New Reading Tasks Design to Improve Students’Ability & Develop Their Sense of Cooperation.doc

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1、New Reading Tasks Design to Improve StudentsAbility &Develop Their Sense of CooperationTable of contents for my Project Stage 1 . Get off the Ground1. Start my project2. Plan my own Project Stage 2. Problem Analysis Stage 3. Project Design Stage 4. Project Implementation Stage 5. Project Evaluation

2、Stage 6. Project Report Stage 1 Get off the Ground 1. Start my project.I am a third-year student at Qingshui Branch of GSRTV university. I have done a good job in my last three years. I am now ready for my final assault, that is, to launch my practical project design, after finishing which I will be

3、 rewarded the certification of Central Radio and TV University.I have been teaching the students who are in their sixth year of a primary school. There are 46 students in my class. Now I am going to finish my courses soon, I need to achieve my project report. But I dont know how I should do. I have

4、been obsessed by this question since the day I finished my final examination of English language Teaching Methodology. My family shared my worries. And asked me to seek advice from my tutor later, Mr Wang gave me some advice. And then I decided on my own problem. 2. Plan my own project. Task 1 the s

5、teps I should followI found out about the necessary steps I should follow in order to carry out my classroom research. I will complete this table with what I have learned from my tutor about the funeral steps and methods of doing research. Task 2. What sort of problems can I research ?Before start t

6、o define my own problem and work on it, Lets have a look at thesorts of problem other teachers have identified. I asked some teachers in our schoolwhat problems they faced in teaching English. Their responses: A. My problem is that I always feel exhausted after dealing with a noisy classroom.B. I sp

7、end a lot of time in improve the students reading abilities, but no effect.C. I find that my students often confuse some phrases. D. To me, the most difficult is how to arouse the studentsinterest in English.E. I feel that new teaching methodology cant be used. F. I am lack in the variety of methods

8、 to present the new materials. G . Most of students dont do the reading practice I ask them to doAfter class H . The students havent a sense of cooperation which would help them alot.I . Most of students are weak in reading.J . The sixth years students have learnt English for a long time. But now th

9、ey cant speak English.I made this list in order to find out whether it would be suitable for classroomresearch. The problems that cant be resolved by classroom research: A, C. Theproblems that would be suitable for classroom research: B, D, E, G, D, J theproblems that need further definition in orde

10、r to be research F, I. Task 3. Think of my own problem.Now Ill write down my own problem I decided on: My students havedifficulties in English reading and havent a sense of cooperation which wouldhelp them a lot.Now let me examine my problem and see if it would be suitable for classroomresearch. It

11、would be certainly easier for me to go through the whole problemsolving process.I had a suitable problem. Look at the following table: It can help me examinemy problem from different angles. Step 4. Finalize my project timetable.Timetable is very important to us in daily life . Now I should work on

12、the timetable of my own project Stage2 Problem Analysis Task1. Join my panel discussion on the methods of scientific investigationThe six scientific methods that are potentially use for problem analysis. The analytic method Socratic dialogue Cause analysis Questionnaires Observation Brainstorming Ta

13、sk2. Doing my problem analysisThe problem analysis is extremely important to my project, so I have organizer on them. Im the chief organizer. Their discussion had two responses:t a sense of cooperation so they find the reading is very difficult.Some of students have a sense of cooperation and they c

14、an help eachother in reading.Some of students werent interested in English reading text.Some of other students were interested in English reading test.This analysis leads us to a series of questions:1. Why some havent, but some have?2. Who cant work in group? And who are the others can?3. Why some a

15、rent, but some are?4. Who arent interested?And who are the others interested?So I have decided to use the analytic method, cause analysis, questionaires and brainstorming to analyze my problem. Im sure I will benefit from them. My preliminary research confirmed that there were three main reasons tha

16、t influenced strongly students reading interest and abilities:Firstly, most students reading ability is poor and they havent a sense of cooperation, it is not helpful for them.Secondly, some students have some difficulty in reading the text. Because they were lack of amount of vocabularies.Thirdly,

17、most students werent interested in English reading and some students have to read efficiently. The analytic methodThrough careful analytic, I found out a series of questions. Most of my students reading ability is poor and they havent a sense of cooperation, Most students werent interested in Englis

18、h reading Ive designed. I wanted to know why. And whether they thought it is important and useful to practice English reading or not ?What about some of my colleagues students ? Is it also the case that most of them dont like to study English reading either? If on the other hand, all of my colleague

19、s students like, my problem is actually caused by myself, not by my students. Probably dont like to do what I asked them to do as the exercise.If they though it is important and useful, then the problem was probably caused by myself, not by my students. Perhaps my organization or my lessen plan is p

20、oorly designed.Through the above analysis I really realized that my problem is probably caused by my poor designed reading tasks and teaching technique. Cause analysisI am happy with my problem analysis so far. I decide to do cause analysis as well. I starts with list of factors that may contribute

21、to the cause.- the teachers side- myself- the students side- the task design- the class size- the classroom management(1) The teachers side -myself. Is it because the teachers objectives are not clear? Is it because the teacher didnt give each student more opportunities topractice and understand the

22、 reading texts? Is it because the reading tasks that the teacher has designed is notuseful? Perhaps the teacher makes them feel disgusting.(2) The students side. Is it because they are not interested in English reading? Is it because they dont have opportunity to practice? Maybe many students are lo

23、ok of amount of vocabularies. Maybe many students dont master suitable language skill, So theydont know how to read efficiently. Some weak students are lack in confidences in reading .They are afraidof making mistakes and being laughed at by their peers.(3) The task design. May be my tasks are poorl

