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1、Unit 7 school clubsNew words:1. fair/unfair 2. photograph3. rocket 4. skill5. headline 6. information7. ant 8. butterfly9. bee 10. attend/join in/join/take part in11. launch 12. disappear/appear13. solar 14. surprised/amazing/boring15. recent/recently 16. anotherPhrases:1. learn about2. all the way3

2、. of course4. remote control5. look up6. use sth. to do sth.7. a few minutes later8. go for a walk9. hurry to10. leave for11. have a good time/have fun/enjoy oneself12. Its time to do sth./Its time for sth.13. according to12. take photos ofReading1. the Club Fair意为“俱乐部展览会”,fair是可数名词,意为“展览会,展销会”。We h

3、eld the World Fair in Shanghai. 我们在上海举办了世界博览会。fair还可作形容词,意为“公平的,公正的”。The teacher is fair.2. Photography Club摄影俱乐部 其中photography是不可数名词,意为“摄影”; photograph是可数名词,意为“照片,相片”。 Tom likes photography.3. Solar Power Club意为“太阳能俱乐部”,power是不可数名词,意为“能,能量”。 I did everything in my power to help him.我尽全力帮助他。 Last mo

4、nth, they attended the Clubs Fair.上个月,他们参加了俱乐部展览会。 last “最近的,上一个的” Where did you go last week?“最后一个的”意思。She was the last to arrive.attend是及物动词,意为“出席,参加”,指出席会议或重要场合。 attend a meeting出席会议,attend a class上课,attend a wedding出席婚礼Attend: 意为“出席,参加(会议,讲座,婚礼,报告等)”I didnt attend the meeting.Join: 意为“加入某个组织”,强调

5、成为某个团体中的一员join a club参加社团, join the army参军, Will you join us for dinner?请你和我们一起吃饭好吗?Join in: 意为“参加某项活动”(小型活动),尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动May I join in the game?我可以参加这个比赛吗?Take part in:指参加群众性活动、会议、劳动、游行等(大型活动),往往指参加者持有积极的态度,起一份作用,有时与join in可互换。Will you take part in the English evening?同我们一起参加英语晚会好吗?5. Our club w

6、ill teach you how to build rockets.我们的社团将会教你如何来制造火箭。teach sb. sth. 教某人某物/某事 sb.是间接宾语 sth.是直接宾语how to do sth.是“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语的用法。Can you tell me how to make a kite? Please show me how to draw a horse.6. Then “然后,其次” Then you can launch them into the sky.然后你可以把它们发射到空中作副词,还可表示“那么”;作名词,意为“那时(常作介词宾语)” The

7、n why did you do it? by then到那时 from then on从那以后 till then到那时为止7. Disappear不及物动词,意为“消失,不见,消散”,反义词是appear,“出现”。8. surprised形容词,意为“对感到惊奇”,句子的主语通常是人; surprising形容词,意为“令人惊奇的”,主语通常是物;surprise名词,意为“惊奇”。be surprised at对感到惊奇give sb. a surprise给某人一个惊喜 to ones surprise令某人吃惊的是9. Will it go all the way into spa

8、ce?它会一直到太空中去吗? into介词,意为“到里面去”all the way意为“一路上,自始至终”10. of course意为“当然”,与certainly意思相近。another形容词,意为“再一的,另一的,别的”Would you like another cup of tea?another:表示不确定数目中的“另一个”。Thats quite another matter.那完全是另一回事。the other:表示两个人或两样事物中的“另一个”。Both my uncles are abroad: one is in Paris and the other is in New

9、 York.11. shout动词,意为“喊叫”shout to是由于距离远,声音小而“高声喊叫”; I shout to her to help me.shout at 表示生气时对某人大喊大叫,态度不友好。Dont shout at that old man.12. They only use solar power.它们只利用太阳能。 only是常用副词,意为“只,只有”。Only a little only a few13. takefrom意为“从中取出” Judy took a pen from her pencil case.14. a few意为“几个,少数(还有几个,肯定意义

10、)”,用来修饰可数名词复数。 few意为“几个,少数(几乎没有,否定意义)”,用来修饰可数名词复数。 区别:little, a little +不可数名词(有a则有,无a则无) There are a few boys playing on the playground. There are few boys playing on the playground. 15. Did you get to know any other clubs?你还知道其他的俱乐部吗? get to know意为“知道,了解,逐渐认识”,相当于know。get to do sth.意为“逐步做”,表示一段逐步做的

