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1、Unit6必背词组-1. take singing /acting lessons_2. A cooking school_3.at a university_4send to把_5.make the soccer team _6.make resolutions_7.Make promises to somebody_8.Make a plan for _9.Make your life easier_10.Different kinds of_11.be able to _12.too to_13.The coming year _14.improve our lives _15.gets

2、 good grades _16.get back from school_必背句子-1.What do you want to be/ become when you grow up? _2.I want to be a computer programmer_ 3._我的父母想让我当医生但我还不确定,4._你打算怎样做呢5._我打算每天练习篮球6.Where/When are you going to study ? _ 7._我打算在完成高中和大学学业时开始8._ 我知道你为什么如此擅长写故事17. _不适合某人18. _一种 19. _在的开始20. _快餐 21. _写下22. _与

3、有关23. _自我提高24. _养成,学习25. _计算机科学 26. _搬到某地去27. _长大 28. _ 对很肯定29. _ 保证,确信30. _尽某人最大努力做31. _同意,赞同32. _坚持做 33. _ 大部分时间 34. _ 明年35. _由于这个原因9.Not everyone knows what they want to be_10._只要确信你尽了最大努力11._那么你就可以当你想当的了12._他打算上烹饪学校13._他们打算每天都训练14.We hope that we are going to improve our lives_15.My New Years re

4、solution is to get good grades_Unit 7必背词组1. _ 活到200岁2. _ 在地球上3. _在空间站 4. _和生活在一起5. _在电脑/纸上6. _一百年后 7. _在未来8. _空闲时间9.be in great danger_10.move to_ 11. _飞往12.play a part in_13.save the earth _14.the same as _15. _数以百计的 16.over and over again_ 17. _醒来句子-1. _未来会像什么样子1. _人们会拥有机器人吗2. _一切都将是免费的3. _ 他们将在家里

5、的电脑上学习4. _污染将更少 5. People will have more free time because there will be fewer things to do_6. We never know what will happen in the future_7. And my apartment will be no good forpets_8. I hope so _9. _我希望不这样18.help to do (with)something_19.get bored_20. _看起来像21.if possible _22.world peace_23.in fac

6、tories _24. _不同意/同意某人 25. _倒塌,跌倒26. _寻找27.at some point_28. _养鸟29.take a holiday_30.the meaning of words_31. _淡水 32_清新的空气33. _飞上天34. _ 在世界上35. _离远10.However, some scientists believe that we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human _11.You should also remember that there will be both good and bad things in life_12. _作为一名记者我想我会遇到许多人13. _ 有些机器人像真人一样15.Today there are already robots working in factories_


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