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1、中英饮食文化不同对菜名翻译的影响论文摘要本文简要阐述了中西饮食文化差异对中国菜名英译的影响.文中笔者通过分析中西方国家饮食文化差异,试图发掘目前中国菜名英译存在的问题,并结合实例归纳总结中式菜肴名称的翻译原则,方法和技巧.论文以饮食文化差异为切入点,分析探讨饮食文化差异和菜名翻译有机结合的问题,认为在现代化的中国,翻译者应该借鉴饮食文化差异促进提高菜名英译的质量.笔者认为菜名英译是饮食文化差异的体现.菜名的翻译质量直接影响到进入全球市场的中国饮食工业.正确的翻译可以缩小跨文化交际中的障碍.关键词:饮食文化差异;跨文化交际;中式菜肴;翻译原则;影响;AbstractThis article br

2、iefly presents how the Chinese and western catering cultural differences influence the translation of Chinese cuisine. Through an analysis of food cultural differences between Chinese and western countries, the author tries to find the existing problems in English translation of Chinese cuisine, and

3、 sets examples to summarize the principles, methods and skills in translating Chinese dishes. The paper also elaborates it on the basis of diet cultural difference; analyzing and discussing the close link between culinary cultural difference and dish translation. In the modernized China, translators

4、 should improve the quality of Chinese dish translation based on food cultural difference. Translation of Chinese cuisine embodies the diet cultural difference. The quality of English translation of Chinese dish has some direct influence on the entry of Chinese food industry into the global market.

5、Correct translation of Chinese cuisine can narrow the gap in intercultural communication.Key words: food cultural differences; intercultural communication; Chinese cuisine; translation principle; influence;ContentsAbstractIIAcknowledgements .22Bibliography 23Appendix .241 Introduction1.1 Put forward

6、 questionMao Zedong once said that Hong Lou Meng, together with Chinese food, is one of Chinas greatest contributions to humanity. Food is a central part of the Chinese culture.Considering the misunderstanding coming along with the cultural differences, the study of translation should take the consi

7、deration of culture. Diet is of paramount importance to people from all over the world. Owing to the different cultural traditions, the need of partaking food is different for people coming from different countries. China is a country with a splendid catering culture with a very long history. Chines

8、e dishes are famous around the world. After the entry into the WTO, we should work more on introducing the Chinese dishes and Chinese food culture to expand international cultural exchange. This article attempts to look at the issues of culinary cultural differences and Chinese dish translations; in

9、 other words, how to handle the cultural context in translation The different culinary traditions make up an important part of culture system. Correct translations of Chinese cuisine make intercultural communicators communicate easier. In this paper, what the author does more is the discussion on En

10、glish translation of Chinese dishes.1.2 The necessity to study this topicThe Chinese always believe that food is the first necessity of the people. Naturally we have special fondness for food culture. As the culinary culture draws close to our life, understanding the connotation of the food cultural

11、 difference is imperative to understanding the life. Translation of Chinese cuisine becomes more essential as the cultural exchanges between foreign countries are daily on the increase. Most importantly with the internationalization in the development of Chinese economy and with the approach of the

12、29th Olympic games arrival, many restaurants menus show both Chinese and English names for the dishes. Thereby, the translations of Chinese cuisines recorded in books were born. Facing eight famous Chinese cuisines, some translators are giving full play to their abilities. Each translator shows his

13、talent in these translations. There is no lack of excellent work among them. A well-translated name will make the Chinese dish look better. Yet a bad translated name denigrates the dish. The proper translation of the name can welcome the foreign visitor to a dish while a mistranslated name actually

14、discourages a person to try it. It can cause misunderstanding to foreigners of different cultural background, thus fails to surmount the cultural difference and inhibits understanding different culture connotation.For now, the main existing problems are as follows: there is more than one translation

15、 for individual Chinese dishes, word-for-word translations that are confusing; there is an ambiguity in terminology and so on. At the moment, there are no books on Chinese dishes translation used for reference. It is necessary to bring together experts and scholars in order to provide a standard of

