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1、上一讲我给大家讲解了两个问题 1.如何学习单词 2.如何做改错题 解决方法是:联想化学单词 提纲式做改错,如何学习短语,主讲人:王大力 16中学,英语中短语数目繁多,如何学习短语是老师和学生应该考虑的问题。如果我们单一地记忆短语会使知识零碎,学习思路混乱,运用不到位。,无规律学习短语的弊端,那么如何学习短语呢?,我认为把相同的短语归纳在一起,形成一个体系,想起一个就想起一串,遇到一个也联想起其它,这样学习就会起到举一反三的效果。,我把这种学习短语的办法叫作,“板块式学习短语”,我的教学经验证明学生用这种办法学习英语短语收到了良好的效果,譬如:be made板块,下面我给大家归纳五个板块,希望同

2、学们从中学会学习的方法,1. 阻止某人做某事,prevent sb.(from) doing sth.,stop sb. (from) doing sth.,keep sb. from doing sth.,keep sb. doing sth.的意思是使某人一直做某事,e.g.Please put them into English.,1.我们必须采取措施阻止工厂污染空气。 2.我们必须采取措施阻止空气受到污染。,1.We must do something to prevent the factory( from) polluting the air. 2.We must do somet

3、hing to prevent the air (from) being polluted.,2.认为某人是-,regard sb.as-,think sb. to be-,think of sb. as-,think that sb.be -,have sb.as-,look on/upon sb.as-,recognize sb. as-,consider sb. as-,consider sb. (to be)-,consider that sb.+be-,treat sb. as-,example,Dont look down upon him and we should regard

4、 him as our friend because he is one of us .,不要瞧不起他,我们应该把他当作我们的朋友,因为他是我们中的一个。,3.下决心做某事,decide to do -,make a big decision to do-,make up ones mind to do-,determine to do-,determine oneself to do-,be determined to do-,have the determination to do-,If he _ it, he would _ .,A.had decided himself to do,

5、 have succeeded B.had determined himself to doing , succeed C.had made up his mind to doing , be successful D.had made a big decision to do , have succeeded,4.尽全力做某事,Try ones best to do -,do ones best to do -,do all (that) sb. can to do-,do everything (that) sb. can to do-,do what sb. can to do-,mak

6、e every effort to do-,go all out to do -,exercise,He said he would _ us.,A.do all what he could help B.do all he could help,C.do all that he could to help D.do all that he could help,C,5.use 板块,used to do -,be used to doing -,use - to do -,use-for-,use-as-,Can you translate this sentence into Englis

7、h ?,他过去住在城市里,但现在他已经习惯在农村生活了。,He used to live in the city but now he has been used to living in the country.,如何做阅读理解题,主讲人: 王大力,阅读理解题的考试目的,1.检测考生对词汇、语法和英语特有表达法、习惯用语等知识的掌握情况;,2.检测考生运用英语进行思维情况,是否能掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,是否能通过字面意思,进一步理解段与段、句与句之间的关系,并进行推理和判断;,全面地考查一个考生运用英语知识的综合能力,一句话,做阅读理解题的思路,2.把不认识的单词做上标记,一般来说,如果一

8、个生词对做题有影响,它会反复出现,考生就应该引起重视,否则可忽略,不要多加考虑;,1.先通读一遍文章,力求掌握大意,理解作者的想法;,3.要顺着作者的思路分析文中的意思,不要把自己的想法加在作者的思路上;,4.在理解文章时,最好利用草图、图表、年代线等方法来辅助你思考,这样既可以帮助你掌握文章大意,又可以抓住各个环节的要点。,下面以一篇文章为例来分析任何做阅读理解题,READING COMPREHENSION,Every human being, no matter what he is doing , gives off body heat . The usual problem is ho

9、w to deal with it . But the designers of the Johnstown campus(校园)of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the opposite problem-how to collect body heat . They have designed a collection,system which uses not only body heat,but the heat given off by such objects as light bulls(灯泡)and refrigerat

10、ors as well . The system works so well that no commonly used fuel is needed to make the campuss six buildings comfortable. Some parts of most modern buildings , theaters and offices as,well as classrooms are more than amply(充分地)heated by people and lights sometimes must be air-conditioned even in wi

11、nter . The technique of saving heat and redistributing(再分配)it is called heat recovery(恢复) . A few modern buildings recover heat , but the University s system is the first to recover heat from some buildings and reuse it in others.,Along the way,Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its heat pr

12、oducers. The harder a student studies, the more heat his body gives off. Male students send out more heat than female students, and the larger the student is the more heat he produces .It can be concluded that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be hard-working , over-weight male gen

13、ius.,1 . Which of the following is true of the heating system of the Johnstown campus ? A . The heat is supplied by human bodies. B . The heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat- giving objects. C . The heat is supplied by both human bodies and commonly used. D . The heat is supplied by

14、 human bodies , other heat-giving objects and commonly used fuel .,2 . The technique of heat recovery is used to_ . A . find out the source of heat B . produce a special form of air conditioning C . provide the heat for the hot water system D . collect and reuse heat,3 . Which of the following perso

15、ns would produce the least amount of heat ? A . A fat female who studies hard. B . A thin female who does not study hard. C . A fat male who does not study hard. D . A thin male who studies hard.,4 . In the last sentence , the hottest prospect refers to _ . A . the person who produces most heat B .

16、the person who suffers most from heat C . the person who takes in most heat D . the person who stands most heat,5 . A good title for this passage would be _ . A . Modern building s Heat System B . A New Heat Recovery System in Pitt C . A New Technique in Heating System D . Recovery of Body s Heat,思考

17、流程图,THINKING,HE IS TALKING,人不管干什么都在散发热量,一台机器 吸收能量,机器,heat,教学楼,剧院,办公室,冬天采暖,机器,Save Heat,Heat recovery,redistribute,Collect and reuse heat,?,WHO GIVES OFF THE LEAST AMOUNT OF HEAT,THE THIN FEMALE STUDENT,健康用功男孩 散发热量最多,o t t e s t Prospect ?,GIVE OFF THE MOST HEAT,PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHOICES,如果你有了这样的思路你既可

18、以掌握各个部分的要点也能了解全文的大意,1 . Which of the following is true of the heating system of the Johnstown campus ? A . The heat is supplied by human bodies. B . The heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat- giving objects. C . The heat is supplied by both human bodies and commonly used. D . The heat

19、 is supplied by human bodies , other heat-giving objects and commonly used fuel .,From the first passage, we can know,B . The heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat- giving objects.,2 . The technique of heat recovery is used to_ . A . find out the source of heat B . produce a special f

20、orm of air conditioning C . provide the heat for the hot water system D . collect and reuse heat,D . collect and reuse heat,From the last sentence in the second passage, we can know,3 . Which of the following persons would produce the least amount of heat ? A . A fat female who studies hard. B . A t

21、hin female who does not study hard. C . A fat male who does not study hard. D . A thin male who studies hard.,From the last passage, we can know,B . A thin female who does not study hard.,4 . In the last sentence , the hottest prospect refers to _ . A . the person who produces most heat B . the pers

22、on who suffers most from heat C . the person who takes in most heat D . the person who stands most heat,From the meaning in the article , it means a person who is healthy , living , hard-working and male .,A . the person who produces most heat,5 . A good title for this passage would be _ . A . Modern building s Heat System B . A New Heat Recovery System in Pitt C . A New Technique in Heating System D . Recovery of Body s Heat,考察学生概括总结中心内容能力,B . A New Heat Recovery System in Pitt,通过本段短文的分析希望同学们能掌握阅读题的思路并从中有所收获,THANKS VERY MUCH,


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