
第三课时,Enjoy the song,A B C song,Lets chant,Lets learn,u,v,w,U,box,fox,ox,fox,box,?,yellow,yo-yo,yes,zero,zebra,Listen,repeat and chant.,Listen and circ


1、第三课时,Enjoy the song,A B C song,Lets chant,Lets learn,u,v,w,U,box,fox,ox,fox,box,?,yellow,yo-yo,yes,zero,zebra,Listen,repeat and chant.,Listen and circle.,火眼金睛,找出大小写字母不符的一项,在( )内改正。,Uv ( ),Zz ( ),Wu( ),Yy ( ),XX( ),Uu/Vv,Ww/Uu,Xx,Homework,1. Listen to and repeat “Letters and sounds”. 2.Copy the letters from Uu to Zz twice. 3. Make the letters cards.,。

2、人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册复习重点小学英语复习 1. 话题:询问和回答人们日常出行的方式以及常用的交通规则。 2. 语音:能够了解辅音/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/与元音/i:/, /i/的发音规则,并能读出相关例词 3. 单词及短语:by, foot, bike, bus, train, plane, ship, subway, how, go to school, then, traf。

3、人教版小学英语三年级上Unit 6 B部分,Lets Learn,信息技术导入优化,Enjoy the song,Ten little candles,Enjoy the song,Ten little candles,Enjoy the song,Ten little candles,http:/www.tudou.com/programs/view/2LGhqeutSlo/?FR=LIAN,In this song,which numbers can you hear?,信息技术讲授优化,说一说,Which number do Chinese people like?,3,6,9,8,Lucky number,8,Six and eight are two lucky numbers in China.,Seven is also a lucky number in Canada.,Look and say,Lets do,信息技术评价优化,Find and say,看谁算的快,1.thre。

4、第二课时,Lets talk,Think and say,What are they?,Let me try,Can you count like this:five, four, three, two, one?,Who can count from one to five?,Listen and spell,t-w-o,f-o-u-r,f-i-v-e,o-n-e,t-h-r-e-e,Lets chant,Jump up high!,Jump!,Who am I?,A B C D E,1. _,2. _,3. _,4. _,5. _,B,D,E,C,A,Homework,1.Listen to and repeat “Lets learn” and “ Lets chant”. 2.Get more information about numbers.,。

5、第一课时,Enjoy the chant and answer the question,Which numbers can you hear?,Lets have a picnic today,Sing the song,Play a game,Whats missing?,了解cake的种类,fruit cake cartoon cake chocolate cake tea cake birthday cake,Tell me your favourite cake.,Lets talk,What are they talking about?,How many plates?,Lets learn,Its a plate. one plate,two plates,three plates,four plates,five plates,Can I have some cake,please?,Sure. Here you are.,Brainstorm,Why did Sam and Sams mother buy five。

6、. 小学英语三年级下册Unit 6How Many ? 说课稿 阿场二中英语组:李洪芹 一、说教材:PEP 小学英语教材以话题为纲, 以交际功能为主线, 兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际目的的语言任务。 三年级下册 Unit 6 How Many ?这个单元,是学生在三年级上册已 经掌握数字 1 10 的基础上,要学生继续学习数字11 20 ,并且能 够在实际生活情景中灵。

7、绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,How many ?,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,http:/v.ku6.com/show/zyl8IYA4QgWvZPiE.html,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,one two three four five six seven eight nine ten,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,How many boats can you see? I can see boats.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,How many balls can you see? I can see_balls.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com,绿。

8、最新人教版PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit Hello B Lets learn,PEP Unit 1 Hello! P4 B Lets learn Lets do,最新人教版PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit Hello B Lets learn,Lets chant!,I have a .,Me too!,Me too!,Me too!,Me too!,I have a .,I have 。

9、第二课时,Lets talk,Enjoy the song,juice,Try to learn,Im hungry.,Im thirsty.,Id like . / Have some .,Have a try,Do you know?,milk,Lets learn,Lets do,Think and say,juice,milk,egg,cake,croissant,whole wheat bread,donut,baguette,Know more,1. Listen to and repeat “Lets learn” and “ Lets do”. 2.Copy the words five times: juice, egg, milk, bread. 3.Get more information about food and drink.,Homework,。

10、第四课时,Enjoy the song,A B C song,Sam,How old is Sam?,Sam is six years old.,Lets talk,Lets play,Lets make,1. Fold.,2. Cut.,3. Fold back.,4. Open.,5. Push out.,6. Draw and write.,Sing the song,Happy birthday!,Know more,西方儿童怎样过生日? 在泰国:每逢儿童生日的前一天,就得点燃起一对和这个过生日的孩子同样高的蜡烛,预祝孩子长命百岁。 在荷兰:小孩过生日的时候,其家长要带着生日蛋糕上班,和同事们一同分享这个特别的日子。 在澳大利亚:全家人要在孩子生日的那一天到海里游泳。游泳后,全家人就在海滩上野餐来。

11、Unit1 Welcome back to school partA 第一课时 【教学目标】 1听懂会说 We have two new friendstoday. Im. Im from . 2认识美国 、加拿大、中国的国旗。并会介绍自己。 3培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 【教学过程】 一、Warm-up 与学生对话:Good morning , boys。

12、,Unit 4 We love animals,Sing the song,http:/www.tudou.com/programs/view/mw6SO813X7U/,Boys and girls , We should love animals . lets learn new words about animals.,http:/my.tv.sohu.com/us/63293460/59213713.shtml,Whats this ?,Its a duck .,Whats this ?,Its a panda .,Hello, Im Zoom. Im a bear.,。

13、人教版PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 6 Happy Birthday教学设计 Part A Lets talk 教学目标: 通过中外学生祝贺生日的情景会话,让学生学习如何用英语询问年龄,以进一步熟悉所学的数词。 教学重难点: How old are you? Im Lets eat the birthday cake. 教具准备: 1. Sarah, Mike, Wu Yifan, John。

14、第四课时,Lets chant,Read and spell,bread,egg,milk,juice,Can I have some ?,Youre welcome.,Pair work,Lets learn,Drink some water.,water,Can I have some water, please?,Lets talk,Thanks. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thank you very much. Many thanks.,“谢谢”各不同,“谢谢”各不同,Lets play,Can I have some , please?,Guessing game,No, you cant. Try again.,Here you are.,Youre welcome.,Im the best!,1.Listen to and repeat “Lets talk”. 2.Get more information about food in the west c。

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