


1、高二外研版必修五,Module 4 Carnival Grammar (p34),靳牡推抽汪徒逊藐通倾爪南贫箍秃弗镁凛漂真壮急两鸥摩针诱篮立尚剁蓖高二外研版必修五-精品PPT课件,1. It is produced in China. 2. The tradition was revived by students. 3.The building is being built.,Do y。

2、英语必修(五)Module 1 (120 分钟,满分 150分) Module 1 (一) .单词拼写 1Robbery is not _( 常见的 )in this area. 2There are not many _( 区别) between British and American grammar. 3Playing the piano well requires a lot of p_. 4She speaks English with an Australian _( 口音) 5The children here are quite _( 友好的 ) 6He always has an _( 乐观的 ) view about something. .单项填空 1What do these achievements have _, Professor Li? Ain totalBin general Cin common Din short 2A 。

3、高二外研版必修五,Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema Reading and Vocabulary,Listen to the tape and pay more attention to the words you cant pronounce correctly. Look at the following pictures to learn more about the following topic,Have you heard of the book? What do you know about it?,Pre-reading: Find words in the passage which mean:,1. to rain heavily 2. something which protects you from bad weather 3. a sort of flat boat usually made from tree trunks,pour down,a shelter,a raft,4.。

4、Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships Friendship. 模块教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Retell a story and talk about relationships Learn to use having done as adverbial clauses and verbs followed by -ing and to (do) Write a paragraph on friendship. 目标语言功 能 句 式Talking about relationshipsIve known him / her for .We first met six years ago. I remember . for the first time.Were good / close / best friends.We (dont) get on very well. We (dont) trust each other.We . quarrel.。


标签 > 高二外研版[编号:73009]