11、过程。16.Thats wonderful.太棒了。 wonderful形容词,意为“神气的,绝妙的,极好的”Im sure youll have a wonderful time. Its wonderful to go swimming in summer.17. match可数名词,意为“比赛,竞赛”。have a match举行比赛 watch a match观看比赛 in the match在比赛中 We are going to have a basketball match next week下周我们要举行一场篮球赛。18. on TV意为“在电视上”。但是“在广播里”“在电脑让

12、”却要用the,表达为on the radio, on the computer.19. What did you do next?接下来你做了什么?next副词,意为“其实,然后”,可置于句首、句中或句末。 When shall we meet next? next可作形容词,意为“下一个的,接下来的”“隔壁的,(空间上)最近的” next door邻家;隔壁, next room隔壁房间next名词,意为“下一个” the year after next后年Next, please! next介词,意为“在旁” a seat next her fire炉子旁的座位20. I finishe

13、d all my homework.我完成了所有的家庭作业。 finish是及物动词,意为“完成”,后面常跟名词或动词的-ing形式作宾语。 finish doing sth. I finished reading the book yesterday. finish不及物动词,意为“结束;完成” The basketball game finished 15 minutes ago. 篮球比赛15分钟之前结束了。21. It was boring.它非常无聊。boring一般修饰物, 意为“令人厌倦的,乏味的” bored通常修饰人,意为“感到无聊的”。 The boy feels very

14、 bored.22. I was so excited that I could not sleep. 我很兴奋以至于睡不着觉。 sothat意为“如此以至于”, The little girl is so lovely that everyone loves her.23. hurry不及物动词,意为“赶紧,匆忙” He hurried to get to school after breakfast. hurry名词,意为“急忙,仓促” in a hurry She ran to school in a hurry.24. beautiful 漂亮悦人的,表示“美丽”的最普通用词,语气最强

15、,不用于男性pretty 美丽可爱的,多用于小孩、妇女和较细小的东西,语气较弱a pretty childgood-looking 相貌好看的,语气弱,可修饰男性或女性handsome 仪表堂堂,美俊的,主要用于男性a handsome boy25.enjoy “喜爱,享受的乐趣”,具有满足感love “热爱”,反义词hate,指引起深厚的强烈的感情,并有依附感like “喜欢”,反义词dislike,指不反感,但不引起强烈的感情和迫切的愿望26. wait for意为“等待,等候”The little boy is waiting for his mother now. Dont wait

16、here.27. useful形容词,意为“有用的,有益的,有帮助的”,常在句中作表语或定语。This is a useful book for English beginners.以-ful结尾的形容词的反义词多是相应的以-less结尾的形容词usefuluseless helpfulhelpless carefulcareless 重要句型1. Teach sb how to do sth 教某人如何做某事2. 主语+be动词+So+adj +that 主语+实义动词+So+ adv+that 如此。以至于The dish is so delicious that I want anoth

17、er bowl.Jimmy runs so fast that I cannot catch him.3. Finally,it was time to go home. it iswas time to do sth 是做某事的时间了跟踪练习:爱丽丝教我们如何制作蛋糕。Alice us cakes.我起床如此的迟以至于我上学迟到了.I get up I am late for school.汤姆,该吃早饭了.Tom,it is time 练习一:从方框中选择适当的单词完成下列句子, 如有必要, 需改变单词的形式。build only join fair surprised robot clu

18、b1. We went to a book yesterday and bought a lot of books.2. You are the only person that I can believe.3. Will be able to do things like human beings(人类) in the future?4. There are 25 in our school. We have very good after-school activities(活动).5. Which team would you like to ? The Tiger Team or th

19、e Lion Team?6. I was really when I heard that his father died.7. It will take those workers 10 months to that tall building.all around all the way launchinto learn aboutme too of course remote control solar powerme too of course remote control solar power1. If you want to Justin Bieber, you can use

20、BAIDU to look for some information.2. Can you put the down? Dont change from one channel(频道) to another.3. Susan walked from her home to school. She was tired.4. The car uses and it doesnt need batteries(电池).5. They the Shenzhou V spaceship space on 15 October 2003.6. The bus can take visitors the c

21、ity.7. A: I like dolphins very much. B: .8. A: Can you help me take the heavy box? B: I can.从方框中选择适当的单词完成下列句子, 如有必要, 需改变单词的形式。teach , another, drive, attend, amazing, disappear, rocket, photography 1. It is not easy to the machine. You have to read the instructions(说明书) first.2. It is said that the

