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1、初中英语总复习之单项选择题、完形填空题解析与复习策略建议典型例题与分析一、单项选择题:例 1. You _ stop when taffice light is red.A. can B. may C. must(正确答案为 C)例 2. Its said all the hotes are filled with tourists.Dont worried. I _ a room in a hotl.A. have booked B. will book C. book(正确答案为 A)【分析】在例 1 和例 2 中,四个选项均符合语法规则,但学生需要选择符合上下文逻辑 的选项,因而只有一个

2、答案。例 3. What did she forget when she left for home? _ the book.A. Taking B. Took C. Take D. To take【分析】本题虽然以对话形式呈现,但考查的是 forget to do sth. 与 forget doing sth.的用 法,而且语言不尽真实,难度较大。在初中阶段的考试中,应避免出现此类试题。例 4. You dont look well. Youd better see your doctor.I _, but he said theres nothing wrong.A. will B. w

3、ould C. have(正确答案为 C)【分析】单纯从语法结构来讲,以上三个选项都可以填入空白处。但是,只有第三个选 项符合上下文的逻辑。学生需要对英语动词时态的意义有足够的理解,才能体会题目中两人 交谈的含义。例 5. Which of the following does paper burn in?A. CO2 B. N2 C. O2 D. H2(正确答案为 C)例 6. The Englishman, Stephenson, invented _.A. the ship B. the car C. the plane D. the train(正确答案为 C)【分析】以上两题显然分别

4、考查学生的化学知识和历史知识,而不是英语知识,所以, 不适合用于英语语言水平的考试。因此,为了在试题中体现跨学科学习的能力与知识,把其 他学科的知识点确定为考查重点是不可取的。二、完形填空例 7 XXX is an old city with a 36 of more than 2,100 years. It is in the 37 of the province on the northern banks of the 38 River, and is a link between northern and39 Jiangsu. The Jiangyin 40 has brought it

5、 41to southern Jiangsu36. A. history B. age C. book D. population37. A. left B. rightC. middleD. end38. A. Zhujiang39. A. western40. A. City41. A. besidesB. YangtzeB. easternB. BridgeB. closerC. YellowC. southernC. peopleC. nextD. HuaiD. northeasternD. RoadD. beside【分析】完形填空试题最大特点是考查学生根据上下文的意思和逻辑联系进行

6、推理、判 断的能力。学生每填一个空都需要从上下文中寻找线索。而节选的这一部分试题不仅把一些 非语言知识的内容作为了考点,而且还把专有名词挖空。从语言测试的角度来看,这道题的 信度和效度都比较低。例 8 One day there was an argument between the wind and the sun. “Im much71than you.” Said the wind. “No. I dont agree with you.” said the sun. While they were arguing, they saw a man 72 along the road. H

7、e is wearing a heavy coat. The sun said to the wind,“Now letstronger.”73 see who can make the man take off his coat. Then we will know who is71. A. strong72. A. walking73. A. weB. stronglyB. walkedB. ourC. strongerC. to walkC. usD. strongestD. walksD. ours【分析】上文三个空白处的设计都是考查语言形式本身的变化,学生根本不需要考虑上 下文就能根

8、据句子的语法结构做出正确选择。完形填空试题可以有一定数量的考查语法知识 题目,但不能过于集中的考查语法知识。例 9 改编自八(下)Review of Units 7-8 阅读文Fangfang, a 15-year-old Chinese girl, likes eating snacks very much. She prefers 1 , cream biscuits and fried chicken. Sometimes she eats two pieces of cake a day. 2 , she has become overweight.Today in China, th

9、ere are many 3 like Fangfang. They like snacks. They dont eat enough healthy food 4 fruit and vegetables. Its very bad for their health. Poor eathing habits are a serious problem.H ealth experts 5 that children should have healthy eating habits. First, they must have meals 6 and begin with a healthy

10、 breakfast. Second, different kinds of foods should 7 , such as fruit, vegetables, grain, eggs, milk and meat. Third, children shouldn t eat too much junk food. They are delicous, 8 eating them often is bad for childrens health.I f children do as the experts say, 9 wont become overwight. They will b

11、e healthier. Students wont become 10 at school, and they will have enough energy to study well.(Words: 158)( ) 1. A. hamburgers ( ) 2. A. For example ( ) 3. A. women( ) 4. A. like( ) 5. A. speak( ) 6. A. regularly( ) 7. A. eatB. bananasB. Whats more B. childrenB. fromB. sayB. directlyB. be eatingC.

12、tomatoesC. As a resultC. adultsC. withC. tellC. quicklyC. be eaten( ) 8. A. and ( ) 9. A. we ( )10.A. tiredB. butB. youB. angryC. orC. theyC. active【参考答案】1-5 ACBAB 6-10 ACBCA【解题分析】1. 从文章第一句话获知,芳芳喜欢吃零食,下文说她更喜欢吃炸鸡、奶油饼干之类的高热 量的食物,而汉堡正好属于这一范畴的食物,故选 A。2. 通过前文获知芳芳喜欢吃高热量的食物,而且食欲打好,而下文说她已经超重了,这前 后是因果关系。故选择

13、C。3. 上文说芳芳是十五岁,下文说在中国还有许多像芳芳一样的暴饮暴食的孩子存在。因此 使用 women 或 adults 是不妥当的。故选 B。4. 上文说他们没有吃足够量的健康食物,比如水果和蔬菜。故只能选择答案 A。5. 专家表明孩子们应该拥有健康的饮食习惯。动词 say 强调专家们观点的具体内容。故选 答案 B。6. 上文说孩子们应该拥有健康的饮食习惯,下文能构成健康饮食习惯的只有“有规律地吃 三次”,而不是“直接地吃三餐”或“快速地吃三餐”。故选答案 A。7. 建议二指孩子们应该吃各种不同的食物。当食物作主语时,动词只能使用被动语态,故 选 C。8. 上文说“垃圾食品味道很好”,但下文说“经常吃垃圾食品对孩子的健康有害”,这前后 两句话存在着转折的关系。故选答案 B。9. 前半句说“如果孩子们按照专家说的做”,那么“不会超重”,很明显后半句的主语是 “children”。故选答案 C。10. 很明显,“孩子们在校期间不会累”,才有后半句“有足够的精力学习好”,这样前后逻 辑严密。故选答案 A.


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