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1、Unit 4 Topic 2,第一部分 听力(20分) 第二部分 基础知识运用(55分),(A),When we feel the ground moves suddenly, it means that an earthquake may come. Many of the earthquakes first come under the sea and then happen anywhere on the earth. Especially they often happen near the mountains and seas such as Wenchuan, Japan and

2、Indonesia.,When an earthquake happens, its very easy to cause a tsunami (海啸). Houses fall down, many people are injured and even died.,Now scientists are trying their best to study earthquakes. They make maps to show the“earthquake belts (地震带)”. So the houses there must be quite strong.,We believe t

3、hat scientists will be able to tell us when and where an earthquake will happen in the near future. Also, they can tell us what to do and how to do. People can even use earthquakes to do something for us humans.,根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。,C. some pedestrians do nothing wrong,D. Tokyo is very beautiful,第三部分

4、写作(25分),11. Many parents found their _ (miss) children with the help of CCTV1.,听 力 材 料,. 听句子,选择正确图片,其中有一项多余。每个句子读一遍。,1. The film 1942 shows the terrible drought in Henan Province.,2. Sometimes aftershocks are more serious.,3. The radio says there will be a rainstorm in the sea later on. All the ship

5、s must return.,4. It will bring more terrible results when the typhoon comes with heavy rain.,5. A heavy snowstorm struck Xinjiang and many sheep were killed.,. 听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。,6. W: A terrible flood happened in the USA yesterday.,M: Sorry to hear that.,Q: Where did the flood happen?,7. W: I thi

6、nk mobile phones are more useful than telephones.,M: Maybe youre right. But I think the computer is the most useful.,Q: What does the man think is the most useful?,8. W: When an earthquake happens, we should stay away from tall furniture.,M: I agree. Or something will fall and hurt us.,Q: Why should

7、 we keep away from tall furniture when an earthquake happens?,9. W: Millions of people lost their home because of wars.,M: Im sorry to hear that.,Q: How does the man feel?,10. W: Its difficult to tell when and where an earthquake will happen.,M: Thats right.,Q: Who knows when and where an earthquake

8、 will happen?,. 听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。,It was sunny last Sunday. Li Lei walked his pet dog Huihui as usual. The dog was very happy. When they walked near a lake in the park, suddenly, Li Lei fell into the lake with carelessness. Li Lei couldnt swim. He shouted,“Help! Help!”But there was nobody else a

9、round the lake and no one heard him. At that time, the dog jumped into the water and swam to him. It caught him with its mouth and tried its best to swim to the bank of the lake. Li Lei climbed up the bank and lay down on the ground for a moment. He was all wet. He held Huihui in his arms and said m

10、any many thanks. What a dangerous day!,. 听短文,填空。短文读三遍。,Now many people still remember the terrible Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. Its a pain in our hearts. In a short time, everything was missing. The whole nation was in deep sadness. Our country sent the army there at once. The people there did every

11、thing they could to save themselves instead of waiting. Now a new Wenchuan stands in front of us. I feel Im living in a great country.,参考答案及解析,第一部分 听力,. 1. F 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D,. 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. C,. 11. T 12. F 13. F 14. T 15. T,. 16. hearts 17. sadness 18. armies 19. themselves 20. stands,

12、第二部分 基础知识运用,. 1. C根据lose sth., be missing可知,故选C。,2. B根据句意“哀莫大于心死”以及空格后有than可知,故选B。,3. A根据句意“还有两人在火场”以及another是“又,另”的意思,故选A。,4. B根据句意“上周他因经常迟到而失去了工作”,而lose有“丢掉,失去之意”,故选B。,5. C根据“不定代词+形容词”结构,“本句是一般疑问句”以及答语可知,故选C。,6. D根据“hear of+名/代”“hear+句子”可知,故选D。,7. A根据句意“没有他的帮助我就不能通过上次的考试”可知,故选A。,8. C根据too to do “太

