第六套1. Rose said that she would meet you at the school gate after school.(传递信息)OK. Thank you.2. Take this medicine three times a day. Youll be all right soon.(就医)Thank you.3. Help! The house is on fire! Call the fireman!(求救)Ok, I will do it now!4. Im sorry I am poor in English. Can you speak slow

11、ly?(语言困难)OK. All right. 5. Whats the meaning “Wet floor” on that sign?(常见标志和说明)That means you should watch your step.第七套1. Im afraid I have to go now. Please pass my regards to your family.(问候)Of course, thank you very much.2. Good morning. My name is Jack. May I get your name, please?(介绍)Yes, of co

12、urse. Im David. Nice to meet you, Jack.3. Lets meet in the coffee shop. See you then.(告别)See you. / Good-bye. / Bye-bye.4. Thank you for offering us such a good meal!(感谢)Im glad you enjoy it. / Its my pleasure.5. I am sorry I used your physics book when you were away this morning.(道歉)Thats all right

13、. / Its nothing. / Never mind. / It doesnt matter.第八套1. Whats your plan this week? Would you like to go hiking with me?(邀请)Sure. Id love to. / Im sorry I cant. What about another time?2. Would you mind moving the desk? I need more room.(请求允许)No, not at all. / Sure. Why not?3. Tomorrow Ill go to Hawa

14、ii on vacation with my family.(祝愿和祝贺)Have a good time! / Enjoy yourself!4. Thank you for your help! Its very kind of you!(提供帮助)Its a pleasure. / Youre welcome.5. Can you lend me your pen? Mine is broken.(接受或拒绝)Certainly. Here you are. / Of course, you can. 第九套1. Are you free tomorrow? Lets play bask

15、etball together.(约会)Yes. Ill be free then. / Sure. See you then. / Sorry. I wont be free then.2. Hello! Id like to speak to Mrs. White.(打电话)Sorry. She isnt here right now. / Hold the line, please. 3. Would you like some fish? Its very delicious.(就餐)No, thanks. Ive had enough. / Just a little, please

16、.4. I feel terrible. I cant sleep well.(就医)Im sorry to hear that. Whats the matter? / Youd better go to see a doctor.5. What a beautiful skirt! May I try it on?(购物)Certainly, go ahead. / Sorry, its not allowed.第十套1. Excuse me. How can I get to the Science Museum?(问路)Walk along this road. You cant mi

17、ss it. / Sorry. I dont know. Im a stranger here.2. What a hot day today! Whats the weather forecast for tomorrow?(谈论天气)It says a storm may come tomorrow. 3. I beg your pardon? Could you repeat that, please?(语言交际困难)Yes, all right.4. Its raining outside. Dont forget your raincoat.(提醒注意)OK. Thank you.5

18、. Dont touch the cup! Its very hot!(警告和禁止)OK. Thanks for your advice.第十一套1. Im not good at English. What should I do?(劝告)You should listen to and speak English every day.2. The new CD in the shop sounds great. Why not go and have a look?(建议)Thats a good idea. / Great! Lets go!3. Its necessary for us

19、 to take one hours exercise every day. Do you think so?(同意和不同意)I agree with you. / Yes, I think so.4. Tom gave you a new book yesterday. What do you think of it?(喜欢和不喜欢)I love it. / Its boring. I dont like it.5. Its rainy outside. Can Tina come to the party tonight?(肯定和不肯定)Yes, Im sure of that. / No

20、, Im not sure.第十二套1. Look at the boy running on the ground. Is it Mike?(可能和不可能)It cant be him. He has gone to Beijing. / It may be him. He likes running.2. Physics is so difficult. Can you work out this physics problem?(能够和不能够)Yes, I can. Thats so easy. / Sorry, I can hardly understand its meaning.3

21、. We are going on vacation next week. Where would you rather go, Beijing or Shanghai?(偏爱和优先选择)Id rather go to Beijing. 4. It was amazing that Mr. Johnson plans to buy a house!(意愿和打算)Thats great! / Congratulations!5. Dont be so nervous. Im sure you will pass the exam.(希望和愿望)I hope so. Thank you.第十三套1

