
Unit 6 How many? A Lets talk & Find and count,(人教PEP)三年级英语下册课件,kite,Its beautiful!,1 ,2 I see!,How many kites do you see?,The black one is a bird.,How


1、Unit 6 How many? A Lets talk & Find and count,(人教PEP)三年级英语下册课件,kite,Its beautiful!,1 ,2 I see!,How many kites do you see?,The black one is a bird.,How many birds do you have?,I have twelve birds.,How many _ can you see? I can see _ .,flowers,eleven,How many _can you see? I can see_ .,ducks,fourteen,How many _can you see? I can see_ .,pandas,thirteen,How many _can you see? I can see_ .,balloons,twelve,How many _can you see? I can se。

2、第四课时,kite kites,How many kites do you see?,eleven,How many cars do you see?,I can see .,Whats this ? Its a,Whats this ? Its a,Whats this ? Its a,Whats this ? Its an,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,Wu yifan, whats this?,My new crayons,Wow! How many crayons do you have?,Open it and see.,1,216. you have 16 crayons,。

3、Unit 3 Look at me B Lets learn,Pep Primary English Book 1,Lets sing,Head and shoulders, knees and toes Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.,Lets do,Eye,eye,This is my eye. Close,close. Mouth,mouth,This is my mouth.Open,open. Ear,ear,This is my ear.Touch,touch. Face,face,This is my face.Touch,touch. Nose,nose,This is my nose.Touch,touch.,He。

4、Unit3 lesson3 Shes a doctor.,Chant : This is Jenny.,This is Guo yang.,farmer农民,farmer. farmer. farmer. Hes a farmer.,teacher 教师,doctor医生,Have a chant Teacher,teacher,teacher,hes a teacher. Doctor,doctor,doctor, shes a doctor. Farmer,farmer,farmer, hes a farmer. He ,he, he,他 she,she,she她, 区分他们看男女, 用错就会笑大牙。,Game: Which one is missing?,Chant shes a super teacher,.,family photo 我来说,Eg: “This is my”“Hes /Shes a ,As long as everyone works hard,t。

5、人教版小学英语三年级上Unit 6 B部分,Lets Learn,信息技术导入优化,Enjoy the song,Ten little candles,Enjoy the song,Ten little candles,Enjoy the song,Ten little candles,http:/www.tudou.com/programs/view/2LGhqeutSlo/?FR=LIAN,In this song,which numbers can you hear?,信息技术讲授优化,说一说,Which number do Chinese people like?,3,6,9,8,Lucky number,8,Six and eight are two lucky numbers in China.,Seven is also a lucky number in Canada.,Look and say,Lets do,信息技术评价优化,Find and say,看谁算的快,1.thre。

6、Unit 2 My Family,请欣赏歌曲I love my familyhttp:/v.ku6.com/show/PpWkIuw3drQBiHdTygY4Sg.html,father,f:,mother,m,爸爸,妈妈,sister,sist,brother,br,姐妹,兄弟,Family,fmili,家庭,Whos this? 这是谁? This is my mother. 这是我的妈妈。 This is my father. 这是我的爸爸。,We are family.,我们是一家人。,。

7、Unit 1 Hello B Lets talk,Hello,Im Mike. Whats your name?,Hello,I,m Mike. Whats your name?,My names John.,Bye Miss White.,Goodbye!,Lets act.,Lets play games,(做游戏),Make friends.(交朋友),A: Hello, Im. Whats your name? B: My names . A: Goodbye! B: Bye!,English club.(英语社团),1、Which group is the best? (哪一个小组表现最好?) 2、 What have you learned today? (你今天学到了哪些知识?),Homework,基础作业: 把课本第七页的Lets talk部分听三遍,读五遍。 应用作业: 课下使用所学语言与其他班级的同学。

8、PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 5 Lets eat. B Lets talk 教学设计 Teaching aims:1. All the students should be able to get the main idea of the dialogue.2. All the students should be able to understand and say the words: water, cake.3. Most of the students should be able to imitate the dialogue and say the key sentences: Can I have some , please? Here you are.”4. Most of the students should be able to express their request with the sentence: Can I have some , please? Most of the students should be 。

9、 Unit4 We Love Animals 管村小学学 储艳储艳 艳艳 Lets find out(找一找少了谁谁) Great 真真好 太棒了 Super Cool Wow Game 找六位同学学上台,每人拿一张张 动动物图图片站成一排。老师师出示 单词单词 卡片,剩余同学学一起读该读该 单词单词 。拿相应图应图 片的同学学听完 大家读单词读单词 后向前走一步同时时 说说:Look I have a Homework 1. read the new words three times (读新单词三遍) 2.向同学介绍自己喜欢的一个小动物 。

