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1、 厚德 博学 笃行 弘毅 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla说课稿 Alynasis of teaching material1 Status and function The topic of this unit is a picnic ,which is clothly to our daily life and emphasize the interest and experience of us ,The picture is active and vivid ,through the class ,student learn to make inferenc

2、es ,students imagination is cultivated and their ability to deduce is also improved .2 Teaching aims and demands1 Knowledge object Key vocabulary: belong belong to author picnic Taget language: whose book is this? It must be Marys .Hemingwei is her favorite author. 2 Ablity object is to train studen

3、ts listening skill and communicative competence using the target language .3 Moral object:bring their litter back to keep our environment clean and tidy ,love our home ,love the earth-the only planet we can live .3 Teaching key points Key vocabulary target language 4 Teaching difficult points 1 List

4、en to the target languge 2 Oral practice using the target language 5 Teaching methords Audiovisual , listening, communicative, Taskbased 6 Teaching procedures1 Leadin In order to attract the studentsattention and constracte an surrounding of learning English, Ill show them a short film about a picni

5、c ,ask them:Do you think it is intresting?Do you want to go? They will anser my questions, afterwards ,I tell them that life is so beautiful .today we study very hard , oneday we will have a good life . I present all the new words by vivid pictures ,especially the tipical pictures from the net ,in t

6、his way they will be impressed by the nice pictures.2 Presentation When I present the sentence patten : Whose book is this? I take a book of mine ,tell them :It belong to me . I also take something from my student ask them and teach them how to use the sentence patten to anser questions 3 Practise1

7、in order to make students master the teaching material,let them look at the pictures in 1b and fill in the blanks in 1a,there is a competition,tell them who can give me the answer quickly ,one student answer one balnk,so more student have the chance to answer questions,certainly,them should answer m

8、e quickly and aloud,3 Let the students write down the things we need when we have a picic ,the more the better in a limited time and collect the papers 4 Let students listen to the tape pay attention to the pronunciation and innotation ,listn again, they answer the questions and finish the task in 2

9、b conneting the name with thing and reason.5 ProductionIn this step I will give students a free space to shoe their ability ,a short video film is about a picnic ,the weather is very hot and the boys and girls take off their coats and put them together, they are singing and dancing laughing and chat

10、ting ,after the picnic ,they begin to look for their coats ,A and B are talking ,C and D are talking ,and so on ,after watching, l will give my students some tasks to make the similar dialogue without repetition using the new words and the sentence patten , afterwards, they will act it out ,and chan

11、ge roles ,so their ability of communication and cooperation is well trained.6 Extension There are some pictures about pollutionafter a picnic,some animals are complaining, why dont they take back their litter? Ask my student to make a promise,we have learned how to make a promiseand this is a import

12、ant knowledge point,under this pictures wen can see the sentence: Dont let the animal complaining us.7 Summary and home workRoutine homework; revise words and phrases recite the words and sentences as many as possible after class make a dialogue according to sample and write it in the exercise book.


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