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1、,一、基础积累(默写本),Listen attentively,名词: 1.家庭 _ 2.孩子_ 3.幼小的孩子,婴儿_ 4.长者_ 5.奶奶,外婆_ 6.爷爷,外公_ 7.父(母),双亲_ 8.父亲,爸爸_ 9.母亲,妈妈_,family,child,baby,elder,Grandmother/grandma,grandfather/grandpa,parent,father/dad/daddy,mum/mother,Listen attentively,10.儿子_ 11.女儿_ 12.兄弟_ 13.姐妹_ 14.叔伯_ 15.伯母,舅母,姑母_ 16.堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹_ 17

2、.夫妇_ 18.丈夫_ 19.妻子_,son,daughter,brother,sister,uncle,aunt,cousin,couple,husband,wife,Listen attentively,动词: 1.同意_ 2.允许_ 3.生活,活着_ 4.(使)成婚,结婚_ 5.成功_ 6.告诉_,agree,allow,live,marry,succeed,tell,Listen attentively,形容词: 1.完美的_ 2.有礼貌的_ 3.自豪的_ 4.安静的_ 5.坏的_ 6.忙(碌)的_ 7.年轻的_ 8.重要的_ 9.富裕的_ 10.奇怪的_ 11.成功的_,perfec

3、t,polite,proud,quiet,bad,busy,young,important,rich,strange,successful,Listen attentively,短语: 1.能够 _ 2.忙于 _ 3.紧邻着 _ 4.同意(某人) _,be able to,be busy with,next to,agree with,Listen attentively,常用句子: 1.你家有几个人?他们是谁? 五个。他们是我父母,我爷爷奶奶和我。 _ _ _ _ 2. 你觉得你的英语老师怎么样? 她对我们很严格。 _,How many people are there in your fa

4、mily ? Who are they? There are five.They are my parents, my grandparents and me.,What do you think of your English teacher? She is very strict with us.,Listen attentively,3. 你和同学相处得怎样?很好。 _ 4. 你的新同学对你好吗?是的。 _ _,How do you get on with your classmates? Very well.I get on well with them.,Are your new c

5、lassmates friendly/kind to you? Yes, they are.,Listen attentively,5.别人帮助你时你应该怎么做? 我应该对他们说谢谢。 6.母亲节时我应该为妈妈做点什么? 你可以给她买个小礼物或为她做点事。,What are you supposed to do when others help you? I am supposed to say thanks to them.,What should I do for my mother on Mothers Day? You can buy her a small gift or do so

6、mething for her.,Listen attentively,二、完形填空,Mike and his father hadnt talked for ten years.Ten years ago, Mikes mother 1 .He thought it was his father who caused his mothers death.He hated his father. Now they were sitting in a nice 2 . Suddenly his father asked the waiter to put some salt in his cof

7、fee.Mike was 3 .His father smiled and said, “Before you were born, your mother and I often had fun 4 in the sea.We could taste the sea, just like,Listen attentively,the taste of the salty coffee.Every time I have salty coffee, I always 5 your mother.I miss her so much.” Mike was deeply moved.He neve

8、r knew his father had such 6 love for his mother. One month later, he moved in to live with his father.Whenever he made coffee for his father, he would put some 7 in it.,Listen attentively,Ten years later, his father died.Mike 8 a letter saying,“Dear Mike, please forgive me for my 9 the salty coffee

9、.Now let me tell you the truth. I dont like salty coffee actually, but I drank salty coffee for 10 years! Being with you was the biggest 10 of my whole life.”,Listen attentively,( )1.A.hurt B.disappeared C.died D.missed ( )2.A.mall B.restaurant C.house D.garden ( )3.A.surprised B.upset C.strange D.d

10、isappointed ( )4.A.drinking B.eating C.working D.playing ( )5.A.think up B.think over C.think of D.think out ( )6.A.wide B.deep C.high D.big ( )7.A.sugar B.milk C.honey D.salt ( )8.A.wrote B.received C.accepted D.refused ( )9.A.lie B.secret C.regret D.mistake ( )10.A.shyness B.kindness C.happiness D