16、translation. The paper sets examples to summarize the principles and skills in translating Chinese cuisine from three aspects: avoiding virtual; to be brief instead of over-elaborate; avoiding the cultural conflict. Methods of translating Chinese dishes such as literal translation, free translation

17、and transliteration are covered in this paper.1.3The argument frame of this paper The Sino-UK cultural differences bring up the culinary cultural differences between them, which comes from the different ways of thinking and philosophy. The Chinese emphasize the importance of the unity of universe an

18、d human while westerns lay stress on man-oriented. The first chapter of this article will find the cultural differences in culinary concept, table manners, and culinary object. The specific expressions may be found in taste and nutrition, standard and random, and individualism and collectivism. Cult

19、ural differences can lead to communication difficulties for people of different cultural backgrounds. Food cultural differences are no exception and it is a way of building bridges between nations. Translating dishes name is vital in cultural exchange. A fully qualified interpreter can help bring ab

20、out a meeting of minds like milk mingling with water. It also makes cross-cultural communicators communicate easier. The second chapter of this article will state the methods of translating Chinese cuisines in cross-cultural communication.The modern translation should be the practice of analyzing an

21、d comparing Chinese and western culture. From the perspective of organically integrating of cultural balance and translation, the third chapter of this paper will give a demonstration of reflection and application in English translation of Chinese dish name.But at the same time the author also knows

22、 clearly that this is not an easy task. As to matters of culinary culture and dishes names translations, it is an important task that is related to the fields of nutrition, tourism, catering, food science, and medicine. There will be areas that are not covered in this paper. In a certain way, raisin

23、g questions are more important than settling it. In this paper, what I do more is raising questions; these problems will excite great interest among scholars, which is just what I am looking for.2 Revelation of chinese and western culinary cultural differences2.1 Contrast of culinary cultural differ

24、ence between Chinese and westernThe question has often been asked as to what we eat. The answer is that we eat all the edible things on this earth. It is useless to logical reasoning in the matter of our food, which is determined by prejudices and history. In fact, the importance of food in understa

25、nding human culture lies precisely in its infinite variability -variability that is not essential for species survival. For survival needs, all men everywhere could eat the same food, to be measured only in calories, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins. However, people of different backgroun

26、ds eat differently. The basic stuffs from which food is prepared; the ways in which it is preserved, cut up, cooked; the amount and variety at each meal; the tastes that are liked and disliked; the customs of serving food; the utensils; the beliefs about the foods properties -these all vary. The num

27、ber of such food variables is great.2.1.1 Culinary cultural characteristics of China The seriousness with which we regard eating can be shown in many ways. Anyone who opens the pages of the Red Chamber Dream or any Chinese novel will be struck by the detailed and constant descriptions of the entire

28、menu of what Daiyu had for breakfast or what Baoyu had at midnight. Zheng Banqiao apotheosized rice congee in his letter to his brother:On cold days, when poor relatives or friends arrive, first hand them a bowl of fried rice in boiling water, with a small dish of ginger or pickles. It is the most e

29、ffective means of warming up old people and the poor. In your days of leisure, swallow cakes made of broken rice, or cook slipslop congee, and hold the bowl between your two hands and eat it with shrugged shoulders. On a cold frosty morning, this will make your whole body warm. Alas! Alas! I think I

30、ll become a farmer for the remainder of my days! (Zheng cited by Zhang,2004:197)The Chinese accept food as they accept life in general. No great English poet or writer would condescend to write a Cook Book, which they regard as belonging outside the realms of literature and worthy of the efforts of

31、Aunt Susan only.There is a belief in a balance that governs all of life and nature-the yin and yang. Originally, yang meant the sunny side of a hill and yin the shady side. Yang is the bright, dry, warm aspect of the cosmos. Males have more yang quality. Yin is the dark, moist, cool aspect. Female h

32、ave more yin quality.The Chinese case is distinctive for its underlying principles. The bodily functions, in the Chinese view, follow the basic yin-yang principles. Many foods are also classifiable into those that possess the yin quality and those of the yang quality. Oily and fried foods, pepper-ho

33、t flavoring, fatty meat, and oil-rich plant food like peanuts are yang foods. Most water plants, crustaceans, and certain beans are cooling yin foods. When yin and yang forces in the body are not balanced, problems result. Proper amounts of food of one kind or the other may then be administered to c

