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1、野性的呼唤英文阅读报告A Report on The call of the wildIntroductionAt the beginningof thiscentury,many new writersemerged with the introduction of many new ideas. JackLondon stories successfully reflect the contradictoryviews of mans nature and destiny in and against thewild, and his fight to survive notion has

2、 gained himand his works timeless popularity, particularly, theCall of the WildHis most famous novel is the call of the wild .Although it is a story about a dog, Buck, it vividlydepicts the life in the primitive North where peoplerushed for gold and fortune. Buck, used to belong toa judge,was kidnap

3、ped and sold to North.Then he becamea member of a dog-team pulling a sled (雪橇 ). In thedays of pulling a snow-sled, he learned to conform tothe law of natureand obey the master.Finally,he foundabasicinstincthiddeninsidehim,whichenabledhimself to survive the tough environment. This is the call of the

4、 wild.Brief introductionAbout the author, Jack London (Jan 12, 1876 Nov22, 1916)Jack London (1876-1916) is an American worldwiderenowned novelist,journalistand socialactivist.Hisrepresentativeworksincludethe CalloftheWild,Martin Eden, Son of the Wolf, White Fang, etc.He issaid tobe a naturalchild. I

5、n1889, he beganworking 12 to18 hoursfora day atHickmotts Cannery.In 1894,he spent30 days forvagrancyintheErieCountyPenitentiary at Buffalo. After many experiences as ahobo and a sailor, he returned to Oakland and attendedOaklandHighSchool.Hecontributedanumber ofarticlestothehighschoolsmagazine.Hisfi

6、rstpublishedworkwasanaccountofhissailingexperiences.His novels successfully reflect the contradictoryviews of man s nature and destiny in and against thewild.The Call of the Wild (1903)The Call of the Wild is London s most-read book,and generallyconsideredhisbest,themost masterpieceof his so-called“

7、 early period” . The story was setin19th-centuryKlondikeGoldRush, inwhichsleddogswere bought at generous prices.Buck was a domesticdog inJudge Miller s home andliving a xxfortable life until he was sold secretly bythe poor gardener and became a sled dog. Buck was aBernarddog weighed one hundred and

8、fortypounds,tall,strong, and heavy muscled. He couldn t acxxmodate tothe harsh condition at first. And he wanted to fight,to escape, to go back to his cozy home, but in vain.The man inred taughthim thelawofstickand clubone must firstadjusthimselftohissurroundingsandlearn the rules, and only after th

9、at he can do what hewants todo. The club oftheman inredcalledback Bucks nature as a dog.When he firstly served for Fran?ois and Perrault,two couriers, he showed his superior ability to adapttotheenvironmentandhissmartnesstolearneverything he wanted tolearn.Curly s death astonishedhim and taught him

10、to be cautious. And before he hadrecovered from the shock caused by the tragic passingof Curly, he was harnessed as a sled dog and step bystep wanted tobe the leader.But the leadingdog,Spitz,was alreadyan excellentone, who alsoconsideredBuckas enemy and potential xxpetitor. At last, when Spitz once

11、punished him, hurling backward Buck, he knew the time had xxe. He killed Spitz and took his place.When they pulled into Dawson, Buck was sold asuselessthingtothreegolddiggers,who weren veteran in sledding and even didn t know how to gettto their destination. Food was eaten up half way. So Charles, o

12、ne of the three, decided to kill Buck whenhe couldn t get up. However, when he aimed at Buck,John Thornton sprang upon him, knocked him down and told him that if Charles stroke Buck, Thornton would killhim.Thus,Thorntontook Buck away. He was the only truefriendofBuck.ButBuck was a thingofthewild,esp

13、eciallywhen the callingof wolffrom thehills.Oncewhenhe came back fromhills,he foundthatThornton waskilledby Indians. Buckbecame a nutand killedthoseheadsmen and stayedwithThorntonfor two daysandnights, never leaving Thornton out of his sight. Andthena nearby wolfhowlcaptureshisears,and hefollows the

14、 sound to an approaching wolf pack, battling several of these creatures to prove his worth.When you read the story, you will feel that Buck is a man instead of a dog, struggling with his fortune and conforming to the law of nature.Though short, it is really a thrilling story. What you never forget i

15、sthe tough lifein the nature,the brave and craftydog.Maybe the wild is calling you to go ahead.My understandingBuck He sings a song of the younger world, whichis the song of the pack. (Chapter VII The Sounding ofthe Wild)Whenthe lastsentence vanishedfrom my eyes,I can still perceive an echo of a son

16、g - a wild song,which knocks up my dizzy mind that always cheerfullysinkintotheso-calledcivilizedworldwithoutquestioning. Wild, is no longer a symbol of the law ofjunglebut a headspringwhere streams out love,passion,bravery, loyalty, friendship, venture, xxpetition andtolerance all these virtues can

17、 easily be found in theCall of the Wild.is a cruel, cunning and intelligent image in theCallof the Wild.He killedSpitzto take the leadership,learned apace to sleep under snow and learned fast tosteal food without being punished. But in my opinion,Buck in the wild, just as a man in the society, mustd

18、o what he had done for survival. Jack London xxparedhuman to Buck and told us that we must adapt ourselvesto the society learning the rules, learning thenecessaryknowledgeandkeepingforgingahead,otherwise we ll lag behind and be obsolete. That isthe life.The Call of the Wild conjures up a lost world,

19、filled with people and place names that were so xxmonat the turn of the twentieth century, but which havesince faded away into history, lost and forgotten. Itis by readingBucksstorythat one canonce moreremember life as it was, digging up this hidden wealthfrom deep caves of time.However, who can ful

20、ly guarantee that we have notoverlookedsomeessentialwild-endowedvirtues?Especially, nowadays, it seems more crucial for us tostop looking at the post-industrialized world and toponder fora while.Whencheats, betrayals,lies,lustsand crimesstuffa materializedsociety,whetherLondonuses this novel to help

21、 himself escape the reality orwarn the earthy people, to us, modern man, is all thesame. One day when I happen to stand on the top of agrand mountain toobserve a boundlessprairieenvelopedby the sapphire firmament and xxbed by gusts of therhythmical west wind, a morning sun sprinkles me herwarmth and

22、 brilliance in a graceful way, however, atthatmoment, I am afraidthatIcannotappreciatethesebeauties, I am a lost civilized man then.SummaryAllinall,thecallofthewild isreallyamasterpiece. He sings a song of the younger world,whichisthesong of thepack.Whenyou readthestory,you will feel that Buck is a

23、man instead of a dog,struggling with his fortune and conforming to the law of nature. ?Though short, it is really a thrilling story. What you never forget is the tough life in the nature, the brave and crafty dog. Maybe the wild is calling you to go ahead.?While writing for only 16 years throughout his life, London produced an amazing body of work among which, White Fang, Martin Eden, the Valley of the Moon are representative.At last, i want to say Please, please do not let xxe true while we are still able to answer the call of the wild.


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