PEP五年级英语下册Unit 6Part A

1,Unit 1 My day,Part B Lets talk Lets learn,2,I like to do things on the weekend.I clean my room and go shopping at the ,A Lets talkLets try,Unit 1 My

PEP五年级英语下册Unit 6Part ATag内容描述:

1、1,Unit 1 My day,Part B Lets talk Lets learn,2,I like to do things on the weekend.I clean my room and go shopping at the 。

2、A Lets talkLets try,Unit 1 My Day,Unit 1 My dayA lets learn,Its a clock.,What time is it,Its 12:30.,What time is it,Its 。

3、Unit 4When is EasterPart ALets learn Ask and answer,学习目标,1.能够听说读写下列序数词: first,second,third,fourth,fifth。2.能运用句型When is询问。

4、Unit 6 Work quietly Part B一阅读短文。Today is a fine day, my mom takes me to the zoo. There are many animals in the zoo. Look。

5、Unit 6 Work quietly Part B练习题 一Listen and choose.听一听,选一选。 1. what who 2. who wall 3. wait when 4. weather whose二 Write t。

6、Unit6 Work quietly Part B同步练习一用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. My father is working. Please quietly. talk2. No.eat3. your desk clean.keep。

7、Unit 6 Work quietly Part A 一给下列汉语选择正确的英语。 1.按顺序来 A. talk quietly B. take turns C. turn 2.小声讲话 A. quietly B. talk quietly。

8、Unit 6 Work quietlyPart A 习题一判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,用或表示。 1.what why 2.who weather 3.where wall 4.whose home 5.white how。

9、Unit 6 Work quietlyPart B 同步练习一 听音辩词。老师念 1. A. wait B.hen C. where 2. A. Work quietly. B. Take turns. C. Talk quietly. 3。

10、Unit 6 Work quietly Part A一选择合适的选项补全单词。 1. d ng A. oi B. oe C. ua 2.h vng A. e a B.a,e C. a,i 3. t ng A. ai, e B. ea, i 。

11、Unit 6 Work quietly Part A一根据首字母提示补全单词。1. My father is w TV.2. W storybook is this3. No, they arent .They are l to music。

12、Unit 6 A field trip,A Lets learn,Park,leaves,pick up,What is the boy doing?,Hes picking up leaves.,butterflies,catch,What is the boy doing?,Hes catching butterflies.,take pictures,What is th。

13、1,Unit 1 My day,Part B Lets talk & Lets learn,2,I like to do things on the weekend. I clean my room and go shopping at the mall. I have a music class and do exercises. I play football and play bas。

14、Unit 6 Work quietlyPart A综合训练一读一读,判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是T否F相同。 1.whowhere 2.whatwhen 3.whosewhite 4.waitwell二单项选择。 1.Whats Mike。

15、 Unit 6 Work quietly 教学目标: 1. 能够听、说、读、写 24 个单词。 2. 学会句型 What+be 动词+主语+doing ?并在实际情境中运用并回 答。 3. 学会建议或命令别人做某事的句型。 课时安排 5 课时 第五课时 教学目标: 1. 能听、说、读 read and write 中的生单词. 2. 能够理解 read and write 的大意,会读,并能小组。

16、Unit 6Work quietlyPart BLets learn Write and say,学习目标,1.能够听说读写词组:keep to the right,keep your desk clean,talk quietly,tak。

17、Unit 1 My day,Part A,一StartP2P3播放视频,When do you get up,1when:什么时候e.g 1你什么时候上学When do you go to schoole.g 2你什么时候吃早餐When d。

18、Unit6 Work quickly A Lets learn,Unit 6 Work quietly!Part A lets learn,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ 绿色圃中学资源网http:/,Game: Blow the balloons (吹气球),eat breakfast,do morning exercises,play sports,have Chinese class,go to bed,What are they doing?,What are they doing?,Whats Chen Jie doing?,Shes doing morning exercises.,/sa/,/eks/,doing morning exercises,What is she doing?,Shes doing eye exercises.,What are the people doing?,They are doing morning exercises.,having clas。

19、Unit 6Work quietlyPart ALets learn Look and say,学习目标,1.能听说读写词汇:doing morning exercises,havingclass,eating lunch,reading 。

20、Unit 6 A Field Trip,butterfly,brown butterfly,black butterfly,purple butterfly,red butterfly,green butterfly,yellow butterfly,blue butterfly,white butterfly,butterflies,What is Chenjie doing? She。

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