2020年春七年级英语下册 Module 7 My past life Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2020年春七年级英语下册 Module 7 My past life Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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1、Module 7My past life Unit 2,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词 1. 浴室 n. _ 2. 花园 n. _ 3. 东面的; 东部的 adj. 东方n. _,bathroom,garden,east,4. 海岸 n. _ 5. 以前 adv. _ 6. 商店 n. _ 7. 厌烦的; 厌倦的 adj. _ 8. 总统 n. _,coast,ago,store,bored,president,9. 舒适的; 舒服的 adj. _ 10. 湖 n. _ 11. 最近过去的 adj. _ 12. 卧室 n. _,comfortable,lake,last,bedroom,. 根据

2、汉语提示完成下列句子 1. 十二年前, 我出生在美国东海岸的一个小镇昆西。 I was born in Quincy, a town _ _ _ _ _ America, twelve years ago. 2. 在昆西有许多事情要做。 _ _ lots of things _ _ in Quincy.,on,the,east,coast,of,There,were,to,do,3. 我在昆西不感到无聊。我在那里很开心. I _ bored in Quincy. I _ very _ there. 4. 在我卧室的墙上有我最喜欢的电影明星的照片。 _ _ _ _ there were _ _

3、my favorite movie stars.,wasnt,was,happy,On,my,bedroom,walls,pictures,of,5. 房子后面, 有一个有着许多树的大花园。 _ the house, there was a big garden _ _ _ _. 6. 在那里玩真是好极了。 It _ _ _ _ there.,Behind,with,lots,of,trees,was,great,to,play,. Read the passage and answer the questions 1. Was Betty bored in Quincy? _ 2. Were

4、 there lots of children in Quincy? _,No, she wasnt.,Yes, there were.,要点1 east adj. 东面的; 东部的 n. 东方 Step 1【难点探】 (1)east 词性有几种? (2)east的反义词是什么?,Step 2【语境悟】 I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America, twelve years ago. 12年前我出生于昆西美国东海岸的一个小镇。(P44) Shandong Province is in the east of China.

5、山东省在中国东部。,Russia is on the north of China. 俄罗斯在中国的北部。,Step 3【知识得】,【助记】图解各个方位,【警示】 表明方位时, 在方位名词前用介词in表示在内部; 介词on表示两者接壤; 介词to表示两者不接壤。例句: He lives in the south of the city. 他住在城市的南边。 Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。 Hubei is on the north of Hunan. 湖北在湖南的北边。,Step 4【考点练】 They live on the _(东方的) c

6、oast. The sun rises in the e_.,east,ast,( )Cambridge is a small city _the east of England. 导学号 A. betweenB. with C. in D. under,C,要点2 There were lots of things to do in Quincy. 在昆西有许多要做的事。(P44) Step 1【难点探】 (1)There be 句型表达的含义是什么? (2)There be 句型有人称和数的变化吗?,Step 2 【句型研】 There were lots of things to do

7、in Quincy. There+ be+主语(名词)+不定式+地点状语.,【拓展】 (1)There be句型表示的是“某处有(存在)某人或某物”, 其结构为 There be+名词+地点状语。其中be动词有时态和数的变化。 (2)There was/were. . . 是该句型的一般过去时, 表示“过去有”。,(3)There be+名词+ to do sth. 句型, 表示“有要做某事”。 (4)There be+名词+ doing sth. 意为“有正在做某事”。例如: There were some boys playing football on the playground wh

8、en I went past the school yesterday.,Step 3【考点练】 There _(not be) gardens in this village last year. There _(be) some fish in the plate just now.,werent,was,( )There _a lot of water in this river ten years ago. A. haveB. isC. wereD. was,D,要点3 bored adj. 厌烦的; 厌倦的 Step 1【难点探】 (1)bored的同义词是什么? (2)bored修

9、饰人还是物?,Step 2【语境悟】 I wasnt bored in Quincy. 我在昆西没感到无聊。(P44) I am bored with history. 我对历史很厌烦。,The film was very boring, so many people felt sleepy. 这部电影很无聊, 所以很多人感觉到困乏。,Step 3【知识得】,Step 4【考点练】 The meeting was very _(令人厌烦的) and we felt _(无聊的). Im _(无聊的)with the long film.,boring,bored,bored,( )In the

10、 future, robots will do _jobs in place of people in order not to get us _. 导学号 A. bored; bored B. boring; boring C. boring; bored D. bored; boring,C,要点4 It was great to play there. 在那里玩耍真开心。(P44) Step 1【难点探】 (1)it作句子的什么成分? (2)真正的主语是什么?,Step 2 【句型研】 本句中it作形式主语, 真正的主语是动词不定式短语 to play there。其句子结构如下图所示:

11、,It is+形容词+ to do sth. 意为“做某事是”其中it作形式主语, 不定式短语 to do sth. 为真正的主语。 例如: It is important to be polite! 有礼貌是很重要的!,【拓展】 It is+形容词+ for sb. + to do sth. 意为“对某人来说做某事”。 例如: It is useful for us to learn English well. 对我们来说学好英语是有用处的。,Step 3【考点练】 ( )Nowadays, its convenient(方便的) and cheap for us _a shared-bike. A. rideB. to ride C. flying D. to fly It was great _(play) ball games with my good friends.,B,to play,


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