(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题十二 There be句型和主谓一致课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题十二 There be句型和主谓一致课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题十二 There be句型和主谓一致课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题十二 There be句型和主谓一致课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题十二 There be句型和主谓一致课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
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《(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题十二 There be句型和主谓一致课件 人教新目标版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题十二 There be句型和主谓一致课件 人教新目标版.ppt(34页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、专题十二 There be句型和主谓一致,2019 全新版,分析广东近6年中考真题可知,There be句型和主谓一致是单项填空的高频考点。其中,There be 句型在2015年和2017年考查过;主谓一致在2013年和2014年考查过。,考点精讲,易错盘点,解题技巧,试题精练,1. 含义 There be 句型表示“某处有某人或某物”。There 无词义,be动词必须和主语保持人称和数的一致。如果主语部分是两个或两个以上的并列主语,be动词的形式应采用就近原则。 如:,考点精讲,考点 There be句型(6年2考),There are four people in my family.

2、我家有四口人。 There is some milk and vegetables in the fridge. 冰箱里有一些牛奶和蔬菜。 2. 基本结构 (1)肯定形式:There be(is/are/was/were) sb./sth.地点。如: There are two apples and an orange in the basket. 篮子里有两个苹果和一个橘子。,(2)否定形式:There be no/not any sb./sth.地点。如: There arent any books on the desk. 桌上没有书。,注意not和no的区别:not作副词,no作形容词

3、,因此“not a(n)/any 名词”相当于“no 名词”。如:There arent any pictures on the wall. There are no pictures on the wall. 墙上没有画。,(3)一般疑问句形式:Be there sb./sth.地点?如:Is there any milk in the cup? 杯子里有牛奶吗?,拓展(1)There be句型有不同的时态,而且可以和情态动词连用。如: There used to be a bridge behind the park. 过去这个公园后面有一座桥。(一般过去时),There must be

4、a mistake somewhere. 某个地方一定出错了。(情态动词) There will/is going to be a new film on Sunday. 周日将有一部新电影上映。(一般将来时) (2)There be 主语doing 介词短语。如:There is a truck collecting rubbish outside. 外面有一辆卡车正在收集垃圾。,()1. (2017广东)Is there any outdoor learning in your school? _. We learn outdoors once or twice every month.

5、AYes, there isBNo, there isnt CYes, it isDNo, it isnt,A,()2. (2015广东)_ there any living things on other planets? I have no idea. Maybe we can know more about that in the future. AIs BAre CHas DHave,B,()3. (2018珠海市一模)There _ a book and two red pens on the desk. They are Miss Lins. AhasBhave CisDare (

6、)4. The weather forecast says that _ another storm tomorrow. Athere will have Bthere will be Cthere hasDthere has been,C B,主谓一致指句子主语和谓语必须保持人称和数的变化一致。主谓一致一般遵循三条原则,即语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则。 1. 语法一致 谓语动词与主语在语法形式上保持一致,即主语是单数,谓语动词用单数形式;主语是复数,谓语动词用复数形式。,考点 主谓一致(6年2考),(1)谓语动词用单数的情况:,(2)谓语动词用复数的情况:,(3)主语后面跟wit

7、h/along with/as well as/rather than/besides/but/except等词时,谓语动词与最前面的主语保持一致。如: Everyone except Tom and Jack has come here. 除了汤姆和杰克之外,每个人都来这儿了。 (4)“some/most/a lot of/lots of/plenty of 名词”或“分数/百分数 of 名词”作主语时,谓语动词常和其后的名词保持数的一致。如果名词是复数,则谓语动词用复数;如果是不可数名词或名词单数,谓语动词用单数。如:A quarter of the workers are from Gu

8、angdong. 有四分之一的工人来自广东。,(5)由and或both.and.连接的并列主语,若两个词指不同的人或物,谓语动词用复数形式;若两个词指同一个人或物,谓语动词用单数形式。如:Tom and Mike are good friends. 汤姆和迈克是好朋友。 The writer and doctor has come. 这位作家兼医生已经来了。,()5. (2012广东)Both Li Lei and Han Meimei _ fond of the TV program A Bite of China. I am also deeply moved by its stories