11、.sadness,C,B,A,D,C,B,D,B,A,C,Listen attentively,三、阅读理解,A St.Luis Family Camp May 14, 2016 St.Luis Family Camp is a tradition which began 38 years ago and we want everyone to be able to experience “the magic of family camp ”.,Listen attentively,St.Luis Family Camp is a get-together of families at a l

12、akeside camp.From Thursday to Sunday you can enjoy nature, water fun, outdoor living, good food, games and family love.Come for as long or short of a time as you want1, 2, 3 or 4 days.,Listen attentively,Things for you to enjoy: *Small wooden houses with beds, bathrooms and showers or bring your own

13、 tent ($7 less for each camp member) *Breakfast, lunch and dinner served by our camp cookfresh and delicious *Game room includes ping-pong, chess, pool table (台球桌), cards and board games *Late night story telling by the camp fire *Swimming and boating with a lifeguard watching you,Listen attentively

14、,2016 costs: $40/night for those over 18 $30/night for those aged 1218, $20/night for kids aged 411 free aged 3 and under Please register(登记) by email as soon as possible before April 27th.The camp has space for only 100 people. With any question, call the number below to ask Jerry Kimball, our camp

15、 manager. Mailbox: Tel: 2510-8935,Listen attentively,( )1.The camp is for _ to get together and enjoy themselves. A.children B.close friends C.family members D.teachers and students ( )2.You may not be able to _ in this camp. A.go fishing B.enjoy good meals C.listen to stories D.play board games (

16、)3.Mr.Black and his 7-year-old son will stay in their own tent for a night.They should pay _. A.40 dollars B.46 dollars C.53 dollars D.60 dollars,C,A,D,Listen attentively,( )4.You should register as soon as possible because _. A.the camp is open to members only B.the camp manager will not be at work

17、 after April 27th C.the camp does not have enough room for too many people D.it will take a long time for the camp to get your register email,C,Listen attentively,( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE? A.The camp lies by a river in the mountains. B.You can call Jerry to book a camping house. C.You w

18、ill have to stay for four days in the camp. D.There will be a lifeguard for water-fun activities.,D,Listen attentively,B When I looked at the grade on my math paper, my jaw(下巴) almost dropped to the ground: a big “65” in bright red ink.I had never received such a terrible grade before. When I got ho

19、me that afternoon, I lied to my dad.I told him I got 85 and that the report wouldnt come until the end of the month.Dad smiled.His daughter would never lie about her grade, so he didnt doubt my words.,Listen attentively,A month later, Dad asked me again about the report at the dinner table.He looked

20、 right into my eyes and asked for an answer.Having no choice, I told him that I had in fact got just 65 in my math final.I had lied because I didnt want to let him down. For a moment, he just looked at me.I would have preferred a telling off than that silence. Finally, Dad said, in a hurt voice, “Yo

21、u have already let me down, with your lie.I am not disappointed at your math score.No one can be perfect all the time.But I am very disappointed in,Listen attentively,you.If you cant be honest with your dad, who can you be honest with? Its much easier to get a better grade than rebuild someone elses

22、 trust(信任) in you.” Dads words touched my heart.I could not forgive myself for having hurt his feelings.I took out the report that I had been hiding for weeks, handed it to him and apologized(道歉) sincerely.I realized that my honesty is not only important to me, but to those around me that truly care

23、 about me. In one of Shakespeares plays, a person says, “No legacy(遗产) is so rich as honesty.” Now I understand those words.,Listen attentively,( ) 6. The first paragraph may suggest that the writer_ A.was punished by her father for a bad grade B.usually got a higher grade C.never expected teachers

24、to give her good grades D.was always terrible at math ( ) 7. What is the meaning of “ telling off” in Paragraph 4? A.斥责 B.告诉 C.辨别 D.命令,B,A,Listen attentively,( )8.The writer lied to her father because _ A.she thought her father would believe her story B.she didnt want to disappoint her father C.her

