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1、大家知道,不可数名词没有表示复数的“-s”标志,因此前面不可有数目字,只可以有数量词。例如我们可以说, 不可以说: There is not much furniture in the office. There are not many furnitures in the office. 这是不是说不可数名词就不可数呢?不然。相反的,不可数名词也是可数的,主要方法是借重单位词(unit word),如: a piece of, a cup of, a drop of, a lump of, a handful of, a flash of, a blade of, a head of, a

2、bar of, an ear of等。 如果数目是超过“一”,就以确实数目取代“一”。例如: two pieces of, three cups of 和 five lumps of 等。 现在试试把上述这类单位词和适当的不可数名词连用。 Mr Li has just bought a piece of new furniture. Give me a cup of cold water, please. Please put two lumps of sugar in my coffee. The boy picked up two handfuls of sand from the bea

3、ch. We saw a flash of lightning in the sky. The gardener pulled out blades of wild grass from the garden. She gave bars of chocolate to the visiting children. 有些名词如 scissors, trousers, spectacles, tongs, pliers 等,都以复数形式出现, 如: The scissors are lying on the table. The spectacles fit me nicely. 如果要给这些名

4、词表示单数“一”的意思,就要借重单位词了。例如: Mary has just bought a pair of scissors. (11) The mechanic repaired the machine with a set of pliers. 现代英语注重简洁,合成形容词便应运而生,其中有一种是用来表示数目的,方法是: “数目+名词”,如:a five-year plan, a ten-dollar note, a two-hour meeting, a three-day conference等。 必须注意的是,这种合成形容词中的名词,只能以单数形式出现。如果用复数,就错了,如: a five-years plan, a ten-dollars note, a two-hours meeting, a three-days conference. 这类错误,虽然频率不是很高,但也是要留意才好。 如果没有把握,不妨用完整的表达方式,如: a five-year plana plan of five years a ten-dollar notea note of ten dollars a three-day conferencea conference of three days 等。


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