10、Unit 3 Lets learn,Head_Shoulders_Knees_And_Toes.mp3,Simon says:,head,body,leg,foot,arm,hand,lets do .MP3,Clap your hands, clap your hands. Snap your fingers, snap your fingers. Wave your arms ,wave your arms. Cross your legs , cross your legs . Shake your body ,shake your body. Stamp your foot ,stamp your foot.,Game 1 : Do the actions,Game 2 : Silent Speech,身体部位单词知识早知道 green hand 生手、没有经验的人 hand in hand 手拉手,密切相关, 密不可分 arm in arm臂挽臂、手挽手 head teacher【英】(中。

11、第六课时,Whats this?,Its a pig.,Its a bear.,Whats this?,Its a cat.,Its a duck.,Its a dog.,Whats this?,Its a rabbit.,Whats this?,Its a squirrel.,Read the story,1.What animals can you see in the story?,2.Who has a carrot?,3.Whom do the animals follow at last?,4.Why?,Group work,。

12、第五课时,In this song,which numbers can you hear?,one two three-six,Look and say,Lucky number,8,Six and eight are two lucky numbers in China.,Seven is also a lucky number in Canada.,Lets learn,Why do Chinese people like these numbers?,进行口算大赛,看谁说的又对又快又好,5+3=( )6+4=( )8-1=( ) 7-2=( ) 1+3=( ) 5+5=( ) 2x5=( )3x2=( ) 82=( ) 93=( ),Lets do,Find and say,Homework,1.Listen to and repeat “Lets learn” and “ Lets do”. 2.Copy the words.,。

13、第三课时,pencil,eraser,crayon,ruler,Find and match,Lets chant,Do you know them?,I can see _. I can say_.,Lets talk,I can see _. I can say_.,Lets talk,I can see _. I can say_.,Lets talk,I can see _. I can say_.,Lets talk,I can see _. I can say_.,Lets talk,Lets find out,Lets sing,1.在生活中寻找26个英文字母,如用L, M, S表示服装的大小码。 2.给父母演唱字母歌。,Homework,。

14、第二课时,Lets talk,Lets talk,pencil,Lets learn,ruler,Lets learn,crayon,Lets learn,eraser,Lets learn,I have a pencil.,Lets learn,I have an eraser.,Lets learn,I have a _.,Lets learn,I have _.,Lets practice,Listen and read,Lets chant,1.听说、认读三会单词,并用英语介绍自己所拥有的文具。 2.试着用I have a/an.的句式向同学介绍家中自己能说出英文名称的物品。,Homework,。

15、第三课时,Lets find,apple,ant,What is this?,apple,ant,book,bag,What is this?,book,bag,Lets find.,/ b /,crayon,cat,What is this?,crayon,cat,Lets find.,/ k /,duck,dog,What is this?,duck,dog,Lets find.,/ d /,Chant,Aa Aa Aa apple. Bb Bb / b / / b / / b / Bb / b / bag. Cc Cc / k / / k / / k / Cc / k / cat. Dd Dd / d / / d / / d / Dd / d / duck.,Do you know?,BBC ABC AD CD,美国广播公司,英国广播公司,公元,唱片,1.Listen to and repeat “Listen , repeat and chant.” 2.Copy the letters from Aa。

16、第一课时,Do you know them?,Do you know them?,Do you know them?,DVD,TV,CCTV,USA,cm,Hi,Do you know them?,Lets talk,Hello, Im_.,Lets talk,Hello, Im_.,Lets talk,Hello,_.,Lets talk,Hello,_.,Lets talk,Hi, Im.,Lets act,1.用所学的英文表达向父母问好,介绍自己的英文名字。 2.为父母演唱所学的歌曲。,Homework,。

17、Unit 6 How many? A Lets learn & Lets chant,(人教PEP)三年级英语下册课件,Lets chant How many English books do you have? thirty ! thirty ! thirty ! How many picture-books do you have? forty! forty! forty! How many story-books do you have? fifty! fifty!,How many rabbits can you see?,I can see twelve.,rabbit,rabbits,How many _ can you see? I can see _ .,flowers,eleven,How many _can you see? I can see_ .,ducks,fourteen,How many _can you see? I can see_ .,pandas,t。

18、PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 4 We love animals教学设计Lesson 1 A Lets talk【教学内容】 A Lets talk Lets play【教学目标】1、 能听懂、会说并理解句子 Look!I have a .2、在创设的情景中,能用 I have a . 表达。

19、PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 2 Colours教学目标:知识目标:1、学习认读单词:blue、green、yellow、red、purple.2、通过用“show me your”指令来练习和运用有关颜色的单词。能力目标:1、学生能够根据指令做动作。2、能表达出自己喜欢的颜色。情感目标:1、通过游戏活动,激发学生说英语,学英语的兴趣。2、培养学生敢于开口,积极参与的学习态度和团结合作精神。3、提高学生热爱自然,保护环境的意识。重点难点:重点:激发学生的兴趣,使学生能听、说、认读blue、green、yellow、red、purple及听懂指令反应颜色。难点:这五个单词的读。

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