Different Family Concepts between China and USA.doc

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1、Different Family Concepts between China and USA Abstract: In this paper, by comparing American and Chinese family values, make people more rational and comprehensive understanding between China and the United States, the difference between the concept of family.Key words: The concept of family; Indi

2、vidual standard; Individual standard; Freedom; Fealty中美家庭观念的差异摘要:本文通过把美国与中国的家庭观念进行对比,让人们更理性跟全面了解中美之间的家庭观念的差异。关键词:家庭观念;个人本位;家庭本位;自由;孝顺1. Introduction In the structure of social system between China and America, have very different family values, which is caused by a basic reason of social and cultura

3、l differences between China and America.2. The concept of Chinese family The foundation of Chinas social structure in the family, Chinese lacks the group life and family life, borrow the family and social organization, ablation between individual and group, so it is called the family - oriented soci

4、ety. The family in Chinas traditional ideas is the basic unit of the society by marriage and blood ties to the parents, children and other relatives live in together. Chinese culture advocates “zunlaoaiyou”, filial piety parents, people in China like to allow the elderly to enjoy the children around

5、 the knee with several generations of the happiness of a family union. Chinese like extended family and now a lot of people especially men and the elderly are more likely to form the backbone of the family and to as the highest realm of filial piety, which fully reflects the Chinese family departmen

6、talism, between people, especially between family members closely, everyone is a habit we live in a house, share of things at home, including home space, family fun, families in China which is compared to the family group living space rather than personal private space. But also in the Chinese tradi

7、tional family values, attach great importance to filial piety to parents, think this is the child should do.3. The Family Concept of America The foundation of Western society is that people.In the United States, the vast majority of family is a nuclear family consists of spouses and minor children t

8、hey advocate personal freedom. This fully embodies the American individualism thought. Americans respect for private space, individual rights, attach importance to the work of effect. The United States of America society is in accordance with the work of individual rights, the establishment of. They

9、 think it is family should not affect their own independent space, they are not used to share their own personal space and others, even if the other party is your family. American families mold the largest is the core of the family. Consists of father, mother and two or three children. Usually have

10、their own separate accommodations, other members of the familys economic independence. Relatives is still as a member of the family, but does not undertake directly-related members of the basic family obligations. The American family, many families are democratic, each family member can have a say,

11、equal idea often exists in the American family, the parents of the children as good friends, couples often share household chores, youth can generally free choice of occupation and marriage object. So we can see that the freedom and rights of the United States of America is the modern family pay att

12、ention to content from, this family values to the child more independent space, making the children no longer overly dependent on parents, but have their own ideas and thoughts.American family values, not only the formation of human equality in the family, development and social system and social ac

13、tivities conducive to the outside of the home, the expansion of social cooperation. Unlike the United States society, as a family of standard Chinese, the traditional society is based on the family as the center, and the organization according to the family ethics extended, because the family concep

14、t and family ethics observation and social organization, social relations with the social life and dealing with people, the ablation outside the family and the family social boundaries.4. Conclusion In fact, whether in China or the United States of America family values, family values, we have to ha

15、ve exchanges accommodating heart, can not worshipping foreign powers and roots, also cannot blind feudal and exclusive, in the cultural field in his avoidance self-sealing people, only into the horn and inextricably bogged down in.References1.来安方.1985. 英美概况(新增订本). 河南人民出版社2.子沛;美国人的“家庭至上”观J;新湘评论;2011年04期 3.王新灵;从家庭观念看中西方文化差异J;考试周刊;2009年28期 4.侯世敏;美国家庭J;中学英语园地(高二版);2006年11期 5.韩小茜;在美国家庭生活的日子J;中国校园文学;2006年23期


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