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1、在线考试系统  在线考试系统摘  要随着网络技术的日益成熟,网络已经深入到生活的每1个角落,包括教育、购物、咨询、办公等等许多领域。在网络迅速发展的今天,网页技术的应用也越来越广泛。网页技术的应用对于教育行业来说优势更加的明显。教育行业可以通过网络进行学生和教职工的管理、组织学生在线考试、在网站上发布学校相关信息等活动。这样不仅能增加学校管理的透明度,还提高了学校的管理水平。在线考试还能充分的利用学校的现有资源,大大减轻教师的工作量,把老师从出卷、阅卷等1些繁重中做中解脱出来。 本系统重点论述了由于网络的存在扩大了学校的服务范围,为学校的管理提供了更多的条件。对此做出了详细

2、的调查,可行性研究和分析。系统采用了B/S结构,在网络上建立学校自己的教育网站。系统开发经历了系统分析、系统设计和系统实施3个阶段。从设计方案的提出,经过详细的调查,分析了方案的可行性和必要性,通过详细的系统设计,力图提高系统的集成性和快捷性;并在系统实施阶段收集了大量的实验数据,以便测试阶段系统的准确性和稳定性。本系统整体是基于浏览器/服务器,前台应用ASP技术和网页制作软件Dreamweaver相结合,后台采用SQL Server2000作为数据库与前台连接。关键词:网络 教育 在线考试 B/S结构 ASP技术  AbstractWith the network technolo

3、gy grow up, network has become our life everywhere, inducing education, shopping, consultation and work, etc. Today network developed rapidly, the application of web technology become more and more widely. For education industry, web technology application has obvious advantages. They can use web to

4、 manager students and teachers, organize exam on line, and put out some scholastic information by network. It is not only good for increasing diaphaneity of scholastic management, but also good for improving management level. Exam on line can make use of existing resource and reduce teachers heavy w

5、orkload. The article is mainly talk about network has many advantages for extending service and offering more management condition of school. This article has many particular investigations, feasible research and analyze. The system use B/S structure, to build education web of school own on internet

6、. There are 3 stages for system development including system analyze, system design and system implement. From bringing forward design project to carrying through particular investigation, the article analyzes feasibility and necessary of this project. In order to improve system integration and stab

7、ilization, I use particular system design. To test veracity and stability of testing stage, I use a lots of experiment data in system applied stage.  This article based on IE/Server, foregrounding use ASP technology and Dreamweaver software, background process use SQL Server 2000 as database to connect front ground.   Keywords:Network ,Education ,Examination on line ,B/S structure ,ASP technology


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