22、. I failed the exam again. I dont know what to do.(表扬和鼓励)Never give up. Hope is always around you.2. Put away your T-shirts. You shouldnt throw them everywhere.(责备和抱怨)Sorry. I wont do it again.3. Excuse me. Would you mind if I smoke here?(冷淡)I dont mind if you smoke. / OK, go ahead. I dont care.4. D

23、o you think David is a good man? He looks very sunny.(判断与评价)Yes, I think he is a really good person. / No, I dont think so.5. Im pleased to tell you, Nancy has become a lawyer.(高兴)How wonderful! / Im pleased to know that.第十四套1. What a surprise! The boy was saved by a dog!(惊奇)Oh dear! Is that so? / H

24、ow surprising!2. Mrs. Wang looks sad. She is always walking around.(忧虑)Whats the matter with her?3. I always feel so tired. Im worrying about my health.(安慰)Dont worry. You just need some rest.4. Perfect! You danced so well!(满意)Thank you very much!5. I cant come to your house tomorrow. I have to stud

25、y for my maths test.(遗憾)What a pity!第十五套1. My father has got a bad cold. He feels terrible.(同情)Im sorry to hear that.2. Oh, my goodness. Can the ghost stories come true?(恐惧)That sounds horrible. / I cant believe that.3. The music is too noisy! Isnt it annoying?(愤怒)I agree with you.4. You are so earl

26、y. What time do you go to school every day?(时刻)I go to school at 7:30.5. Well, nice to see you. How long have you been in this school?(时段)I have been in this school for three years.第十六套1. By the way. How often do you visit your grandparents?(频度)I visit my grandparents twice a month. / Once a week.2.

27、 Im sure that smoking is bad for your health.(肯定和不肯定)Yes, I agree with you. / No, I am afraid not.3. Excuse me. Where is your bike? I cant find it.(位置)Its behind the house. / Its beside the tree.4. Could you tell me which is the way to the station?(方向)Go down this street. You cant miss it.5. How far

28、 is the train station from the post office, do you know?(距离)Its about twenty-minutes riding.第十七套1. There is no milk in the fridge. Could you get some for me?(存在与不存在)OK. All right. 2. I heard that you had received a gift robot. What does it looks like? (形状)It looks like a little dog.3. I like the pho

29、to in black and white. Which photo do you like best?(颜色)I like the colour photo. / I like the photo in red and blue.4. As you are a middle school student. Do you know whats the wine made from?(材料)Sorry, I dont know. / Yes. Its made from grapes.5. The MP4 is expensive. I only have 50 yuan. Can we agr

30、ee to pay once a month? Ok, all right. / No. You must pay it all at the same time.第十八套1. This pair of shoes is too big for me. Please give me another one.(规格)OK. All right.2. Uncle Wang looks young. Do you know how old he is?(年龄)I think he is 40 years old.3. The man wanted to know how long the river

31、 was. Can you tell him?(长度)Maybe about 300 kilometres long.4. How wide is the room, do you know?(宽度)Its about 3 metres wide.5. The tree looks very tall. How tall is the tree?(高度)Its 10 metres tall.第十九套1. Water is very important to people. How much water do you drink every day?(数量)I drink two glasses

32、 of it every day.2. Please wait for me. I cant run as fast as you can.(同级比较)OK, all right. / Oh, Im so sorry.3. Some people think that CD-ROMs will soon be more popular than books.(差别比较)I dont think so. / Yes, CD-ROMs are more convenience.4. There are three differences between the two pictures. Can

33、you tell?(相似和差别)Yes, let me have a try. / Sorry, I cant. Thats too difficult.5. Because of the bad traffic, we missed the train.(原因和结果)What a pity. / Oh, Im sorry to hear that.第二十套1. Dont regard him as a bad guy. He came here to see you off.(目的)Im so sorry.2. You are always studying hard. What are y

34、ou going to be when you grow up?(工作)Im going to be a doctor. / Im going to be a businessman.3. Hi. I havent seen you for a long time. What do you do now?(工作)Im working in a hospital. / Im working for a computer company.4. Great! I won the 400-metre race in the school sports meeting.(祝愿和祝贺)Congratulations! / Thats great! / Well done! 5. Remember to turn off the lights when you leave your classroom.(提醒注意)OK. I will.


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