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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?Part ALets talk 说一说Robin,where is the mjuseum shop?I want to buy a postcard.Its near the door.Thanks.Where is the post office?I want to send it today.I dont know.Ill ask.Excuse me,sir.Wow!A talking robot!What a great museum!Where is the post office?Its next to the meseum.T

2、hanks.Lets learn.学一学。Where is the cinema? 电影院在哪里?Its next the bookstore. 在书店隔壁。Science museum post office 科学博物馆 邮局bookstore cinema hospital 书店 电影院 医院PartBLets talk 说一说What an interesting film!Yes,but Im hungry now.I know a great Italian restaurant.Yum! I like pizza!Where is the restaurant?Its next t

3、o the park on Dongfang Street.How can we get there?Turn left at the bookstore.Then turn right at the hospital.Ok.Lets go.Lets learn.学一学。Where is the Italian restaurant?Turn right here?意大利餐厅在哪?这里右转吗?No,turn left. 不,左转。crossing turn left 十字路口 左转go straight turn right 直走 右转Words and useful expressions.

4、science 科学 museum 博物馆 post office 邮局 bookstore 书店cinema 电影院 hospital 医院crossing 十字路口 turn 转弯 left 左 straight 笔直地 right 右Where is the museum shop? 博物馆商店在哪?Its near the door. 在大门附近。How can we get there? 我们怎么到哪?Turn left at the bookstore. 到书店左转。Unit 2 Ways to go to school.Part ALets talk 说一说Good mornin

5、g,Mrs smith!Hi,children.Youre early.How do you come to school?Usually,I come on foot.Sometimes I come by bus.I often come by bike.How do you come to school,Mrs smith?By car?Sometimes, but I usually walk.Thats good exercise.Lets learn.学一学。Lets go to the nature park. 我们去自然博物馆吧。Hooray. 万岁!How do we get

6、 there? 我们怎么去那里?By bus. 乘公共汽车。on foot by bus by plane 步行 乘公共汽车 乘飞机by taxi by ship by subway by train 乘出租车 乘船 乘地铁 乘火车PartBLets talk 说一说Mr Jones, how can I get to the Fuxing Hospital?Take the No.57 bus over there.Thanks. Wow!So many pictures of bikes!Theyre from my cousin in the USA.Whats this?A helme

7、t.In the USA people on bikes must wear one.I see.Oh,the bus is coming!Bye,Mr Jones.Hey,dont go at the red light!Oh,right!Thanks.I must pay attention to the traffic lights.Lets learn.学一学。Look!The park is over there!Lets go!看!公园在那边!我们走吧!Please wait!Its red now.请等等!现在是红灯。We must stop and wait.我们必须停下来等一

8、等。Slow down and stop at a yellow light.减速,黄灯停。Stop and wait at a red light.停,等红灯。Go at a green light. 绿灯行。Words and useful expressions.on foot步行 by乘 bus公共汽车 plane飞机 taxi 出租汽车 ship (大)船 subway 地铁 train 火车 slow慢的 down减少,降低 slow down 慢下来 stop停下 How do you come to school? 你怎么来学校?Usually,I come on foot.

9、通常我走路来。In the USA people on bikes must wear one.在美国骑自行车的人必须戴(头盔)。Dont go at the red light! 别闯红灯!I must pay attention to the traffic lights.我必须注意交通信号灯。Unit 3 My weekend planPart ALets talk 说一说What are you going to do tomorrow?Im going to have an art lesson.What are you going to do in your lesson?Were

10、 going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.Sounds great!Im going to see a film tomorrow.Have a good time !You too.I have to do my homework now.Bye.OK.Bye.Lets learn.学一学。What are you going to do today? 你今天打算做什么?Im going to see a film. 我要去看电影。visit my grandparents 看望我的祖父母see a film 看电影take a trip 去旅行

11、go to the supermarket 去超市this morning this afternoon 今天上午 今天下午This evening today 今天晚上 今晚tomorrow next week 明天 下周PartBLets talk 说一说My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week.Thats nice. Where are you going?Were going to the cinema.Were going to see a film about space travel!Cool! I have lots of co

12、mic books about space.When are you going?Next Wednesday.Why not go on Tuesday?Its half price then!Really? Thank you!Lets learn.学一学。Where are we going? 我们要去哪?To the bookstore. 去书店。Im going to buy a new comic book. 我打算去买一本新连环画册。dictionary comic book 字典 连环画册word book postcard 单词书 明信片Words and useful ex

13、pressions.visit拜访 film 电影 see a film 看电影 trip 旅行supermarket 超市 evening 晚上 tonight 在今晚 tomorrow 明天next week 下周 dictionary 词典 comic 滑稽的 comic book连环画册 word 单词 word book 单词书 postcard 明信片What are you going to do tomorrow?你明天打算做什么?Im going to have an art lesson.我要上美术课。Were going to draw some pictures in

