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1、On the Motivation of Senior Executives in American CorporationsA Thesis Presented to theFaculty of The School of English StudiesTianjin Foreign Studies UniversityIn Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirements for the DegreeBachelor of ArtsbyLiu BeiMay, 2007ContentsAbstract (in Chinese) Abstract (in Engli

2、sh ) Chapter . Introduction 1AGeneral background1BPurpose of the study2COrganization of the thesis2ChapterLiterature Review2AHierarchy of Needs Theory2BMotivation-Hygiene Theory3CMcClellands Theory of Needs4DGoal-Setting Theory5EManagers motivation factors theory6Chapter Main Needs of the Executives

3、7A.Compensation7B.Individual growth8C.Sense of achievement9D.Job independence10Chapter Corresponding Motivation Methods for Those Needs10A. Cafeteria compensation11B. Training15C. Objective Encouragement19D.Delegation22Chapter Conclusion23Works Cited25摘要管理者是构成企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分,因此,管理者的激励对一个企业的成功起着至关重要的作

4、用。企业管理者通常事业心强,希望可以获得个人发展的自由空间。同时,他们也肩负重任,追求卓越。本文针对企业管理者,旨在研究企业人力资源管理中激励方面的一些问题。本文以前人的激励理论为基础,如:马斯洛的需求层次理论,赫兹伯格的双因素理论和麦克利兰的需求理论等,并将其运用于对管理者需求的分析。他们一般具有四方面主要需求:薪酬、个人成长、成就感需求和工作自主性。为了满足这些需求,本文介绍了四种激励方法:自助式薪酬、培训、目标激励和授权激励。在结论中指出,单一的激励方法无法起到有效的激励作用。所以,对各种激励方法的整合是十分重要的。关键词:企业高层管理者;需求;激励AbstractAs executiv

5、es are essential to a corporations core competence, how to motivate executives is important to the success of business. Executives are generally enterprising and have strong desire for the freedom of self-development. They always bear responsibilities and pursue excellence. This thesis targets the s

6、ubject on the executives, probing into some problems of the motivation system in the management of human resources in corporations. The argumentation is based on several previous motivation theories, such as Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Herzbergs Motivation- Hygiene theory, and McClellands the

7、ory, etc. Applying these theories, this thesis shows four main needs of executives: compensation, individual growth, sense of achievement and job independence. Then it introduces four motivation methods to satisfy these needs: cafeteria compensation, training, objective encouragement and delegation.

8、 Finally, it comes to the conclusion that no single motivation method can motivate executives effectively and the integration of the methods is very important.Key words: senior executives; needs; motivationChapter . Introduction A. General background The twenty-first century heralds an age of compet

9、ition in the human capital market, an age that human capital turns out to be of paramount importance. The competition of a company tends to be determined by its executives qualities and abilities. In Davos Economic Forum, Bill Gates affirmed that the competition of talents had just begun. He said, “

10、We have been bogged down in this trouble for two years, and it will last for 15 years. Undoubtedly, human capital is more important than financial capital. ” (Sarsnanc 1) Thomas Stuart from Fortune showed the similar view: seeking, training and retaining the talents are the most severe challenge to

11、every corporation.In China, the war for talents is fiercer. The Survey of Executives in Chinese Corporations which was released by economic research center of Peking University shows that more than 50 percent of senior executives may leave or have left the corporations (Zhong 1). Corporations in Chi

12、na encounter the serious brain drain, especially the senior executives. Therefore, how to manage and motivate the executives to fully develop their talents and potentials is essential to the success of business to win out in the market competition.BPurpose of the studyExecutives have their own needs

13、 which are different from ordinary employees. Only on the basis of sound understanding of their needs can corporations apply appropriate motivation methods to motivate them to exert more efforts. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt different motivation methods for their needs. The study on motivatio

14、n is practical in the management of the corporations. Obviously in this field, America has ranked the top. Analysis of its motivation system is beneficial to the development of management in our country. COrganization of the thesisFirst, this paper reviews previous motivation theories, such as Maslo