13、而不能”可知,故选C。,9. D根据句意“人们灾后正在重建家园(进行时)”“不久他们将走上正常的生活轨道(将,来时)”可知,故选D。,10. A根据句意“在中国摇头表示不同意而在印度表示同意”可知,故选A。,. 11. Where are you going?,12. What are you going to do?,13. Can they go to school now?,14. I hope so.,15. I will send some money(to the students there).,. 16. A根据表格中信息所反映的都是火灾的预防和逃生方法,可知这里作者给我们提供

14、的,是一些“建议”,故选A。,17. D根据句意“灭火器可在短时间内控制火势”可知,故选D。,18. C根据句意“火灾发生时灭火器将发声报警”可知,故选C。,19. B根据句意“要制订逃生计划”可知,故选B。,20. A根据句意“所有人都应该知道应急通道在哪儿”可知,故选A。,21. B根据句意“平时要勤检窗户看是否能轻易打开”可知,故选B。,22. D根据句意“火灾时严禁打开火灾现场的门”可知,故选D。,23. D根据句意“火灾时要贴地而行”可知,故选D。,24. A根据句意“衣服着火时要就地打滚而不能奔跑”可知,故选A。,25. C根据句意“如果遵守以上建议,逃生的机率就大一些”可知,故选

15、C。,. (A),26. T根据第一段末句Especially and Indonesia “地震尤其多发于大山和大海附近,,譬如汶川,日本和印度尼西亚”可知,故说法是正确的。,27. T根据第三段末句The housesstrong “那里的房子必须坚固”可知,故说法正确。,28. F根据末段首句We believein the future “我们相信在不远的将来科学家将能够,预测地震什么时候在哪儿发生”“目前还不能预测更不能阻止”,故说法错误。,29. F根据常识“人们在地震中失去生命是不可抗力因素造成的,而不是是否互相帮助”,,故说法错误。,30. T根据第二段首句Its happen

16、s “当地震发生时很容易引起海啸”可知,说法正确。,(B),31. C根据表格“特征”部分Hurricane Season in the Pacific Ocean “在大西洋,飓,风季节通常是六月初来临,十一月底结束,”可知“两头算上合计六个月左右”,,故选C。,32. A根据表格“类别”部分Scientists divide the wind speed “科学家根据风速把飓,风分成五个级别”可知,故选A。,33. B根据表格Danger部分A hurricane has of a hurricane “飓风有个眼,这个,眼指的就是飓风的中心”可知,故选B。,34. D根据表格Danger

17、部分It can cause with heavy rain “当飓风伴随着暴雨一,起而来时常会发生洪灾”可知,故选D。,35. C根据表格Safety advice部分Stay inside be injured “飓风期间躲在室内,否,则你会受伤”可知,故选C。,(C) 36. F,37. T,38. 喝酒不开车,开车不喝酒,39. 东京是世界上最大最繁华的都市之一。,40. B,第三部分 写作,. (A) 1. whole 2. Army 3. sent 4. level 5. fire,(B) 6. earthquake 7. phone 8. middle 9. stay/keep

18、10. protect,. 11. missing 12. sadness 13. shook 14. checking 15. appear,. 参考范文:,Yesterday morning, our school gave us a practice of escaping from an earthquake. All the teachers and students took part in the activity.,Before it, our headteacher, Miss Wang, told us the rules for escaping again. It st

19、arted on time at 8:00 a. m. Miss Wang shouted,“Under your desk!”All the students stayed under the desks with arms covering the heads. Next, she shouted“Group One, go!” “Group Two, go!”. My classmates ran out of the classroom one after another. When I was walking on the right down the stairs, Lucy in front of me fell down suddenly. I held her up quickly. All of my classmates got to the playground at 8:01. No one was left.“We only spent one minute.”said Miss Wang happily.,This activity is popular with both parents and students. We learnt a lot from it.,


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