24、y designed.(4) The class size My class has 46 students. The class size of over 40 students may havesome negative effect the classroom is so noisy that I feel exhausted.(5) The classroom management The classroom is perhaps getting a bit too noisy Students may not be properly groupsOf all the causes,

25、I think that the teacher is mainly responsible for the failure .I want to know what they need. QuestionnaireI think a questionnaire on reading would be very helpful to me, so I have designed it and handed them out in my class. After that I got detailed information about my question. BrainstormingI d

26、iscuss the problem with my students and my colleagues. I find out my weak points: I am not a good organizer in class. My reading tasks are poor designed and boring. My teaching technique in English reading is ineffective. My voice is too low. I just tell the right form. I do not like to write the wo

27、rds on the blackboard, etc.Task3. Summarize my researchI have essentially done things to tackle my problem. First, I familiarized myself with the six methods of scientific investigation by organizing a panel discussion on them. Second, I applied four of the six methods to the analysis of my problem.

28、As a result, I came to a much better understanding of my initial problem.Summary:Problem: My students have difficulties in English reading and havent a sense of cooperation which would help them a lot. May be I could change this situation and arousing my students interest in reading by new and bette

29、r designed tasks.Problem analysis: the analytic method, cause analysis, questionaires and brainstorming. Stage3 Project Design After a length problem analysis, I have reached this conclusion. My problem is My students have difficulties in English reading and havent a sense of cooperation which would

30、 help them a lot. Now I am entering into the third stage of the project. I have four things to do:(1) to formulate my project objective(2) to formulate my project hypothesis(3) spell out my project rationale(4) design classroom teaching task Task1. Formulate a project objective and project hypothesi

31、s.project objective: To develop students sense of cooperation and improve thestudents reading abilities then arouse the students readinginterest.project hypothesis: If students sense of cooperation formed, It would certainly helpthem a lot in their reading. And the students reading interest andabili

32、ties can be improved by varied reading techniques and newreading tasks.My task thus becomes: design a project that proves or disapproves or partially proves that better-designed new reading group work tasks indeed increase learners interest and ability in reading. Everyone including you and me, want

33、s their hypothesis to be verified, that is, to be proved to be correct. Because of this disposition, i.e., this eagerness to be in the right. people sometimes do not strictly follow scientificprocedures and fail to meet the scientific standards. As a result, the hypothesis is claimed to be correct,

34、but collapses after it is put to scrutiny. An unscientifically verified hypothesis poses a real danger to knowledge:it travels as truth and misleads people.I call my project : New Reading Tasks Design to Improve Students Ability & Develop Their Sense of Cooperation Task2 Project Rationale:Refere

35、nce material helps me work out my project rationale,that is,reasons or assumptions on which my project is based.That is,I have to decide how to use the language materiall.After some reading and thinking, I have worked out four reasons on which my project will be based. They are:1) The type of classr

36、oom tasks used:Although comprehension of material is ones own business, they must give play to their own experience, congnition, intention, thoughts and mood and so on, but how to give the best play to the subjective factors is a problem. We should encourage our students to co-ordinate with their pe

37、ers and absorb merits from each other.2) The role of reading in class and its purposeI would like to give reading the purpose of communication, making it as close to reallife as possible. Classroom reading is not to be judged as performance, but the role of reading for reallife communication. This m

38、eans that the students should feel relaxed and free about reading to each other in English in class. They should also have a purposes and dont have to be evaluated by the teacher all the time.3) The role of the studentsI would like the students to feel that reading is not very difficult if they mast

39、er some amount of vocabularies and suitable methods. They should come to realize that they can learn from each other.4) The role of the teacherStudents should realize that the teacher has many roles in the classroom, not just that of evaluator. I would like to demonstrate these different roles so th

40、at students realize that the teacher takes major instructional roles in class.5) What is reading?Reading is an active process and is meaning-focused. Among the four language skills- listening, reading ,speaking and writing. Reading might be the most familiar to our Chinese learners of English. In a

41、way,we learn English mainly through reading. Reading is not just the ability to recognise words, but the reader also needs to make sense of what he sense. Also reading is anactive process, during which the reader tries to understand the meaning of a given text.6) Main reading strategies:They are ski

42、mming, scanning,inferring and. The interactive way of reading has come to be accepted by more and more people. It makes use of background knowledge, context, and expectations. At the same time, it also incoporates recognising letters and words rapidly and picking out important words and phrases ,pic

43、king out details which give the key to the general meaning . it is a comprehensive approach and reflects the real nature of the reading process.7) Using better designed tasks in and after class.A good class need to be prepared and designed by heart. If teachers want to get good result in their class

44、, they should use better designed task in and after class. Such as: small play in English performed by students based on the text we have just learned, or acorrding to the dialouge last lesson learned, or sing English song as the punishment if students could not finish homework or other task. Task3.

45、 Designing my reading activitiesThe next thing I need to do is to design my reading activities, in order to prove the hypothesis, I must fulfill one condition, that is, reading activities must be better designed than the existing ones.Thus I designed three activities to realise my goal. In each acti

46、vity I do these things: Firstly,different materails use different reading methods; Secondly, I taught students the main reading skills; Thirdly, teach them how to deal with the three reading stages (pre-reading, while-erading, post-reading). Last, I hold a reading test in the target and control clas

47、s and give some prize to the fast students.I belive that the problem with the existing reading activities is that they have little information value, and that students have no real reading purpose when doing them. I will designed several interesting reading tasks for my students.Activities DesignWee

48、k 1. Activity 1 Unit 1 How was your holiday? Lesson 2Purpose:1. To arouse their abilitiy and interest in English reading by designed tasks according to the text.2. To develop their sense of cooperation.3. Make sure the students can read the reading materials correctly and get the general idea of the text. Can understand the


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