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1、超级经典的英语短文优美段落阅读分享对于大部分的中国学生来说,由于语言环境的缺乏 ,阅读是他们接触英语的主要途径。为此,今天小编整理了优美英语段落,欢迎大家好好阅读!优美英语段落篇一Letting go is the answer. Too often we spend our time keeping score of what isnt working, whats not manifesting, and whats just going wrong in our lives and that only keeps us stuck. When you let go of the outc

2、ome, the struggle, and the constant worry about when, how, or if your desires will manifest and trust the process, you make room for the magic of the Universe to bring in your every desire. As Queen Elsa said Let it go!放手就是答案。我们总是花太很多时间去在意那些没有意义、鸡毛蒜皮的事和那些在我们生活中完全出错、让我们痛苦不堪的事。当你不再在意结果,不再挣扎,不再日夜担忧你的愿望

3、什么时候会实现、怎样实现、是否会实现,相信过程,你就腾出了空间,宇宙的魔法就能把你想要的都带来。就像爱莎女王说的那样:“随它吧 ! ”优美英语段落篇二Inspired) Action is everything. As logical thinkers and problem solvers, weve been taught that the best way to achieve our desires is to set a goal, create a plan and take massive action. In my experience that is certainly on

4、e way to do it, but its not the best way. The best way is to listen to your heart, be open to the possibilities, and take action on the inspired ideas that you are given each and every day. Youll find when you do that, you will reach your goals faster than ever before.有想法的行动就是一切。我们懂得逻辑思考,懂得如何解决问题。我们

5、学过,要获得自己想要的东西,最好的方法是设立一个目标、制定一个计划,然后积极地行动起来。在我的经验里,这确实是个方法,但不是最好的方法。最好的方法是听从自己的内心,迎接各种可能性,每天一有想法就马上行动。当你这么做的时候,你会发现你会比过去更快达到自己的目标。优美英语段落篇三Following your heart IS your life purpose. Finding your life purpose can often feel like trying to locate the Holy Grail, but the truth is its not as hard as you

6、think. Simply put, following your heart and doing what you love is your life purpose and when you live in that way, life just keeps getting better and better. Follow your heart, do what you love, and I promise life will grow, evolve, and become more incredible than you ever thought possible.追随内心就是你的

7、人生目标。寻找人生目标经常就像寻找圣杯在哪里一样麻烦,但事实上这没有你想象的那么难。追随内心、做自己喜欢的事就是你的人生目标。当你用这种方式生活时,你的人生就会变得越来越美好。追随你的内心,做自己喜欢的事,我保证你的人生会成长、进化,变得更加妙不可言,超乎你的想象。优美英语段落篇四Your heart knows more than your head so listen to it. We often have a tendency to overthink life and end up making it more difficult than it needs to be. Livin

8、g from your head as opposed to your heart, invites fear, logic, and endless analysis to stop you from doing things that will radically transform your life. Tune into your heart and let it be your guide, I promise you wont be sorry you did.你的心比你的头脑知道得更多,所以照着内心说的做吧。我们经常会什么事都想太多,最终把人生变得更加复杂,其实人生本不该复杂。与跟从内心相反,听从大脑而活,是让恐惧、逻辑和无尽的分析来阻止自己去做颠覆生活的事。还是聆听你的内心吧,让它成为你的向导,我保证你不会后悔。


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