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1、听力专项复习卷(一)时间:30 分钟满分:100 分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10 分)( )1. A. bag( )2. A. brother( )3. A. head( )4. A. your( )5. A. fineB. legB. fatherB. capB. fourB. nineC. dogC. motherC. catC. orC. five二、听录音,判断图片与所听内容是()否() 相符。(10 分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(20 分)( )1. A. Shes a teacher.( )2.

2、A. Point to your foot.( )3. A. Its a blackboard.( )4. A. Look, look, its red.( )5. A. Hi, Im Daming.四、听录音,选出相符的图片。(20 分)B. Shes a nurse.B. Point to the dog.B. Its a classroom.B. Wow,wow, its black. B. Hello, Im Ms Smart.( )1. A. B.( )2. A. B.1 / 4( )3. A. B.( )4. A. B.( )5. A. B.五、听录音,判断句子是()否()与所听内

3、容一致。(20 分) ( )1. Heres my brother.( )2. Shes a nurse.( )3. Its a blue chameleon.( )4. How many girls?Six.( )5. Happy birthday,Daming.六、听录音,选出正确的词语,补全句子。(20 分)A.dog B.desk C.kite D.book E.bag1. The pen is in the _.2. Look , my new _.3. It is a red _.4. Wheres the _?5. Is it a _? No,it isnt.2 / 4听力专项复

4、习卷(一)听力材料:一、1. dog 2. mother 3. cap 4. four 5. fine 二、1. My father is a teacher.2. He is a policeman.3. He is a farmer.4. My brother is a driver.5. He is a nurse.三、1. Shes a teacher.2. Point to your foot.3. Its a classroom.4. Wow, wow, its black.5. Hi ,Im Daming.四、1. This is a girl.2. How many birds

5、? Nine.3. Its a monster.4. Point to his leg.5. This is my grandma.五、1. This is my brother.2. He is a doctor.3. Its a blue chameleon.4. How many girls?Six.5. Happy birthday, Lingling.六、1. The pen is in the desk.2. Look, my new kite.3. It is a red bag.4. Wheres the book?5. Is it a dog? No, it isnt.3 / 4答案:一、15:C C B B A二、15: 三、15:A A B B A 四、15:B B A A B五、15: 六、15:B C E D A4 / 4


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