25、father wouldnt get her grade report D.her father got angry whenever she got a poor grade,B,Listen attentively,( )9.Why did her father stay silent after his daughter told him that she had lied? A.He didnt understand what his daughter had said. B.He was angry that his daughter lied to him again. C.He

26、was unhappy with his daughters bad score. D.He was hurt because his daughter had lied to him.,D,Listen attentively,( ) 10. The purpose of the article is to tell us that _ A.dishonesty may work sometimes, but there is a price to pay B.we should study hard to make our parents happy C.always a lie can

27、make things easy D.we can change the grade,A,Listen attentively,C 配对阅读。左栏是五个人的情况介绍,右栏是七条如何和父母相处的建议。请将这五个人与适合他们的建议配对,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题号前的括号内。,Listen attentively,G,B,E,A,F,Listen attentively,四、(原创)短文填空 Nowadays fewer and fewer young people dont go home to have dinner with their family.Some say they are

28、too 1._ with their work.They dont have free time for a family meal.Yet studies show that the family dinner hour is 2._important part of a healthy living.When families dine together, they tend to eat 3._vegetables and fruit but fewer fried food, soda and food with fats.That would be good to 4._ healt

29、h.I realize this truth, so every weekend I take my kid to have a family dinner 5._ my father.,busy,an,more,their/keep,with,Listen attentively,Last weekend, we bought some food and went to my fathers house as usual.When we 6._ there, my father knew we would come and got most of the things ready.As so

30、on as my kid saw my father, they came over to him, 7._ and playing games with him.They were so happy and kept laughing all the time.My wife and I went into the 8._ and prepared for the dinner.After a,arrived,an,more,Listen attentively,while, 9._was ready.Then we sat at the table and began our usual

31、dinner.At the table, my father always picked the best meat into my kids bowls and my kid was very sensible.They did the same 10._ my father in respect.Smiling to my wife, I felt the warmth of each other. How harmonious my family is! I love my family!,dinner,as,Listen attentively,五、(原创)读写综合 A.信息归纳 请仔

32、细阅读文章,并根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。,Listen attentively,Listen attentively,Listen attentively,Information Card,the Two-Child Policy,Er Niu and San Wa,18 years old,the bigger half share of the house,being misunderstood,Listen attentively,B.书面表达 近期,二胎政策引起广泛热议。请你以一名中国学生Li Hua的身份,给China Daily的编辑写封简信,发表自己对二胎政策的看法。内容包括

33、: 作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。 2.语句连贯,词数80左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。,Listen attentively,【写作指导】 1.审题:议论文,一般现在时 2.思路:政策出台原因政策实施结果(优点、缺点两个方面)自己的看法。 3.高分技巧: 叙述二胎政策实施的结果时,可用句型on the one hand,.on the other hand,.从优缺点两方面来阐述; 发表自己的看法时,可用In my opinion,.或As far as I am concerned,.来引出自己的观点。,Listen attentively

34、,【写作要点】 1.政策出台的原因:独自政策缺点多于优点。 如:Since the One-Child Policy was carried out, people have found more disadvantages than advantages.Thus, people think Two-Child Policy should be used. 2.实施二胎政策的结果。 如:It can solve the problem of Chinas population. Couples born in the times of One-Child Policy will suppor

35、t a big family with 4 parents and 2 children.,Listen attentively,3.自己的看法。 如: In my opinion, One-Child Policy has been out of date and Two-Child Policy is necessary for it can solve the present problems and the problems in the future.,Listen attentively,【整篇写作】 Dear Editor, In order to solve the popul

36、ation problem, China with the largest population in the world decided to use One-Child Policy 30 more years ago.,Listen attentively,But since it was carried out, people have found more disadvantages than advantages. Thus, people think Two-Child Policy should be used. On the one hand, it can solve th

37、e problem of Chinas population. On the other hand, couples born in the times of One-Child Policy will support a big family with 4 parents and 2 children. In my opinion, One-Child Policy has been out of date and Two-Child Policy is necessary for it can solve the present problems and the problems in the future. Yours, Li Hua,谢 谢 观 看 !,


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