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1、职场父母时间管理6大锦囊妙计亲爱的安妮:我快30岁了,是谢丽尔桑德伯格向前一步(Lean In)的忠实粉丝。我的确有像这本书的副标题所列的“领导意愿”,但我也有两个小孩,而一天只有24个小时。桑德伯格很会激励人,但对于她在成长过程中(在她变得富有,有能力聘请全能的保姆和获得其他居家帮助之前),她如何打理所有的事情,她从未深入探讨那些细节问题。我和其他可能还有数百万的工作父母,真正能应用的是一些实用的时间管理技巧,平衡我们手头的所有事情。你知道一些什么技巧?-俄亥俄州的不堪重负亲爱的不堪重负:如果可以的话,我想向你再推荐一本书。特瑞萨泰勒也曾经面临与你相同的状况,现在她已经就此写了一本书。她在事

2、业巅峰期曾担任总部位于丹佛的电信公司Qwest(2011年被CenturyLink收购)的首席运营官,还曾经入围财富杂志最具影响力女性的高薪排行榜。平衡的奥妙:反思工作与生活之平衡(The Balance Myth: Rethinking Work-Life Success)一书提供了大量你希望看到的那些“细枝末节”。这本书开宗明义地写道,“工作与生活平衡”的整个理念是一个不现实的目标,只会让人们感到他们事事都做不好。“像多任务处理和平衡这样的字眼,等于是说要比同事跑得更快,或者要像最优秀的中国杂耍演员一样让盘子持续在空中旋转,”泰勒写到。“这类理念的问题是,人总是会有失误,旋转的盘子也终究会

3、因重力作用而掉下来。”全球广告公司Zeno Group对于1,000位拥有本科以上学历的千禧女性(出生于1980年至1992年)进行的最新调查显示,这个前景看起来对于你这个年龄段的女性尤为突出,只有15%的人表示,她们想在大机构获得高职位工作。这项调查发现,超过四分之三(80%)的人“担心她们是否有能力在个人目标与职业目标间取得平衡”。10人中有9人认为,女性必须比男性“作出更多的牺牲”,而且有近一半的人(49%)表示,这些牺牲意味着高强度工作“并不值得”。因此,泰勒此书的出版可谓正当其时,至少可以激励一些年轻的奋斗者不要过早放弃。下面简要概括一下泰勒及其丈夫抚养两个儿子时使用的6大技巧:1.

4、停止一心二用。不要尝试同时做几件事,每天做规划,让你有整块的时间 (即使只是10分钟或15分钟)专门做一件事。泰勒写道:“因为我能够对我专注做的事情给予百分百的投入不用多任务来管理整块时间,我比以往任何时候都更加高效。”2.做任何事都要设定时间期限。 泰勒把这条规定应用到工作和家庭中,无论是包装假日礼物,还是准备客户演示都是如此。“一旦到了规定的时间期限,就停下来,”她说。“不要不停地调整,也不要再改变细枝末节。”这一点需要一些练习,以及愿意放弃完美。“这也是一个学习机会,”泰勒指出。比方说,要将所有礼物都包好的时间不够用,这意味着“我需要计划更大块的时间,或者找到其他方法来完成这项工作比方说

5、下次使用礼品袋或者棉纸。Dear Annie: I am in my late 20s and a big fan of Sheryl Sandbergs Lean In, and I do have what the books subtitle calls the will to lead, but I also have two little kids and only 24 hours in the day. Inspiring as she is, Sandberg never quite gets around to filling in the nitty-gritty deta

6、ils about how she managed to do everything on her way up (before she got rich and could hire hot-and-cold-running nannies and other household help).What I, and probably several million other working parents, could really use is some down-to-earth time-management techniques for balancing everything w

7、eve got going on. Do you know of any?- Overloaded in OhioDear Overloaded: Id like to recommend another addition to your bookshelf, if I may. Teresa Taylor - who, at the pinnacle of her career, was chief operating officer of Denver-based telecom Qwest (acquired by CenturyLink (CTL) in 2011) and among

8、 the highest paid on Fortunes Most Powerful Women list - has been in your shoes, and now shes written a book about it.The Balance Myth: Rethinking Work-Life Success is packed with the kind of nitty-gritty details youre looking for, starting with the premise that the whole idea of work-life balance i

9、s an unrealistic goal that just makes people feel as if theyre failing at everything. Words like multitasking and balance are code words for the ability to run faster than an officemate or the ability to keep plates spinning in the air like the best Chinese juggler, Taylor writes. The problem with t

10、hese concepts is that eventually one trips, or gravity wins.That prospect seems to be so daunting to women in your age group that only 15% say they would want a top job at a big organization, says a new survey of 1,000 college-educated female millennials (born between 1980 and 1992) by global ad age

11、ncy Zeno Group. The poll found that more than three-quarters (80%) are concerned about their ability to achieve a balance between personal and professional goals. Nine in 10 agree that women have to make more sacrifices than their male peers, and about half (49%) say those sacrifices mean that high-

12、powered jobs arent worth it.So Taylors book seems well-timed to encourage at least some young strivers not to give up too soon. Heres a brief synopsis of six techniques that worked for Taylor, while she and her husband were raising two sons:1. Stop multitasking. Instead of trying to do several thing

