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1、.,1,动名词 现在分词,.,2,你知道动名词和现在分词的基本形式吗?,动词末尾加ing 形式构成,因此也称为动词的ing形式(V-ing),.,3,V-ing的用法规则,不能单独作谓语(它属于非谓语的一种),没有人称和数的变化,可以有自己的宾语和状语,有时态和语态的变化。,.,4,时态和语态(以do为例),否定式:,Not + v-ing,.,5,一般式:,是指该动作与谓语动词同时或之前之后发生或无明确先后关系。,Hearing the bad news, he couldnt help crying.,完成式:,是指该动作发生在谓语动词之前。,Having finished her hom

2、ework, she went out for a walk.,你知道一般式和完成式的区别吗?,.,6,请说一说v-ing形式的用法,作主语 作表语 作宾语 作定语 作宾补 作状语,.,7,1.作主语,(吸烟) is a bad habit. (发送电子邮件) is more and more popular among students. (学英语) needs a lot of practice.,Smoking,Sending e-mails,Learning English,Its no use (哭)over spilt milk,crying,.,8,动名词作主语时也可用it作形式

3、主语,记住这个句型: no use It is doing no good,eg. Its no good watching too much TV,.,9,2.作表语,His favorite sport is 他最爱的运动是游泳。 The music is 这音乐令人兴奋 His job is 他的工作是照顾孩子,swimming,exciting,looking after children,.,10,3.作宾语,I enjoy 我喜欢听音乐。 Have you finished 你做完你的回家作业了吗? I look forward to 我期盼收到你的来信。,listening to

4、 music,doing your homework,hearing from you,.,11,记住只接v-ing的常见动词,avoid避免 enjoy喜欢 mind介意 practise练习 suggest建议 finish完成 miss未赶上,错过 cant help( doing) 情不自禁做,Be interested in Be fond of Give up Put off Look forward to Succeed in Be good at Prevent-from - 介词后要用v-ing,.,12,boiling water,flying kites,4.作定语,.,

5、13,a dancing girl,the rising sun,.,14,(1) a swimming man,(2) a swimming pool,.,15,(2) a walking stick,(1) a walking man,=a man who is walking,= a stick for walking,Whats the difference between (1) and (2)?,.,16,小 结 1,v-ing形式作定语既可表示动作正在进行(如例(1),此时相当于一个定语从句;又可表示所修饰名词的性质或用途(如例(2)。,.,17,a running man,Th

6、e man running in the picture is Liu Xiang.,attribute,The man who is running in the picture is Liu Xiang.,相当于:,.,18,Rewrite the following sentences with attributive clauses. The teacher teaching us English is Mr. Qi. =The teacher who is teaching us English is Mr. Qi.,.,19,单个的v-ing形式作定语,放在所修饰的名词前面;v-i

7、ng短语作定语则放在所修饰的名词之后。,小 结 2,.,20,5.作宾补,1. I heard the girl singing in the classroom.,2. I noticed a long queue outside the bank waiting for it to open.,3. The baby watched his dad shaving his face with great interest.,.,21,See Hear Watch Notice Feel sb./sth. doing Find Keep Have Get,V-ing形式作宾补常用于表感官和一

8、些使役动词后,表示动作正在发生,记一记 三让二看、注意听、发现感觉,错不了!,.,22,6.作状语,Hearing the cry for help, he rushed out. Being ill, he went home. Seeing from the hill, you can get the whole town.,When he heard the cry for help, he rushed out (时间),Because he was ill, he went home (原因),If you see from the hill, you can get the who

9、le town. (条件),.,23,4.He fired, killing one of the passers-by. (结果) 5. He read a magazine waiting for the bus.(伴随),小 结,V-ing形式作状语可表时间、原因、条件、结果、伴随(方式)等。 注意:v-ing形式逻辑主语必需与句子主语保持一致。,.,24,1. Hearing the news, tears rolled down her cheeks.,2. Hearing the news, she couldnt help crying.,3. When she heard th

10、e news, tears rolled down her cheeks.,F,T,T,True or False,.,25,exercise,1.Would you mind ( ) to the radio here? Me to listen B. my listening C. Me listen D. I listening,( ) the cage door open, the bird flew off. Found B. Founding C. Being found D. Finding,B,D,.,26,3. The girl ( ) the flowers is my s

11、ister. To water B water C. Watering D. watered,4. I found the girl ( ) a novel in class. A. read B. to read C. readed D. reading,C,D,.,27,( ) is the key to success. A. Work hard B. working hard C. worked hard D. working hardly,6. Seeing is ( ) A. To believe B. believing C. Believed D. to be believed,B,B,.,28,动词-ing的形式(一般式,完成式,主动,被动) 动词-ing形式的用法(作主语,表语,宾语,定语,宾补,状语即非谓语) 记住只能接动词-ing形式的动词 记住可以接动词-ing形式的感官动词和使役动词,本课要点,.,29,homework,完成同步检测非谓语部分1-30题。 复习book4 unit3-4,.,30,Thank you!,


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