9、. AisBam CwasDare ()6. (2010广东)Robert with his two kids _to the beach for vacation every year. AgoBgoes CwentDare going,D B,()7. Which would you like, tea or coffee? Either _ OK, but I prefer coffee with milk. AisBare CwasDwere ()8. Running _ a good way to exercise every day. Ais Bwas CareDwere,A A,

10、()9. What _ the number of the students in your school? About two thousand. A number of them _ from the countryside. Aare; isBis; is Cis; areDare; are,C,2. 意义一致 意义一致指谓语动词的数必须和主语的意义保持一致。 (1)表“时间、重量、长度、价值”等名词的复数形式作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式。如: Three months has passed since you left. 你已经离开三个月了。,(2)trousers, glasse

11、s, clothes, shoes等词作主语时,谓语动词用复数,但若这些词被a pair/two pairs 修饰,谓语要和pair的形式保持一致。如:My glasses are broken. 我的眼镜坏了。 Five pairs of shoes have been sold in the morning. 早晨卖出了五双鞋。 (3)“the 形容词”, 常表示一类人,谓语动词用复数。如: The young are working hard to get a better life these days. 如今年轻人正为了更好的生活而努力工作。,(4)“the 姓氏名词复数”,表示“一

12、家或夫妇”,谓语动词用复数。如: The Whites are going to Europe for their holiday next week. 怀特夫妇下周要去欧洲度假。 (5)以s结尾的名词,如physics, politics, maths, news等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: I hope there is good news tonight. 我希望今晚有好消息。,(6)family/class/team/group等名词作主语时,若看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数;若强调整体中的每一个成员时,谓语动词用复数。如:The family are all fond of lis

13、tening to music. 这家人都喜欢听音乐。,()10. (2014广东)Do you need more time to complete the task? Yes. Another ten days _ enough. AisBwas CareDwere,A,()11. Look! The police _ carrying the food onto the bank of the river. AamBis CareDwere ()12. Forty miles _ a long way to walk in a day. Ais Bwere Cbe Dare,C A,3.

14、 就近一致 就近一致原则指的是谓语动词的人称和数与并列主语中最靠近它的那个主语保持一致。遵循此原则的常见结构有:there be, not only.but also., neither.nor., either.or.等。如: Neither you nor he knows how to use the computer. 你和他都不知道怎么用这台电脑。 Not only I but also Tony is fond of watching TV. 不仅我,而且托尼也喜欢看电视。,()13. (2013广东)Not only my friends but also I _ interes

15、ted in football and Messi is our favorite star. Abe Bam Cis Dare,B,()14. What would you like to have for supper, Jack? Either noodles or rice _ OK. I dont mind. AareBwere CisDwas ()15. There _ a number of books in the library and the number of them _ increasing. Ahas; is Bhave; are Care; isDis; are,

16、C C,There be句型不可与have同时出现在一个句子中。 ()16. There _ lots of sheep and pigs on my uncles farm now. AhasBare CisDhave,易错盘点,易错点 There be句型与have混用,B,(1)none of.作主语,of之后接复数形式的名词或代词时,谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数。 ()17. How heavily it rained this early morning! Yes. But none of the students in our class _ late for school. Ah

17、aveBwas Cis Dare,易错点 主谓一致易混点,B,(2)“a kind of名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数;“many kinds of名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 ()18. A kind of birds _ been discovered by them. AhaveBhas Cwas Dare,B,主谓一致在广东中考中属于高频考点,做题时同学们要看清主语的形式,并且要弄懂其含义,这样才能正确地判断出谓语动词的形式。 例My sister with my parents _ making dumplings when I got home yesterday. AareBis CwasDwere,解题技巧,技巧揣摩主语法,C,方法点拨主语my sister为单数,又根据时间状语yesterday可知用一般过去时,因此答案为C。,谢谢观看,Exit,


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