Unit 2 What time do you go to school教案.doc

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1、Unit 2 What time do you go to school?(The 1st period)Teaching aims(教学目标)谈论日常作息时间;询问、表达时间Language points(语言点)-What time do you usually?-I/we usuallyKey words:(1)名词:time, shower(2)动词短语:go to school, get up, take a shower,(3)副词:usually oclock(4)疑问代词:what timeKey points(重点): What time do you usually?I/W

2、e usually”这个句型Teaching difficulties(难点):助动词do在一般现在时的特殊疑问句中的用法。Teaching steps (教学步骤):1.Warming-up and revision欣赏世界名曲钟表店,学生交流收集到的时间谚语。2、Presentation(呈现新知识)T:(拿出一个自制的钟表,此钟指针会转动)I have a nice clock. Do you want to have a look?Ss: Yes.教师指着此钟:What time is it now?Ss:Its(help Ss)T:(教师转动指针)What time is it no

3、w?Ss: Its(教师启发)(教师板书:What time is it ? Its )T: Follow me :“What time is it? Its” Read it in groups.T:(教师转动指针并引导组之间对话)Play a game and practise more on the pattern“What time is it? Its”T:(每大组选一个代表,分别用What time is it ?向教师发问,教师便用以下句子启发):You can have breakfast have lunch have supper go to bed get up (做动作

4、) go to school(做动作 ) take a shower(做动作) S1:ItsS2:ItsS3: ItsS4: Its5、Presentation(呈现新知识)T:(总结上述游戏)Now lets look at the clock .(将时钟调整到六点钟)What time is it?Ss: Its six oclock T: oclock(板书). Read after me.Ss: oclock.T:We will(做“起床”的动作,并提供一男孩起床的照片)Ss: get up(T helps Ss)T:Follow me :get up(板书)T:(指着此图片中的男孩)

5、Whats he doing?Ss: Hes getting up.T: And what am I doing?Ss: Youre getting up.T: Right. What time is it now?(一边说一边将时钟调到七点)Ss: Its 7 oclock.T: We will(做“上学”动作,并提供一群孩子上学的图片)Ss: go to school(板书)T:go to school. Together.T: (指着图片)What are they doing?Ss: They are going to school.T:(指着自己,背上书包,做出“上学”的模样)Wha

6、t am I doing?Ss: Youre going to schoolT: Good .And what time is it?(将时间调整到晚上十点)Ss: Its 10 oclock.T: We will(做“洗澡”动作,并提供一男孩洗淋浴的图片)Ss: take a shower(板书)T: Together T:(指着图片)Whats he doing?Ss: He is taking a shower.T:(做出“洗澡”的动作)What am I doing?Ss: Youre taking a shower.6、Work on 1a (完成P651a)T: Ok. Pleas

7、e open your book.Look at 1a, listen and match the words and the pictures.7、Work on 1b (完成P651b)T: Now lets listen to the tape, match the times and actions.T: Well, lets check the answers.8、Consolidation.T:(当答案校对到九点钟时)But I often take a shower at ten oclock.(一边说一边高举自己洗澡的图片,此图片上课前画好)I usually(突出usuall

8、y)take a shower at ten oclockT:Read after me: usuallyT:Please hold your pictures and tell me “I usually”(这些图片包括洗淋浴,起床、上学、跑步、吃饭等日常活动,并事先叫学生在课前画好)S1:I usually take a shower at nine oclockS2:I usually go to school at six oclockS3:I usuallyS4:9、Work on 1c(完成P651c)(1)T:(针对最后一个发言的学生说的句子,问其它同学 What time do

9、 you usually?)S1:I usuallyat(T help S1)T:(再问另一学生)What time do you usually?S1:I usuallyatT:Read after meWhat time do you usually ?(板书)I usuallyat(板书)(2)T:Read it in pairs.T: What time do you usually take a shower?S1: I usually take a shower at 10、Drill(1)Make a similar dialogue with the person you li

10、ke.(2)Act.11、Listen and repeat(听音跟读)T:Now lets listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape.附听原文:Interviewer: What time do you usually get up, Rick?Rick: Um, I usually get up at five oclock.Interviewer: Five oclock. Wow! And what time do you run?Rick: Um. At six oclock.Interviewer

11、: Hmm. And breakfast?Rick: Seven oclock.Interviewer: What time do you usually shower?Rick: Uh, eight oclock.Interviewer: What time do you usually go to school?Rick: I usually go to school at nine oclock.12、Follow up (进一步扩展)(1)T:Now its your turn to make up your own dialogues. Please work with your p

12、artner. (2)T:(事先将workbook中P43的第4题的图片扫描到PPT中并配上录音,其录音分别是:I do sport at 6:30I take a shower at 7:00I have breakfast at 7:15I go to school at 8:00)You can ask Justin some questions.First, I will try. What time do you usually take a shower?(然后点击声音)Come on!S1:What time do you usually do sport?S2:S3:T: Pl

13、ease open your workbook. Look and write sentences.(有了前面的铺垫,这一部分对于学生就更加容易)T: Ok, please tell a story about Justin.S1:S2:13、Homework:Oral work:(1)Read and recite the listening tapescript.(2)Go on making up your dialogues with the partner and polish it(继续和小组成员编对话,并完善对话)Written work(1)Copy the phrases in 1a twice (抄写1a的词组两遍)(2)Finish Ex.1 of the workbook.(3)调查朋友的作息时间,操作过程如下:教师设计如下表格,分发给各小组。NameGet upHave breakfastLeave home学生自由组合成35人小组,围坐在一起,相互提问,并把答案记录在表格中。各小组成员根据表格内容,以“的一天”为题,依次叙述作息时间,并写成一篇短文。


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