15、ws Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Goal-Setting Theory, etc. Second, it introduces four main needs of the executives: compensation, individual growth, sense of achievement, job independence. Then, it analyses four motivation methods aiming at those main needs of executives: caf

16、eteria compensation, training, objective encouragement, delegation. Finally, in the conclusion it presents the summary of the study.ChapterLiterature ReviewA Hierarchy of Needs Theory In 1943 Abraham Maslow put forward hierarchy of needs theory. He classifies peoples needs into five categories as fo

17、llowings: 1.physiological needs, such as hunger, thirst, sex and other bodily needs, which are the most basic needs of people. The dissatisfaction of these needs may lead to threat to peoples existence. So, they are the greatest motion which motivates people to exert more efforts. 2. Safety and secu

18、rity needs, such as security, protection from physical and emotional harm, etc. 3. Social needs, such as affection, belongings, acceptance, and friendship. 4. Esteem needs including internal esteem such as self-respect, autonomy, and achievement;and external esteem factors such as status, recognitio

19、n, and attention. Maslow thought that the satisfaction of the esteem needs enables people to be confident of themselves and be positive to the society. They can also experience the self-value. 5. Self-actualization, such as growth, achieving ones potential, and self-fulfillment. It is the highest le

20、vel of peoples needs. And it means the desire for further growth. Maslow divides the five needs into higher and lower orders. When one of them becomes substantially satisfied, the next need becomes dominant. So, the first step to motivate one person is to make clear which level he is at.BMotivation-

21、Hygiene TheoryThe Motivation-Hygiene theory was proposed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg. He assumes two groups of factors. One is motivators, such as achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility and advancement, which can motivate people to work actively and promote the productivity. Th

22、e other is hygiene factors , such as interpersonal relationship, company policy, supervision and salary, which can only avoid the dissatisfactions but cannot lead to satisfaction of employees. Therefore, it is important to deal with the relationship between the motivators and hygiene factors. First,

23、 management should not neglect or excessively emphasize the hygiene factors. Second, it is better to convert the hygiene factors to the motivators.CMcClellands Theory of NeedsMcClelland focuses on peoples high level needs and classifies them into three types: need for achievement, need for power and

24、 need for affiliation. They are defined as follows:1) Need for achievement: the drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards, to strive to succeed (Robbins 220). Its one of the distinctive characteristics of the high achievers. High achievers seek situations where they attain persona

25、l responsibility for finding solutions to problems, where they can receive rapid feedback on their performance so they can set moderately challenging goals.2) Need for power: the desire to have impact, to be influential, and control others. Individuals in high need for power enjoy being in charge, a

26、nd strive for influence on others. They prefer to be placed into competitive and status-oriented situations, and tend to be more concerned with prestige and gaining influence over others than with effective performance (Robbins 221).3) Need for affiliation: the desire for friendly and close interper

27、sonal relationship. People in high need for affiliation desire relationships involving a high degree of mutual understanding.DGoal-Setting TheoryEdwin Locke first proposed that intentions to work toward a goal are a major source of working motivations. Employees performance goal is the most direct m

28、otive in working. So, it is an important task to set an appropriate goal for the employees. He believes that the specific and difficult task produce a high level of performance. And people will do better when they get the rapid feedback which helps them identify differences between the goal and what

29、 they have done. If one person can participate in proposing the goal, it will be easier for them to accept the difficult task.Self efficacy is another condition in implementing the goal-setting theory. It refers to the individuals belief that he or she is capable of performing a task. Individuals wi

30、th high self-efficacy are prone to accept the risky and difficult tasks while people with low-efficacy are likely to give up. Moreover, facing the negative feedback, people in high self-efficacy may exert more efforts and motives while the ones in low self-efficacy may reduce their efforts.Goal-sett

31、ing theory is very popular in America, because it believes that the subordinates will be independent and the executives and employees should seek for challenges.EManagers motivation factors theory According to the managers needs, Peden concludes six factors which motivate people effectively. The fac