34、ounterbalance the yin and yang disequilibrium. If the body was normal, overeating of one kind of food would result in an excess of that force in the body, causing diseases. Chinese people emphasize the aesthetic aspect of cooking and eating. They think that a proper dish should appeal to the eye as

35、well as to the palate. For example, intricately carved vegetables are a common decoration.Mixing of flavors is another principle of Chinese food culture. We eat food for its texture, the elastic or crisp effect it has on our teeth, as well as for fragrance, flavor and color. The matching of nutritio

36、n does not exist in the traditional view of Chinese culinary culture; only keep in good health exquisitely. It is just the yin-yang principle. Chinese regard diet as a kind of art, enjoying them with the romantic spirit.2.1.2 Culinary cultural characteristics of western countriesThe danger of not ta

37、king food seriously and allowing it to degenerate into a slipshod business may be studied in the English national life. If they had known any taste for food their language would reveal it. The English language does not provide a word for cuisine: they call it just cooking. They have no proper word f

38、or chef: they just call him a cook. They do not speak about their menu, but know only what are called dishes. And they have no word for gourmet: they just call him Greedy Gut in their nursery rhymes.(Wang,2001:18) The truth is,the English do not admit that they have a stomach. No stomach is fit for

39、conversation unless it happens to be sick or aching. The result is that while the Frenchman will talk about the food of his cook without impairing the beauty of his language. When hard pressed by his French host he might be willing to mutter between his teeth that pudding is awfully good and there l

40、et the matter rest. All the English are interested in is how to strengthen themselves against influenza, as with Bovril, and save the doctors bills.Modern science civilization in western countries has made a great influence on the forming of western culinary custom. Due to the developed science in t

41、he West, analyzing the composition content of the food, grasping concrete requirement to nutrition, it is just a piece of cake. Westerners pay attention to what nutrition does it have, what energy can be produced at first, taste and flavor is less important. If heating and cooking will cause nutriti

42、on losses, then even half cooking and eat simply. Westerners regard diet as a kind of science, paying attention to the culinary function with the realistic attitude.2.1.3 Two distinct culinary concept and attitudeBecause of the influence of the factors such as regional characteristics, climate envir

43、onments and customs, the products of food will, to some degree, appear different in raw materials, taste, cooking method. Just because of these differences, the products of food have strong regional characteristics. Compare with the Chinese cuisine that pays attention to flavor, the western cuisine

44、is a kind of rational conception. No matter how the color, smell, taste and shape of the food are, the nutrition must be paramount. Even if the taste is dull and uninviting, they must eat it if it is nutritious. This conception suits with the western philosophy. Metaphysics is the main characteristi

45、c of western philosophy. This philosophy brings the life to western culture and makes great development on natural science, on psychology and on methodology. But in the other hand, this kind of philosophy has played a hindering role greatly, such as the food culture.Chinese pay attention to eating v

46、ery much. The Chinese greeting chi fan le ma means literally Have you eaten and suggests that the collective Chinese memory still recalls hungry times. Famine and hardship played a large role in the development of the cuisine. China has been an agricultural civilization for thousands of years and ha

47、s suffered from poor harvests. (Xiong, 1992:03) Thats why people value eating more than everything else. During lean years, people would explore everything eatable to stay alive. Many strange and incredible ingredients such as edible tree fungus were discovered and added to Chinese recipes. The scar

48、city of food also taught people how to avoid waste. If a kind of culture regards eating as primary matter, it will present two kinds of phenomena: On one hand it will bring this kind of eaten function into full play, not merely survive, but also utilizing it to maintain the health too; On the other

49、hand, it will make people praise highly to excessive attention of food to the pursue of delicacy.In Chinese cuisine, it nearly reaches ultimate attainment to the flavor pursuit. Chinese take opening restaurants abroad as a profession and to make a living. Unfortunately, when we regard the flavor of food as the first requirement, we neglect the most basic nourishment value of food. Much nutrient component of our traditional food has been destroyed due to the cook method; therefore we can say that the n


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