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1、初一英语上册 Unit 5 单元测试题班级: _姓名: _成绩: _一单项选择。(本题共 15 小题,每题 1 分,共 15 分)()1.-Do _ have a soccer ball?-Yes , I _.A. you, haveB. she, dont C. you, dontD. you, do()2.Lets _ the map on the wall.A look atBseeCwatchDlook() 3. -Does her uncle have a baseball?-Yes, _.A. her uncle doesB. she doesC. he doesD. her do

2、es() 4. She likes playing _soccer.A. theB. aC. anD. /()5. _ they have any sports collections? Yes, they _.A Are, areBDo, doCCan, doDDo, can() 6.I dontlike this game, because its _.A. happyB. interestingC. funD. boring()7.Jim and Tim _ a basketball.A. haveB. hasC. areD. is() 8. I like watching footba

3、ll games _ TVA. onB. atC. inD. to() 9. Jim _ a purple jacket.A. donthave B. doesnthasC. donthasD. doesnthave() 10.The boys are _ a volleyball game at home.A. watchingB. seeingC. lookingD. looking at() 11. Please take these books _ the teachersoffice.A. toB. forC. ofD. in()12.There are some monkeys _

4、 the banana trees.A. inB. forC. onD. with()13.Jims book is in _ backpack.A. a, theB. the hisC. hisD. his a()14. Can you _ me some tea and _ some coffee to Mr Gao there?A. take, take B. bring, bring C. take, bring D. bring, take()15. She _ sports every day.A. playB. playingC. playsD. played二完形填空。(本题共

5、 10 小题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)My name is Alan and I am _1_ English boy. I _2_ soccer very much. Owen _3_ my favorite soccer player. I _4_ a good friend. His name is John. He _5_ sports, too. And he has a great _6_ collection. He has five tennis _7_, soccer balls and _8_. But he never plays soccer. He often w

6、atches soccer games _9_ TV. We often _10_ tennis after school.()1. A. theB. anC. aD./()2.A. amB. areC. likeD. likes()3.A. isB. areC. amD. be()4.A. haveB. hasC. amD. are()5.A. likesB. doesC. spellsD. His()6.A numberB. penC. booksD. sports()7.A.basketballB. racketsC. batsD. volleyballs()8.A. oneB. man

7、yC. moreD. much()9.A. inB. atC. onD. from()10.A. playsB. haveC. doD. play三阅读理解。(本题共 15 小题,每题 2 分,共 30 分)(A)Hello, I am Becky. I meleven. Im from America. I have a sister, but I donhavet a brother. I like writing and I want a pen friend. I also like games. I sometimes 有(时 ) play tennis with my sister

8、. I collect 4 tennis rackets, and my sister has 2 rackets. I like ping-pong, too. I play ping-pong with my friends. Do you like games? Do you play sports every day?() 1.What is Becky?A. She is a student.C. We don t know.() 2.What does Becky like?B. She is a teacher.D. She is an English girl.A. She l

9、ikes her sister.B. She likes her friends.C. She likes ping-pong.D. She likes ping-pong and tennis.() 3.Who does Becky play ping-pong with?A. Her sisterB. Her classmatesC. Her friendsD. No one() 4.Which one is right ?A. Becky s sister is eleven.B. Becky doesntlike sports.C. Becky has a sister, but no

10、 brother.D .Becky only likes tennis, she doesn-pongtlike. ping() 5.What does Becky want (想要 ) to do?A. She wants to write to her parents.B. She wants to find a pen friend.C. She wants to write a note.D. She wants to play tennis with you.(B)I have three good friends. We like sports very much. My favo

11、rite sport is basketball. I havethree balls. I think playing basketball is interesting. Jim and Tim think it is boring to playbasketball. Their favorite sport is soccer ball. They play soccer every afternoon. They have fourballs. Mary is a nice girl. Her favorite sport is volleyball. She plays it ve

12、rywell. It s relaxingfor her to play volleyball. But she has only one ball. Sports are good for us.()6.Whats Jim and Timsfavorite sport?A. BasketballB. Soccer ballC. VolleyballD. Baseball()7.Whats Marys favorite sport?_A. SoccerB. BasketballC. VolleyballD. Ping-pong()8.Who has only one ball?A. IB. M

13、aryC. TimD. Jim()9.Does Mary think it sboring to play soccer?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. No, she does. D. We dontknow.()10.How many balls do I have?_A. ThreeB. FourC. OneD. Two(C)()11 Ken isnot goodatEnglish.He wants to learn Englishwell.()12.Kennylovesanimals. Hethinksthatanimalsarehuma

14、ns best friends.()13.Helen does well inrunning.She is the bestrunner in our class.()14.Sarahloveslisteningtomusic. She wants to buya new MP3.()15.Tom is very fat, he hopesto lose weight( 减肥 )byplaying basketball.A. Sports Meeting We will have a lot of sports competitions in the sports meeting. Try y

15、our best to do it, you are the best!B. Sunny Gym It s a good place to lose weight.And you can play basketball here.C. How to Improve English It is a good book which helps you learn English in a good way.D. Guangzhou Zoo In the zoo, you can see lots of interesting animals.E. Sports Club We sell many

16、kinds of balls. We only open in the afternoon.F. Music ConcertDo you like playingthe guitar, the violin, the piano or other musical instruments? If you do, join our concert!G. Jin Ye Digital(数码 )Store Now we sell a new kind of MP3,it s very nice.四单词拼写,每空一词。 (本题共 10 小题,每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)1. Playing foot

17、ball is _(有趣的 )。2. I cantswim. I think it s _有(困难的 )。3. I donthave a soccer, lets play_(篮球 ).4. He doesnthave _(排球), but he has baseballs.5. Where are my(字典)?6. She _ (需要) some Chinese books.7. I have two _(盒子 )。8.My mother often_(带)some food to school for me.9. _(植物 )need light and water.10.Two _(家庭 )live in this house.五 . 句子翻译。(本题共 5 小题,每题 3 分,共 15 分)1 他有一只足球吗?_2 我的弟弟没有篮球。_3 那故事听起来很有趣。_4 他每天都参加体育活动。_5 数学很难,但是 Jim 还是喜欢它。_六书面表达。(15 分)请根据图片介绍 Sonia,不少于 60 个单词,开头不计算在内。Hi! She is Sonia. She is a sports lover. _


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