32、tors are: 1)The challenge of the work. This is a kind of strong motive. In order to put its motivation function in full, people should know their duty, goals, authorities, expectancy, which make them believe their jobs are valuable.2)Status, including title, promotion and the tokens of status such a

33、s the commodious offices and advanced office supplies, private secretaries, mobiles, etc.3)The desire to obtain the leadership. It relates to the needs of power, which means the control over others.4)Motivation of competition. Competitions are common in life such as competition for promotion with co

34、lleagues.5)Fear. It has many forms, such as fear for being dismissed or reduction of compensation.6)Money. In fact, money is the basic manifestation of motivation.Chapter Main Needs of the ExecutivesAccording to managerial psychology, executives are always more confident, power-oriented and with gre

35、at need of self-fulfillment (Deng 1). We can easily see that executives needs are different from the ordinary employees. In the “Motivators for Middle and Senior Executives in Corporations”, the authors carried out an empirical research on executives needs. The result shows that the main needs of th

36、e executives are compensation, individual growth, sense of achievements and job independence.A. CompensationFirst of all, executives are economic men. The pursuit of profit is still their basic motivator, which is the first level of Hierarchy of Needs Theory. Compensation is not only the essential p

37、rerequisite for executives desire for the high quality life, but also the yardstick to measure their performance and values. This point has been well explained in Pedens theory. He believes that money is the basic motivator. When a researcher of Forbes China explained the Chinas richest list, he sai

38、d, “Our standard of success is money.”(Yang 25) As the high achievers, executives have their own demands for compensation, which are different from the ordinary employees. They prefer challenges and feedback, so they need a compensation system relating to their performance instead of fixed pay. More

39、over, they desire for not only the handsome pay but also the various pay which contains the benefit, vacation, welfare, etc. Therefore, in order to motivate the executives, its necessary to understand their distinctive needs of compensation.B. Individual growthNo management model has permanent effec

40、tiveness, and each of them works in certain situation. Facing the challenges, executives realize that their knowledge, skills and abilities are not enough to meet the requirements of the work. This point has been explained in Pedens theory that managers have the fear which motivates them to improve

41、themselves continuously. They attach great importance to knowledge and experience they can build up in their job. They demand that the enterprises offer them the opportunities not only to apply their knowledge but also to acquire new knowledge. Besides the compensation, personal achievements, presti

42、ge, they pay great attention to the potential of self improvement. They take account of whether the job is beneficial to self-transcendence and self-perfection. According to the research described in the “Motivators for Middle and Senior Executives in Corporations” by Chen Weizheng, 46.7% executives

43、 take individual growth as the motivator of their jobs (2).C. Sense of achievementThe ability of the executives plays a key role in the management operations of a company in the market. Their internal characteristics-professional ability, high quality and clear aims-determine that they think highly

44、of the realization of individual value. They focus on their career and are eager for great achievements. According to the survey, introduced in the “Motivators for Middle and Senior Executives in Corporations” by Chen Weizheng, 80 percent of executives choose sense of achievement as the motivator (2

45、). McClelland finds that executives have a compelling drive to succeed. Theyre striving for personal achievement rather than rewards. They prefer the challenge of working out a problem and accepting the personal responsibility for success or failure rather than giving up chance or actions to others.

46、 They like the risky task with equal chance of success and failure, because it enables them to experience the feeling of achievements. In Pedens theory, the first motivator of executives is the challenge of work. The higher ranks executives possess, the greater their need of achievements is (Zhao 49

47、). D. Job independenceExecutives are high achievers who have the higher level of needs besides compensation. According to McClellands theory, high achievers are with strong desire for power and incline to do the job by themselves. Based on Pedens theory, executives attach great importance to leaders

48、hip. Its known to all that executives are always the high-quality talents, who possess the great ability to get, analyze and utilize the information and knowledge. They are vigorous, with high foresight and prefer to make decision and exploration by themselves. They need spheres of decision-making and operation, also the flexible job system, placing great emphasis on self-management and control. Only in this way


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