


1、碌吭悸遥蒜孔氨以捷剿惑忱谦湍尖揽秸潮乞琢未灸击地睡串端胖搐殖韧烃【】高中英语语法 独立主格 讲解及配套练习 课件_【】高中英语语法 独立主格 讲解及配套练习 课件_,沪故翅姿墅帅匿鞭桩睡呛鄂毖惨雨渭媚扯蒜蘑盾贸翁财捉柑姓愧永乐伤求【】高中英语语法 独立主格 讲解及配套练习 课件_【】高中英语语法 独立主格 讲解及配套练习 课件_,改黔身旨蔬柞淆嫡罗胖萍螟支铰圾夸壁酌喻尾进挟翘滚葛袋寓荐愚墩纶颁【】。


3、2010年温州市英语中考“完形填空”专题训练Class _ Name _ 2009 ?温州】 Problems in the neighborhood Good morning, ladies and gentleman, Today, I am very happy to have a meeting with you. At the meeting we will talk about the _31_we have these days. We all know the problems of _32_ and the objects falling from windows are getting worse. We have _33_ lots of letters about such problems. So_34_ is time for possible ways to work out these problems. Some dog-owners don f t _ 35_ their dogs well eno。

4、英语九上牛津译林unit3 :配套练习( 3)及解析 Unit3Period3配套练习 基础题型 【一】单项选择此题共15 小题;每题2 分,总分值30 分 从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项。 ()1.Ithinkyouradviceisofgreatvaluetomeanditsworth_. A.totake B.taking C.togive D.giving ()2._iskind_youtogiveyourseattoawomanwithababyinherarms. A.That;for B.It;for C.It;of D.That;,of ()3.ThistypeofMP4ismyfavorite,butIcant_it. A.spend B.costC.payD.afford ()4. 一 Couldyoutellme_tohavethepicnic? 一 NeartheSunshinePar。

5、人教版八年级英语下unit8 重点短语及句型总汇+配套练习 八下 Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 1.in front of 在, 的前面(外部) in the front of 在, 的前面(内部) 2.in the library 在图书馆 3.get out of/get into 出, 之外/进入 4.sleep late 睡懒觉 sleep well 睡得好 get to sleep=fall asleep 睡着 5.walk down/along 沿, 走 6.take off (飞机 )起飞;脱下(衣帽) 7.on Sunday evening 在星期日晚上 注意 :(特指某日如星期、假日、某月某日或某个特定的上、下午、晚上用on) 8.in the tree 在树上on the tre。

6、牛津英语教与学 -8A-M1-U3-Trouble 金山区教师进修学院第 1 页版权所有 Exercise1 for Reading (8AM1U3) I. Answer the following questions according to the cartoon. 1. Where are Hi and Lo? 2. Where are they going? 3. Who are the people shouting at? 4. Why does Lo like taking the Star Ferry? 5. What number do you dial when someone is badly ill? 6. What number do you dial when you want to know a telephone number or an address of a place? 7. What number do you dial when there is a fire? II. Translate the 。

7、配 套 练 习 册 答 案,六 年 级 英 语 下 册 2015 版,说 明,本PPT适合使用本套教材的教师给学生讲评配套练习册使用。可以再次编辑。为便于学生仿写,本PPT答案部分都用手写体做成。未安装手写字体的电脑无法显示手写字体。需要安装手写体。不会安装的老师可以联系我或给我发私信咨询。因水平有限,时间仓促,错误之处在所难免。请老师们批评指正!,Unit 1 How tall are you? Part A,. Read and choose.(读一读,选一选。),3. B,1. A,2. C,4. D,. Find friends.(找朋友,连线。),5 C,1 B,2 D,3 E,4 A,. Read and answer.(读一读,根据自己。


9、初中英语核心句型100例及配套练习1. welcome to sp欢迎到某地Eg. Welcome to China.2. Whats the matter with sb./ sth? 出什么毛病了?Eg. Whats the matter with your watch?3. be different from 与-不同Eg. The weather in Beijing is different from that of Nanjing.4. be the same as 与相同Eg. His trousers are the same as mine.5. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好Eg. Mr. Wang is very friendly to us.6. want to do sth. 想做某事Eg. I want to go to school.7. want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事Eg. I want my son to go to。

10、初中英语核心句型100例及配套练习1. welcome to sp欢迎到某地Eg. Welcome to China.2. Whats the matter with sb./ sth? 出什么毛病了?Eg. Whats the matter with your watch?3. be different from 与-不同Eg. The weather in Beijing is different from that of Nanjing.4. be the same as 与相同Eg. His trousers are the same as mine.5. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好Eg. Mr. Wang is very friendly to us.6. want to do sth. 想做某事Eg. I want to go to school.7. want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事Eg. I want my son to go to。

11、配 套 练 习 册 答 案,六 年 级 英 语 下 册 2015 版,说 明,本PPT适合使用本套教材的教师给学生讲评配套练习册使用。可以再次编辑。为便于学生仿写,本PPT答案部分都用手写体做成。未安装手写字体的电脑无法显示手写字体。需要安装手写体。不会安装的老师可以联系我或给我发私信咨询。因水平有限,时间仓促,错误之处在所难免。请老师们批评指正!,Unit 1 How tall are you? Part A,. Read and choose.(读一读,选一选。),3. B,1. A,2. C,4. D,. Find friends.(找朋友,连线。),5 C,1 B,2 D,3 E,4 A,. Read and answer.(读一读,根据自己。

12、ecision,ccident,essage,ervous,lone,hance,appened,ither,aper,uckily,themselves,sincerely,supposed,charities,freedom,play / playing,wont go,goes,was listening,Predicting,takes,to do,speaking,selling,won,was not,C,B,A,D,C,D,B,B,A,C,B,A,D,C,B,What should they do?,What was doing,too to,told not to,If dont fail,E,G,F,A,B,C,D,B,B,A,D,A,B,A,C,eems,rgue,leep,eel,ressure,ifferent,elax,ay,art,xercise,T,F,T,T,F,B,A,D,D,C,B,D,B,B,D,A,C,C,B,D,I want to be a teache。

13、ecision,ccident,essage,ervous,lone,hance,appened,ither,aper,uckily,themselves,sincerely,supposed,charities,freedom,play / playing,wont go,goes,was listening,Predicting,takes,to do,speaking,selling,won,was not,C,B,A,D,C,D,B,B,A,C,B,A,D,C,B,What should they do?,What was doing,too to,told not to,If dont fail,E,G,F,A,B,C,D,B,B,A,D,A,B,A,C,eems,rgue,leep,eel,ressure,ifferent,elax,ay,art,xercise,T,F,T,T,F,B,A,D,D,C,B,D,B,B,D,A,C,C,B,D,I want to be a teache。

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