2020版九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Work for Peace Lesson 39 The Dove and the Olive Branch课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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1、Unit 7Work for Peace Lesson 39,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语 1. 橄榄 n. _ 2. 洪水; 水灾 n. _ 3. 蛇 n. _ 4. (用锁)锁上; 被锁上; 锁 v. much 后接不可数, too 则修饰形或副; too many 要记住, 后接名词必复数。,Step 4考点练 ( ) _teenagers are becoming the “Heads-down Tribe(低头族)”. Its _bad. 世纪金榜导学号 A. Too many; much tooB. Too much; much too C. Much too; too mu

2、chD. Too many; too much,A,在超市有太多的人。 There are _ _ people in the supermarket. 我堂弟太重了, 因为他经常吃太多快餐。 My cousin is _ _ heavy because he often eats _ _ fast food.,too,many,much,too,too,much,要点2 prepare v. 准备 Step 1难点探 (1)prepare后接什么词作宾语? (2)prepare可以构成哪些常用短语?,Step 2语境悟 *To prepare for the flood, Noah made

3、 a large ship of wood. 诺亚做了一艘大木船, 为洪水做准备。(P102) *He is preparing his report for the meeting tomorrow. 他正准备明天会议的报告。 *I am prepared to go on a trip to Hainan. 我准备去海南旅游。,Step 3知识得 prepare为动词, 意为“准备, 预备”, 后可接名词、代词或不定式作宾语, 还可以接双宾语。,Step 4考点练 (2018恩施中考)当你去香港时, 我正在忙着准备期末 考试。 While you were on the visit to

4、Hong Kong, I was busy _ _ my final exams. (2018宿迁中考)Before travelling, my mother often _(准备)everything well.,preparing,for,prepares,要点3 since then 从那时起, 一直到现在 Step 1难点探 (1)since then通常用于什么时态? (2)since后跟什么成分?,Step 2语境悟 *Since then, people have always taken the dove and the olive branch as symbols of

5、peace. 从那以后, 人们总是把鸽子和橄榄枝看作和平的象征。(P102) *He has written more than 10 books since then. 从那时以来, 他已经写了十多本书。,Step 3知识得 since then相当于ever since, 意为“从那时起, 一直到现在”, 指从过去某一时刻起到现在为止的一段时间, 通常与现在完成时连用。,【拓展】since的用法,*She has been teaching here since 6 years ago. =She has been teaching here for 6 years. 她自六年前就在这里教

6、书了。 (她在这里教书已经6年了。),*It is 6 years since she taught here. =It has been 6 years since she taught here. 她来这里教书已经6年了。,Step 4考点练 从那时起他们就一直是好朋友。 They have been good friends _ _.,since,then,( )(2018宜昌中考)It has been much easier for me to go to work _shared bikes appeared. But they also caused plenty of problems. A. sinceB. before C. unless D. though,A,( )(2018福建中考)China _great achievements in science and technology since 1978. A. makesB. madeC. has made,C,


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