2017年山西教师招聘面试英语教学设计《My Friends》.doc

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1、山西英语教学设计My FriendsTeaching Aims:Knowledge aims: students can master the pronunciation of words nose, note, coke, and so on.Students can master the syllable /.Ability aims: student can read words with this syllable correctly in their daily life.students can develop their ability of cooperation throug

2、h group works.Emotional aim: students can show great interest in syllables and learning the pronunciation of each wordTeaching Key and difficult Points:Students can master the pronunciation of words nose, note, coke, and read them correctly in their daily life.Teaching Methods: task-based same or di

3、fferent, display order, odd one outTeaching Aids: multi-media, picturesTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming-upGreeting with the students and show them a picture about Mr Jones. Describe the content of the picture. Mr Jones is a handsome man. He has a big nose. His favorite drink is coke. He takes a no

4、te. Let students guess the meaning of these words. Students may know coke, but dont know the meanings of other words.Step 2 PresentationDraw 2 pictures on the blackboard. One is head of the bear, the other one is about a note. (write them on the blackboard)After students get the meaning of these wor

5、ds, teacher should read these words for the students and ask them to find the similarities between these words and their pronunciation.Similarities:Each word contains a “o”.The last three words are vowel+ consonant+ vowelEach word utters a syllable of /.Step 3 PracticePractice 1Use ppt to present 4

6、groups of words. Ask students to tick out the words which utter the syllable / when they listen to the tape.1 not note lot 2 hot hope home3 box dog nose 3 nose rose lostPractice 2Listen, circle and write. Ask students listen to the tape, then finish this task.o o-e o o-e o o-e o o-edog nose Jones no

7、tepractice threelisten to the radio and number each word.go no cold nobody home hope town(随便排序即可)Step 4 Production1 Each student choose only 1 word to make a sentence, then share with the whole class.2 divide the whole class into 10 groups. Each group has a group leader. Each group should think out

8、a word with the utterance/. The next group cant say the word which has been said by the former group. Or this group fails and is supposed to do interesting actions for the whole class.Step 5 Summary and homeworkInvite one student as an assistant teacher and summarize what we learn today.Find more words with the syllable/Blackboard Design:以上就是英语教学设计My Friends案例,希望能对考生有所帮助!通过山西教师招聘网可以了解到2017年山西教师招聘当前的考试动态,一般山西教师招聘有笔试和面试两个重要环节,笔试科目为教育基础理论和学科专业知识,面试以试讲、说课等形式考察。山西教师招聘网


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