人教版(新版)英语五年级下册《UNIT 3 welcome to our school》(Lesson13)精品教案之一.doc

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1、人教新版小学英语五年级下册Unit3 Lesson13英语学科课时备课案A:基本要求(听,说,读,写,演,画,唱)B:高级要求(理解和运用)课题Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Lesson 13学 习 目 标AB语言要求词 汇school, library,borrow books语 音语 言目 标Welcome to our school.We often borrow books from the library.话 题要 求欢迎客人来校参观任 务设 计接待来访的客人能力目 标通过本课的学习,让学生能运用所学语言接待来访者,向客人介绍校园,并进行简单的对话交流。

2、情感目 标进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生主动与他人交流的意愿,增强用英语表达思想的愿望和信心。教学重 点Welcome to our school.We often borrow books from the library.教学难 点We often borrow books from the library.Let me show you around.课型新授课教具cards, tape.学具教法愉快教学法、情景教学法、活动教学法学法积极运用英语与他人合作交流,主动参与小组合作学习板书设计:school Lesson 13Welcome to our school.library

3、borrow booksLet me show you around. Do you often come to the library? Yes, we do. We often borrow books from the library.作业:1.Listen to the tape and read lesson 13.2.Make a new dialogue in groups.Teaching procedure(教学过程)教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step 1Warming up Step2PresentationStep3PracticeStep 4Assessment

4、1. Play a game.2.GreetingIntroduce myself to the students and greet each other.T: Nice to meet you./ Glad to meet you./ Good morning! etc.3. 教师在语境中引入How do you do? 并互相问好。1. To learn : Welcome to our school. headmaster.a: 结合实际情况,引入Welcome to our school.板书句子,师生对话进行练习。鼓励学生与听课教师进行实际对话。Welcome to our sch

5、ool.How do you do?.b: To learn :. headmaster.Let the students introduce their headmaster.2. To learn:Let me show you around our school.T:(show the school 图片) This is a school. if you come to our school. I will show you around our school.T:Im new here, can you show me around your school? You can say:

6、Let me show you around.(师板书并领读Let me show you around.)S1: Let me show you around our school.T: Thank you. 通过师生问答,学生one by one 进行练习,教师及时给予积极的评价:Excellent! Super! Good! Great!etc.3. To learn: library borrow booksDo you often come to the library?Yes, we do. We often borrow books from the library.a: T:

7、Let me show you around. This way, please. This is ourlibrary.(展示图片)领读library. 练说句子:This is our library.b: T: Do you often come to the library?S2: Yes, I do (师可引导说出:Yes, we do.)师问生答,生问师答,生生问答进行练习。c: 问答结束时由师引入:We often borrow books from the library. 结合图片学习词组borrow books. 板书We often borrow books from t

8、he library. Practise in pairs.学生展示师随时评价:Thats good.1 Listen to the tape and then read after it.The frist time just listen.第一遍整体感知对话。Listen and read after the tape.第二遍逐句跟读。自读课文,如有必要则再听一遍录音。2. Practise in groups.Students practise the dialoue in groups.小组展示对话,师生评价Homework:1.Listen to the tape and read Lesson 13.


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