


1、A Brief Analysis of the Image of Hester in the Scarlet Letter 论 文 摘 要 霍桑的红字,是美国19世纪文学史上的经典作品,这篇著作反映了清教思想对人生活思想的影响。本篇著作的背景发生在波士顿一个小镇上,介绍了这个地区的人是如何被清教所影响的,其中女主角海斯特白兰和镇上受人尊敬的牧师丁梅斯代尔通奸并生下女儿珠儿,作为惩罚,她被戴上红字“。

2、A Brief Analysis of the Image of Hester in the Scarlet Letter 论 文 摘 要 霍桑的红字,是美国19世纪文学史上的经典作品,这篇著作反映了清教思想对人生活思想的影响。本篇著作的背景发生在波士顿一个小镇上,介绍了这个地区的人是如何被清教所影响的,其中女主角海斯特白兰和镇上受人尊敬的牧师丁梅斯代尔通奸并生下女儿珠儿,作为惩罚,她被戴上红字“。

3、Hester Prynne: A rebel and independnet female 小教英语师范101 1006112023 华怡静(Hua Yijing) Hester Prynne is the protagonist of The Scarlet Letter. She is described as a youthful, beautiful, spirited, and 。

4、红字中海斯特性格的分析【关键词】海斯特?白兰;性格;反叛;个人主义;妥协I. IntroductionThe Scarlet Letter is generally considered to be Nathanial Hawthornes most successful book and one of the indubitable masterpieces of American literature. Hawthornes masterpiece, The Scarlet Letter tells a story of the earliest victims of Puritan obsession and spiritual ferocity. At Salem, a small town of New England in the colonial times, Hester Prynne, the heroine, is found out to have committed adultery. She。

5、红字中海斯特性格的分析【关键词】海斯特?白兰;性格;反叛;个人主义;妥协I. IntroductionThe Scarlet Letter is generally considered to be Nathanial Hawthornes most successful book and one of the indubitable masterpieces of American literature. Hawthornes masterpiece, The Scarlet Letter tells a story of the earliest victims of Puritan obsession and spiritual ferocity. At Salem, a small town of New England in the colonial times, Hester Prynne, the heroine, is found out to have committed adultery. She。

6、浅谈红字中海斯特的性格特征【关键词】清教主义;反叛;个人主义;妥协I. IntroductionNathaniel Hawthorne used to be a controversial writer in America in the 19th century and attracted a divided critical audience. On the one hand, those who do not like him criticize his work for being“not good for anything”, on the other hand, those who appreciate him for his ability to explore the inner core of his character. But The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthornes masterpiece of romance, has been admired by 。

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