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1、,Study skills More practice,Module 2 Science and technology,Oxford English,Unit 3,Computers,Study skills,1, Click on the browser icon. Press “Enter” and wait for your website to appear. Type in the address of the website that you would like to visit. Turn on the computer.,1,2,3,4,Can you surf the In

2、ternet?,Put the following steps in the correct order.,Research skills (2) : Using a search engine,There is a lot of information on the Internet. You can find the information you need by using a search engine. Here are some useful tips for searching online.,Tip 1:,Type in keywords, not complete sente

3、nces. These keywords can be words, phrases or even short sentences.,See examples on P46.,Research skills (2): Using a search engine There is a lot of information on the Internet. You can find the information you need by using a search engine.,Do you know of any search engines?,How can we look for us

4、eful information on the Internet?,Whats the price of the C4091 monitor? the price of the C4091 monitor c. price of C4091 monitor,What should we type in if we want to learn about the price of the C4091 monitor?,What words should we type in if we only want to find information about “how to form the co

5、mparative of adjectives”?,Tip 2:,Use more specific words to get better results.,See examples on P47.,Here are the results of our search.,not exactly the same words,not in the same order,Tip 3:,Use double quotation marks (“”) to find web pages containing specific groups of words or phrases.,See examp

6、les on P47.,exactly the same words and in the same order,What is an “ancient computer”?,The abacus The abacus was perhaps the first type of computer. People started using it over 4,000 years ago to do maths. It was used in ancient China, Rome, Egypt and Greece. Today some people still use the abacus

7、.,Can you use an abacus? How is it similar to a modern computer?,Culture corner,It can calculate like a computer.,2,Language points,1. People started using it over 4,000 years ago to do maths. Start doing sth.=begin doing sth. Use sth. to do sth. 2. It was used in ancient China, Rome, Egypt and Greece. Be used (passive voice) The structure of passive voice:be +done. eg. The computer was stolen last night.,


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