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1、专题二冠词的分类冠词分为不定冠词 a, an 和定冠词 the。不定冠词 a,an a ,an 均用在单数名词前,表示某类人和事物中的“一个”,相当于汉 语的“一”,但不强调数目。 a 用在辅音前,an 用在元音前。如:a boy ,a book , an egg , an apple注意: 1u 读 /ju:/,首音/ j/是辅音,故前用 a,不用 an冠词用在世界上独一无二的事物前。 用在序数词和形容词最高级前。在乐器名称前。用在一些习惯用语中。 三 不用冠词的情况(零冠词)用法The sun is bigger than the moonMy house is on the first

2、floor of the building Shanghai is the biggest city of ChinaCan you play the piano?on the left,on the right,in the morning例词或例句如:a useful book ,a university名词前有 this,that ,my,your,some, This is my hat any,each,every 等代词时。 I love every book2 在 umbrella 中,u 发/ /,/ /是元音,故为 an umbrella3 字母 h 若不发音,首音又是元音,

3、前面用 an 而不用 a, 一 不定冠词的用法用法例词或例句如:an hour在星期,月份,季节,节日前。在称呼语,头衔和职务等名词前。Today is SundayS pring is comingT here is thirty days in June Mr Black is a doctor指人或事物的某一种类。China is a very interesting country It is an egg在一日三餐前。What did you have for supper?After lunch ,we are going to the zoo指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人 We

4、work six days a week在球类运动的名称前。Can you play baseball?或何物。Is there a bank near here ?Do you play tennis?表示“一”这个数量,但数的概念 I have a mouth,a nose and two eyes 没 one 强烈。用在某些固定词组中。At home ,on time ,at night ,after class用于某些固定的词组中。 二 定冠词 the 的用法用法a little , a few , a lot of例词或例句用适当的冠词填空,不填的地方画“/” 。 1 This is

5、_ bus _ bus is _English bus 2 Its time to go to_ bed特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。 The book on the desk is mine (特指桌上的那本书)指双方都知道的人或事物。 Shall we meet at the bus station?(双方都知道的那个汽车站)指上文提过的人或物。(第二次出 What is this ?现) It is a bag The bag is mine (这个包即前面提到的那个包)3 Thats_ football I like to play_ football4 You look_ same

6、Are you twins?5 My sisters name is_ Sue一 选择填空。( )1How soon will he be back ?In _Aa hour Bhalf a hour Ca hour and half Dhalf an hour ( )2Hey!Lets play_ basketballAan B/ Cthe Da ( )3We study English at_ schoolAan B/ Cthe Da ( )4Give me_ green coat ,pleaseAan B/ Cthe Da( )5This is_ photoLook at _photoA

7、a;the Ba;/ Can;the D/;the ( )6_ horse is_ useful animalAA;a BA;the CThe;a DThe;an ( )7In _spring ,it is sunny and warmAa Ban Cthe D/ ( )8We live on _ sixth streetAa Ban Cthe D/ ( )9_ third month of_ year is MarchAA;The BThe;a CThe;the DA;a ( )10They speak_ ChineseThey live in_ ShanghaiAa;a Bthe;the

8、C /;the D/;/三指出并改正下列各句中的错误。1She wears an yellow hat ( )_A B C D2This is an university ( )_A B C D3Do you have the lunch? ( )_A B C D4 There are thirty days in the April ( )_ A B C D5 He is a tallest boy in our class ( )_ A B C D6 Shall we meet at a school gate ?( )_ A B C D7 Can you play the footbal

9、l? ( )_A B C D8The earth is bigger than a moon( )_A B C D9Zhengzhou is a interesting city ( )_A B C D10We work five days the week ( )_A B C D四用冠词填空。This is _pictureThere is _ house in_ picture_house is beside _rice fieldThere is_ old man in front of_ houseIs there _truck on_ road?No,there isntBut th

10、ere is_ carWhere is_ car?Its under_ tree五用定冠词填空,不填的地方画“/” 。1I like_ red dress 2Look at_ black bird3Lets go_ home 4I play baseball on_ Sundays 5That is my_ coat 6Can you play_ guitar?7Does he play_ chess? 8Does Mary play_ violin? 9_car is Mr Blacks 10_music will be good for me六翻译下列短语。1 一个美国老人 _2 一个美丽的铅笔盒 _3 一本有趣的书 _4 一封电子邮件 _5 一本英语书_6 一个好医生_7 我喜欢打篮球_8 他喜欢弹琵琶_9


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