新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 2 Days and MonthsLesson 8 First, Second, Third》课件_10.ppt

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《新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 2 Days and MonthsLesson 8 First, Second, Third》课件_10.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 2 Days and MonthsLesson 8 First, Second, Third》课件_10.ppt(27页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 8 First Second Third,冀教版四年级下册,Li Ming is the first.,The girl is the second.,The boy in red shorts is the third.,This is a race.,Lets review! In the last lesson,we learned 12 months of the year.Do you remember what they are? Do you know what month is the first month?,Lets say the months of the

2、 year.,January is the first month.,first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,1 January is the first month of the year. 2 February is the second month of the year. 3 March is the third month of the year. 4 April is the fourth month of the year. 5 May is the fif

3、th month of the year. 6 June is the sixth month of the year. 7 July is the seventh month of the year. 8 August is the eighth month of the year. 9 September is the ninth month of the year. 10 October is the tenth month of the year. 11 November is the eleventh month of the year. 12 December is the twe

4、lfth month of the year.,Lets play a game. Find your friend. Lets divide into two large groups.There are twelve students in each group.Some take month cards,others take ordinal cards.Find your friend.Then come to the front and read the word.The students read the sentences loudly.At last,put the card

5、on the blackboard.,基数词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve,序数词,first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,知识点拨 基变序,有规律,词尾加上th; 一二三,特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d(first,second,third); 八去t(eighth), 九去e (ninth),f来把ve替(five-fifth,twelve-twelfth); 单词ty作结尾,

6、ty变成tie(twenty-twentieth), 然后加上th; 若是碰到几十几,只变个位就可以(twenty-one-twenty-first).,Say the ordinal words(口头说出下面序数词),第十三,第十五,第十九,第二十,第二十三,第三十,第二十四,第三十一,练习,写出下列单词的序数词 two_ five_ eight _ nine_ three_ twelve_ twenty_ twenty-one_,second,ninth,fifth,third,twenty-first,twentieth,twelfth,eighth,January February M

7、arch April May June,first fourth sixth second third,fifth,连线,July August September October November December,eighth ninth tenth seventh twelfth eleventh,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thurs day,Friday,Saturday,first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,连线,1.回家询问自己的家人他们的生日分别是在几月,是一年中的第几个月。 2.Tell your parents about the twelve months and the days of the week.,Homework,ets sing a song The twelve months,


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