22、Chinese made the first in history.3. Will you the meeting tomorrow?4. David is learning these days. He wants to take better photos.5. A: Who you English last term? B: Miss Li.6. There are many amazing stories in this book.7. The man in the street.8. I am not full. Can you give me piece of cake?二, 将下

23、列句子翻译成英文。1. 我上周在书城参加了一个书展。(Book City, attend, fair) 2. 只是一部令人惊奇的电影, 但是它讲述的却是一个简单的故事。(amazing, simple) 3. 他从桌上拿起一本书读了起来。(take.from) 4. 你想要加入太阳能社团吗?(join) 5. 王老师将教2我们如何做机器人。(teach, how to.)三,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. They felt (surprise) at the Clubs Fair.2. Its important for us (learn) English well.3. Would yo

24、u like (drink) some juice, Alan?4. Last Sunday, I (fly) a kite with my brother in the countryside.5. I dont know how (answer) the question.6. The boy (take) my book and I didnt finish my homework.课后练习:一 单项选择1. If you dont know the new words, you may _ in a dictionary.A. look upB. look it upC. look u

25、p themD. look them up2. We enjoyed _ in the Centre Park last Saturday.A. weB. usC. ourselvesD. our 3. Look! There is a black cat _ the tree.A. inB. onC. atD. for 4. _ your parents at home last weekAIs BWas CAre DWere5. He _ the letter three hours agoA. finish writingB. finishes writingC. finished wr

26、itingD. finished to write6. The movie is very _, so I wouldnt like to see it.A. interestingB. interestedC. boringD. bored7. Tom! Its time _ lunch!A. haveB. havingC. to have D. had8. Could we see each other at 9 oclock tomorrow morning?- Sorry, lets make it _ time.A. the otherB. othersC. otherD. anot

27、her9. Who was on duty last FridayA I am B I was C Yes, I was D No, I wasnt10. I cleaned my classroom _.A. with three hours B. three hours ago C. in three hours D. three hours before二 阅读理解AOne day Tony was crossing the road when he was hit by a car. He fell and broke his arm. An ambulance(救护车) soon a

28、rrived and took Tony to a hospital. There a doctor operated on his arm. Then he put the arm in a cast(石膏).Tony couldnt move it at all. You must keep your arm in a cast for six weeks, the doctor said: Youll be all right then. At the end of six weeks, Tony went back to the hospital. The doctor took hi

29、s arm out of the cast. Can you move your arm, Tony?” he asked. Tony tried to move his arm. At first it was difficult, but soon he could move it easily. Yes, its fine, he said. Thank you very much. In a few days it will be as good as new, the doctor said. Just exercises it a little. Will I be able to

30、 play the guitar(吉他)?Tony asked. The doctor smiled. Of course you will, he said. Youll have no problems.That is good news, Tony said. ”Because I couldnt play it at all before. 1. How did Tony break his arm? . A. A guitar fell on it. B. A doctor broke it. C. He was hit by a car. 2. How long did Tony

31、have to keep his arm in a cast? .A. Several days. B. Less than a month. C. About a month and a half. 3. As soon as the doctor took off the cast . A. Tony could move his arm easilyB. Tony could move his arm with some troubleC. Tony was no longer able to move his arm 4. What did the doctor tell Tony t

32、o do after the cast was taken off? . A. Exercise his arm. B. Take some medicine C. Come back to the hospital again. 5. At last Tony became very happy because . A. he thought he would be able to play the guitar.B. the doctor had given him a guitarC. the doctor had told him that he could help him 三 根据

33、对话内容,从方框中的六个选项中选出五个合适的选项补全对话。 A. good B. times C. want D. go E. like F. favouriteJason: Where are you going?Sam: I am going to the gym. I often go there.Jason: Do you 16 sports?Sam: Of course.Jason: Whats your 17 sport?Sam: Badminton.Jason: Do you play badminton every day?Sam: No. about three 18 a w

34、eek. Do you like sports?Jason: No, I dont. I like music.Sam: Can you play the piano?Jason: Yes, but a little. I am 19 at playing the guitar.Sam: It is cool. I 20 to learn it.Jason: Let me help you with it.Sam: Thank you!Jason: Youre welcome.四 根据汉语提示完成句子。21. 上个月,他们参加了学校俱乐部展览会。Last month, they _ the Clubs Fair. 22.“所有的俱乐部我都想参加,”琳达说。“I want _ _ all the clubs,” said Linda. 23. 首先,琳达和利奥了解了火箭俱乐部。First, Linda and Leo _ _ the Rocket Club.


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