14、Renmin Park.我们要到人民公园去画画。Where are you going?你们打算去哪儿?Were going to the cinema.我们打算去电影院。When are you going?你们什么时候去?Unit 4 I have a pen palPart ALets talk 说一说What are Peters hobbies?He likes reading stories. He lives on a farm,so sometimes he reads to the cows!Thats interesting.He likes doing kung fu a

15、nd swimming.Really?Me too!He likes doing kung fu and swimming.Really? Me too!He also likes singing.Oh, you like singing , too.Yes. Im going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”!Good idea!Lets learn.学一学。Hey,Zhang Peng, what are your hobbies?嘿。张鹏,你的爱好是什么?I like reading stories. 我喜欢读故事书。I als

16、o like singing and doing kung fu.我也喜欢唱歌和练武术。dancing 跳舞 singing 唱歌 reading stories 读故事书playing football 踢足球 doing kung fu 练武术PartBLets talk 说一说Hey,Yifan.What are you doing?Im writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia.No,he doesnt. He lives in Canberra.His name is John,too.Really? Does he like d

17、oing word puzzles and going hiking?Yes,he does.Amazing! I like those too!Can I also be his pen pal?Sure.Why not?Cool!Lets learn.学一学。Come and see my new pen pal. 来看我的新笔友。His name is John,too! 他的名字也叫约翰。Really?Does he live in China,too?真的吗?他也住在中国吗?No,he doesnt.He lives in australia,but he studies Chine

18、se .不,他不在。他住在澳大利亚,但是他学汉语。cooks Chinese food 做中餐 studies Chinese 学汉语does word puzzles 猜字谜 goes hiking 远足Words and useful expressions.study 学习 puzzle 谜 hiking 远足 What are Peters hobbies? 彼得有什么爱好?He likes reading stories. 他喜欢读故事。Does he live in Sydney?他住在悉尼。No,he doesnt.不,他没有。Does he like doing word pu

19、zzles and going hiking?他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?Yes,he does.是的,他喜欢。Unit 5 What does he do?Part ALets talk 说一说Is your father here today?No.Hes in Australia.What does he do?Hes a businessman.He often goes to other countries.And what does your mother do?Shes a head teacher.Thats nice .Yeah. Shell be here today!Do yo

20、u want to be a head teacher,too?No,I want to be a businessman.Lets learn.学一学。Is your father a postman? 你爸爸是邮递员吗?No,he isnt. 不,他不是。What does he do? 他是做什么的?Hes a businessman. 他是一个商人。factory worker postman 工人 邮递员businessman police officer 商人 警察PartBLets talk 说一说My uncle is a fisherman.Where does he wor

21、k?He works at sea.He sees lots of fish every day!I see. How does he go to work?By boat?No. He works on a boat.He goes to work by bike.He has a very healthy life.Yes. He works very hard and stays healthy.We shoula study hard and stay healthy,too.Lets learn.学一学。My aunt is a scientist. 我阿姨是一名科学家。Where

22、does she work? 她在哪里工作?She works at a university. 她在一个大学工作。fisherman scientist 渔民 科学家pilot coach 飞行员 教练Words and useful expressions.Factory 工厂 worker 工人 postman 邮递员 businessman 商人 police officer 警察 scientist科学家 pilot飞行员coach 教练What does he do? 他是做什么的?Hes a businessman. 他是商人。Where does he work? 他在哪儿工作

23、?He works at sea. 他在海上工作。How does he go to work? 他怎么上班?He goes to work by bike. 他骑自行车上班。Unit 6 How do you feel?Part ALets talk 说一说Whats this cartoon about?Its about a cat. The cat is a police officer.Cool!He chases the mice.Theyre afraid of him.Why?Because the mice are bad.They hurt people.The cat i

24、s angry with them.Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now!Lets learn.学一学。Sarah is angry.The cat is afraid.萨拉生气了。猫害怕了。The cat is ill.Sarah is sad.猫生病了。萨拉伤心了。Sarah and the cat are worried.萨拉和猫很担忧。They are happy.他们开心了。PartBLets talk 说一说Sarah,Sam,come here,please.Whats wrong?Your father is ill.He should se

25、e a doctor this morning,so we cant go to the zoo today.Oh,no!Dont be sad.We can go next time.How does dad feel now?Not well.Lets go to the hospital.Lets learn.学一学。You should see a doctor. 你应该看医生。You should do more exercise. 你应该多做锻炼。You should wear warm clothes. 你应该穿暖和的衣服。You should take a deep breat

26、h and count to ten.你应该深呼吸,数到十。Words and useful expressions.Angry 生气的 afraid 害怕 sad 难过的 worried担心的Happy 高兴的 see a doctor 看病 wear穿 more 更多的Deep 深的 breath 呼吸 take a deep breath 深深吸一口气Count 数数 count to ten 数到十Theyre afraid of him. 他们害怕它。The cat is angry with them.这只猫很生它们的气。Whats wrong? 怎么了?Your father is ill. 你爸爸病了。He should see a doctor this morning.他今天早上应该去看病。Dont be sad. 别伤心。


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