
红字-英语论文The Four Main Characters in The Scarlet Letter【English Abstract】 The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a classical novel in American lit


1、红字-英语论文The Four Main Characters in The Scarlet Letter【English Abstract】 The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a classical novel in American literature in the 19th century. Since the first Chinese translation of The Scarlet Letter appeared in the 1950s scholars and readers in this country have shown an ever-increasing interest in his works. Its immortal enchantment lies in not only its condemnation of the negative impact of Puritan society on peoples spirit, but also its affirmatio。

2、标题关于红字中意象的象征意义解读 作者向学萍 关键词刑台;建筑物;植物;象征主义 指导老师赵洪尹 翟赫 专业英语 正文I. IntroductionA. A Brief Introduction to The Scarlet Letter1。

3、浅谈红字中海斯特的性格特征【关键词】清教主义;反叛;个人主义;妥协I. IntroductionNathaniel Hawthorne used to be a controversial writer in America in the 19th century and attracted a divided critical audience. On the one hand, those who do not like him criticize his work for being“not good for anything”, on the other hand, those who appreciate him for his ability to explore the inner core of his character. But The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthornes masterpiece of romance, has been admired by 。


5、 浅析红字中象征主义手法的运用AbstractNathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in America in the 19th century. As a great roman。

6、 浅析红字中象征主义手法的运用AbstractNathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in America in the 19th century. As a great roman。

7、绵阳师范学院本科生毕业论文开题报告学生姓名院 系外国语学院年 级论文方向指导老师日 期I. TitleOn the Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter论红字中的象征手法(自选)II. Aim, significance and current researchesNathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in America in the nineteenth century. He is deeply influenced by Puritanism Consciousness, Transcendental Philosophy and Mysticism, as a result, instead of giving the objective description of the world; he always gives a symbolic 。

8、汉语言文学专业本科毕业论文论文题目试分析红字中人物形象及人物关系论文作者: 准考证号:作者单位: 指导教师: 主考单位: 内 容 提 要红字这个故事发生在17世纪中叶的北美殖民地新英格兰。美丽善良的女主人公赫丝特普林与丈夫齐林沃斯分离后,与一青年牧师丁梅斯德尔相爱并与他生下一女儿,事发后她被清教法庭抓起来投入监狱、游街示众,还要在胸口终生佩带象征耻辱的红色的A字。在远离社会、受尽屈辱的处境中,赫丝特离群索居、忍辱负重、孤苦顽强地生活着,赫丝特的精神使牧师大受感动,丁梅斯德尔虽未暴露,但内心受到深痛的自责,。

9、红字中海斯特性格的分析【关键词】海斯特?白兰;性格;反叛;个人主义;妥协I. IntroductionThe Scarlet Letter is generally considered to be Nathanial Hawthornes most successful book and one of the indubitable masterpieces of American literature. Hawthornes masterpiece, The Scarlet Letter tells a story of the earliest victims of Puritan obsession and spiritual ferocity. At Salem, a small town of New England in the colonial times, Hester Prynne, the heroine, is found out to have committed adultery. She。

10、红字罗格齐灵渥斯的人物形象解读 摘要:罗格齐灵渥斯是美国作家霍桑红字中的主要人物之 一。他一直被看作是一位心理阴暗冷酷偏狭复仇欲望强烈的 卑鄙小人。但通过分析, 我们不难发现: 齐灵渥斯的前半生是努力 勤奋平和幸福的,符合伦理学关于善的理念。

11、浅析红字中象征主义手法的运用AbstractNathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in America in the 19th century. As a great romant。

12、浅析红字中象征主义手法的运用AbstractNathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in America in the 19th century. As a great romant。

13、浅析红字中象征主义手法的运用AbstractNathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in America in the 19th century. As a great romant。

14、论红字中的孤独因素AbstractNathanial Hawthorne is an extremely renowned American writer of fiction. He not only has created quiet a few classic novels, but also has written quantities of thought-provoking short stories. Until now, Hawthorne and his works have been the focus of discussion from the Chinese and foreign scholars. The theme of The Scarlet Letter is characterized by multiplicity and various conclusions are dram in the filed of the thematic studies. It seems that scholars have shown ma。

15、The Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter Abstract Nathaniel Hawthornes unique gift was for the creation of strongly symbolic stories which touch the deepest roots of mans moral nature. The finest example i。

16、 The Multi-Themes of The Scarlet Letter Thesis: This paper analyzes four themes in The Scarlet Letter,which are puritanism,love,feminism. Introduction 1. Puritanism 1.1 The Introduction of the Puritan。

17、The growth of Hester学生姓名:刘骄阳学 号:班 级:09英本2学年学期:201120122课程名称:英美文学选读北京城市学院国际语言文化学部考核试卷答题纸20112012学年第二学期期末课程名称:英美文学选读 使用班级:。

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