13、s at once, plan your day so that you have blocks of time (even if theyre only 10 or 15 minutes long) where you are working exclusively on one thing. Because I was able to give 100 percent to whatever I was focused on - managing my blocks of time without multitasking - I was more effective at my job

14、than I had ever been before, Taylor writes.2. Assign a time limit to everything you do. Taylor applied this rule to both work and home, whether wrapping holiday presents or readying a client presentation. Once you reach the time limit for a given task, stop, she says. Dont keep modifying it or chang

15、ing small details.This takes some practice and a willingness to let go of perfectionism. Its also a learning opportunity, Taylor notes. Running out of time before all the gifts are wrapped, for example, means I need to schedule a larger block of time, or find another solution to get the job done - l

16、ike using gift bags and tissue paper next time.她补充说,在工作上她有“时间卫士”的名号,“因为我百分百赞成为了让会议按时结束而打断某人的做法”。“会议进行一半时,我就会说,各位,我们还剩下30分钟,”之后再提醒还剩10分钟,等等。这个技巧的有益效果是迫使某些长篇大论的同事抓住重点(这绝不是什么坏事)。3.设定唯一的日程表。泰勒在事业初期有工作和家庭两套独立的日程表,它意味着“我分裂了自己的生活,因此我也感受到了分裂的感觉。这种感觉不好。一旦会议和预约发生冲突,我就分身乏术,会错过一些东西。”在同一个日程表上标注个人和职业事项就能防止发生这种情况。


18、计划,以防万一。6.学习如何分配工作。很多年前,泰勒刚刚入职期望已久的US West新产品开发总监职位6个月。泰勒在书中写道:“我想我必须得辞职了,因为我不想留下被公司开除的耻辱记录。我没法按时或准确地完成工作,虽然我比以往任何时候都要努力。“我的问题是我不知道如何分配工作,如何通过他人实现领导,以及如何拒绝,”她解释说。“幸运的是,我有一位愿意指导我的老板,他告诉我,我需要寻求帮助。像第2点一样,分配工作有时候意味着要遏制自己内心的完美主义:“我必须接受一个事实,没人会按我的方式去做,但这没什么,”泰勒写到。“我接受了这一点,充分信任别人。后来,我们的团队成为这家公司表现最优秀的团队之一,这

19、最终成全了我下一次的升职。”更多一点建议:无论多忙,“都要把家庭生活放在首位,”泰勒敦促读者道。“如果你的个人生活一团糟,你永远不会在工作中做到最好你不能将职业女性的母亲角色剥离,也不能剥离母亲的职业女性角色,不妨运用好这两种角色重要的是,不要认为你的生活是零和游戏,也不要认为它是一个必须平衡的等式。”祝你好运。待添加的隐藏文字内容2反馈:您有什么样的时间管理方法,帮助您将事业与生活结合在一起?欢迎留言。At work, she adds, she was known as the Time Warden, because I am 100% comfortable with cutting

20、someone off in order to keep a meeting within its time limit: Halfway through the meeting, Ill say something like, Everyone, we have thirty minutes left and then 10 minutes, and so on. This tactic has the salutary side-effect of forcing certain longwinded folks to get to the point, which is never a

21、bad thing.3. Keep one calendar. Early in her career, Taylor kept separate calendars for work and home, which meant I bifurcated my life, and as a consequence I felt bifurcated. This was not pleasant. Meeting and appointment overlaps occurred, and I dropped the ball and missed a few things. Noting pe

22、rsonal and professional items on the same calendar prevents that.4. Work on weekends. Sunday was my secret weapon, Taylor writes. Nobody likes to work on Sundays. This meant that I had an empty office, a floor, or possibly the whole building at my disposal.So she brought her two kids to the office:

23、Id pack games, stickers, and dry-erase markers and theyd set up in the conference room adjacent to my office. In addition, in that wasteland of empty offices, they were able to run freely down the halls without disturbing anyone. They had a blast, and Taylor was able to get a jump on the week ahead.

24、5. Have a day-care Plan B (and C, and D). Day care failure. Three words that panic any working mother, Taylor writes. She learned this the hard way when obliged to fire a Babysitter From Hell on a day when her husband was out of town and she was late for a big meeting. On that occasion, luckily, her

25、 mom rode to the rescue - but from that point on, Taylor always had at least one backup plan, just in case.6. Learn how to delegate. Many years ago, six months into a new, long-desired job as director of new product development at US West, Taylor writes, I thought I was going to have to resign, beca

26、use I did not want the shame of being fired. I couldnt deliver anything on time or accurately, yet I was working harder than ever.”My problem was that I did not know how to delegate the work, lead through others, or say no, she explains. Luckily, I had a boss who was willing to mentor me and who tau

27、ght me that I needed to ask for help.As with No. 2 above, delegating sometimes means shushing ones inner perfectionist: I had to make peace with the fact that nobody was going to do it my way, but that was okay, Taylor writes, adding, When I let go and trusted others, our team became one of the best

28、-performing teams at the company, which eventually led to my next promotion.One further suggestion: However busy you get, make your home life a priority, Taylor urges. If your personal life is a mess, youll never be your best at work . You cant take the mother out of the career woman or the career o

29、ut of the mother, so use both to your advantage . Above all, try not to think of your life as a zero-sum game, or an equation that has to be balanced. Good luck.Talkback: What time-management methods have helped you combine your career with an outside life? Leave a comment below.29C91AFE4CED1B6C8795
















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